

Study on Special Legislation of Property Expropriation

【作者】 杨铁生

【导师】 汪振江;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 经济法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 财产征收是国家基于公共利益的需要,在事先给予公正补偿的前提下,依据法律规定的条件和程序,强制性地取得权利人财产权的行为。其核心是对权利人财产权的直接剥夺,因此征收机关需要对此持谨慎态度,财产征收权的运行也更需要法律予以规制。由于我国现行财产征收制度相关立法存在诸多缺陷,导致征收实践中侵害权利人财产权的违法行为层出不穷,因而为了规范财产征收行为,保障权利人的财产权益,必须加强财产征收法制建设。论文从对财产征收进行专门立法的角度,分析了财产征收的理论演进、涵义、特征、正当性依据及其与相关概念的区别等基本理论问题,从而对财产征收有一个系统的认识;探讨了我国现行财产征收制度的立法缺陷,指明了今后立法关注的重点;深入比较了域外财产征收制度立法例关于公共利益、征收程序、征收补偿、征收救济的规定,得出比较结论及对我国立法的借鉴意义;指明了我国财产征收专门立法需要采用集中式立法模式,并贯彻比例、权力制约的立法原则;最后文章结合我国的实际情况,并在借鉴域外相对成熟的立法经验的基础上,重点构建了我国财产征收专门立法的具体内容,包括征收主客体条款、公共利益条款、征收程序条款、征收补偿条款、征收救济条款以及法律责任条款,这一部分既是论文的研究重点,也是论文的创新点。论文通过对财产征收专门立法相关内容的系统研究,以期为我国财产征收法律制度的完善提供理论借鉴,为我国今后的财产征收专门立法提供参考内容。

【Abstract】 Property expropriation is an act which can deprive the property rights of obligee on the basis of the purpose of public interests and offer the fair compensation beforehand according to the condition and process of laws. its core is that the property rights of obligee is directly deprived, therefore expropriation office need to keep cautious attitude, the run that power of property expropriation need to legal regulation. Because there are many deficiencies in the current legislation of property expropriation system in our country, the deficiencies cause lots of illegal activity that violates the property rights of obligee, so in order to standardize the behavior of expropriation and protect the property rights of obligee, we must to strengthen the legal system of property expropriation.From the angle of special legislation of property expropriation, the paper analyzes the basic theoretical issues of property expropriation, for example the theory tracing, the implication, the characteristic, the legitimacy as well as the difference between property expropriation and the related concepts, thus have a systemic understanding to the property expropriation; the paper discusses the deficiencies in our current legislation of property expropriation system, and points out the attention of key point in future legislation; the paper compares the public interest, expropriation process, expropriation compensation, expropriation relief stipulation in the extraterritorial legislation of property expropriation system thoroughly, and draws the comparison conclusion as well as the significance of reference to our legislation; the paper indicates that special legislation of property expropriation require to use the mode of central legislation and carry out the principle of proportion along with the power authority restriction in our country; finally, on the foundation of unifying our country’s actual situation, and referring the mature experience of extraterritorial legislation, the article constructs the particular content of special legislation of property expropriation, including the provision of expropriation body, expropriation object, public interest, expropriation process ,expropriation compensation, expropriation relief stipulation as well as the legal liability provision, this part is not only the research key, but also the innovational spot of the paper.Through researching the correlative content of special legislation of property expropriation systemically, the paper in order to provide the referenced theory for the perfect of property expropriation legal system and provide the referenced content for the future special legislation of property expropriation in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期