

Evaluation of Resistance to Disease Caused by Alternaria Alternata or Ascochyta Onobrychidis among Sainfoin Varieties

【作者】 冷小云

【导师】 南志标;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 植物病理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 红豆草(Onobrychis viciaefolia)是国内外广为栽培的优良豆科牧草,在发展畜牧业生产和改善环境等方面发挥着日益重要的作用。病害是红豆草生产和利用的主要限制因素之一。选育和利用抗病品种是防治病害的最有效措施。然而,关于红豆草品种抗病性评价的研究国内外似乎开展不多。本研究在实验室和盆栽条件下,对7个红豆草品种分别接种了细交链孢(Alternataria alternata)或红豆草壳二孢(Ascochyta onobrychidis),通过测定生物量和生理指标,综合评定了其抗病性,所获结果如下:1、生物量红豆草各品种在接种病原真菌后生物量均有不同程度下降。接种细交链孢和红豆草壳二孢后各品种生物量的损失率分别为3.92%—76.67%和8.97%—76.78%。均是埃斯基生物量损失最小,分别仅为3.92%和8.97%;甘肃红豆草生物量损失最大,分别达76.67%和76.78%。2、光合速率:各品种红豆草在在接种细交链孢或红豆草壳二孢后,光合速率下降的范围分别是34.23%—69.77%和14.8%5到47.89%,其中埃斯基下降的幅度最小,分别仅为34.23%和14.85%,显著低于其他品种。接种细交链孢后,品种麦罗斯下降的最多,为69.77%,显著高于其他各品种。接种红豆草壳二孢后,下降幅度最大的是甘肃,下降了47.89%,显著高于其他各品种。3、蛋白质:各品种红豆草在接种细交链孢或红豆草壳二孢后,蛋白质含量均不同程度的下降。接种第8天时,各品种蛋白质含量分别仅为对照的50.37%-82.06%和57.42%-77.28%,仍是埃斯基的蛋白质含量降得最少,在整个实验过程中埃斯基品种的蛋白质含量始终显著高于其他各品种。4、叶绿素:红豆草各品种在接种细交链孢或红豆草壳二孢后,其叶绿素含量均逐日减少。接种第8天时,叶绿素含量分别仅为对照的44.70%—72.10%和39.25%—71.72%。埃斯基在整个实验过程中叶绿素含量都显著高于其他各品种。品种顿河和蒙农分别下降最多,接种第8天的叶绿素含量仅为对照的44.70%和39.25%,显著低于其他品种。5、其他生理指标:各品种红豆草在接种细交链孢或红豆草壳二孢后,其可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量均显著下降,其中埃斯基的可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量显著高于其他品种,分别相当于对照的80.47%和85.92%,99.36%94.71%。丙二醛(MDA)含量呈现马鞍形变化,最大值都出现在接种后的第1天,而最小值则出现在接种后的第4天。各品种间MDA含量除埃斯基显著低于其他各品种,其余品种间无显著差异。过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性均出现了先升后降的变化。最大值出现在接种后的第2天;第8天时,POD活性分别为对照的75.46%-95.51%和79.87%-96.56%,CAT的活性分别为93.07%-102.43%和85.24%-101.11%,品种埃斯基的POD活性显著高于其他各参试品种。综合以上,可以认为,接种细交链孢或红豆草壳二孢后,参试各红豆草品种在生物量、光合速率、蛋白质含量和其他测定的一系列生理指标等方面,表现出显著差异,反映出其抗病性不同。品种埃斯基的各项指标均优于其他品种,似可初步认为埃斯基对黑斑病和轮纹病有较好的抗性。

【Abstract】 Sainfoin(Onobrychis viciaefolia),as an important forage legume plays an important role in grassland livestock production and environmental protection world wide.Disease is one of the main limiting factors of sainfoin production and utilization.Breeding and utilization of disease resistant varieties is the most efficient way to control disease of sainfoin. However,available information is scare on the evaluation of sainfoin disease resistance..In this study,seven sainfoin varieties were planted in pot and inoculated with Alternataria alternate or Ascochyta onobrychidis in greenhouse.The diseases resistances were assessed base on the biomass and physiological indexes,The main results were summarized as the follows:1.Biomass:The inoculation of the two fungi decreased the biomass of all tested sainfoin varieties.The decreasing range were 3.92%-76.67%to A.alternate and 8.97%-76.78% to A.onobrychidis,of which varieties of Eski and Gansu given the lowest and the highest biomass lose to the inoculation of the two fungi.2.Photosynthetic rate:The inoculation of the two fungi decreased the photosynthetic rate of sainfoins,the decreasing ranges of the photosynthetic efficiency by A.alternate and A.onobrychidis were between 34.23%-69.77%and 14.8%-47.89%,respectively.Eski had the lowest photosynthetic efficiency decreasing by the two fungi.The inoculation of A. alternate decreased the Melrose photosynthetic efficiency by 69.77%,while the inoculation of A.onobrychidis decreased Gansu photosynthetic efficiency by 47.89%.3.Protein:Protein content of all sainfoin varieties were decreased by inoculation of the two fungi.Protein content of plants inoculated with A.alternate and A.onobrychidis were only 50.37%-82.06%and 57.42%-77.28%to control at the eighth day after inoculating. Eski always has the highest protein content among the 7 varieties during the experiment.4.Chlorophyll:Chlorophyll content reduced day by day after inoculated with A. alternate and A.onobrychidis.Chlorophyll content was only as much as 44.70%-72.10% compared with control at the eighth day after inoculation,of which Don and Mongolian had the lowest chlorophyll content.Eski had the highest chlorophyll content in all varieties during the experiment, 5.Other physiological indexes:Soluble sugar and proline concent in the 7 sainfoin were also decreased by the inoculation of A.alternate or A.onobrychidis.Eski had higher soluble sugar and proline content than other varieties,the content were 80.47%and 85.92%,respectively,when inoculated with A.alternate,and 99.36%and 94.71%, respectively when inoculated with A.onobrychidis,Malondialdehyde(MDA) concentration of the 7 varieties changes everyday after inoculated with the fungi,the maximum and the minimum values appeared on the first and forth day,respectively,after inoculation..There were no significant difference of MDA concent of the 7 varieties expect Eski had significantly lower MDA content.POD and CAT activities of sainfoin increased at the beginning and then declined later, the maximum value appeared on the second day after inoculation Compared with control, POD and CAT activities of the 7 varieties were 75.46%-95.51%and 79.87%-96.56%, respectively,when inoculated with A.alternate,at the eighth day and 93.07%-102.43% and 85.24%-101.11%,respectively,when inoculated with A.onobrychidis at the eighth day.Based on the results mentioned above,we concluded that:the inoculation of A. alternate and A.onobrychidis decreased,in various extent,the biomass,photosynthetic efficiency,protein content and other physiology indexes of all varieties tested in the experiments,and the varieties had different resistant to these two fungi.Eski had better performance than other varieties in all parameters examined,it has higher resistant to the two fungi.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】S435.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】116