

The Research and Manufacture of Nanosecond All-fiber Magneto-optic Switch

【作者】 林少汉

【导师】 翁梓华;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着光网络的不断发展,人们对光开关的切换速度及可靠性方面的要求越来越高。磁光开关具有快的反应速度、低的插入损耗和固有的非互易性等特点,将在全光网络中起重要的作用。在福建省科技计划资助项目的支持下,本文提出并研制出一种新型的磁光开关,实验结果表明该磁光开关具有纳秒级的开关速度。根据全光纤磁光开关的组成部分以及相关功能,本文的研究内容主要包括以下几个方面。(1)光路的设计及搭建光路是全光纤磁光开关的核心部分,它决定了光开关的总体性能、成本和结构。磁光开关的光路设计主要根据磁光材料的法拉第效应和线偏振光的性质。全光纤磁光开关的光路主要包括了偏振分束器、偏振合束器、磁光晶体材料和半波片等部分。在本实验室的国家授权发明专利“全光纤磁光开关”的基础上,设计了磁光开关的光路,并用琼斯矩阵证明其可行性。(2)电路设计与制作通过控制电路产生脉冲电流来驱动磁路产生磁场,放在磁路中的磁光材料GSF(或GMF)被磁化而使通过磁光材料的线偏振光发生偏转。电路和磁路设计是磁光开关开关时间大小的关键之一。本文设计了三种电路方案,其中一种是利用AT89S52单片机控制MC33886来产生电流脉冲。另外两种方案是利用DE150和雪崩三极管FMMT415来产生上升沿在纳秒量级的脉冲,用来驱动自保磁材料制作的磁光开关。对三种电路分别进行了仿真、制作和优化。(3)磁路设计与制作磁路部分是用来直接驱动法拉第旋转器的部件,它的结构直接影响到磁光开关的开关时间。设计三种磁路方案,并进行了可行性分析和性能对比实验,最后选用的是螺线管结构。螺线管的尺寸决定了磁光开关的整体结构。分析和设计了螺线管的结构,并对螺线管的磁场和电感大小进行了计算和测试。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of optical network,the demand of high-speed and reliability of optical switch is increased.Magneto-optic switch is expected to play an important role in all-optical network due to its high switching speed,operating at low voltages,featured as low insertion loss and intrinsic non-reciprocity.A new Magneto-optic switch is proposed and manufactured by the supporting of Science and Technology Project of Fujian Province.The experiment results show that the magneto-optic switch have the characteristic of high-speed.According to the component and reference function of all-fiber magneto-optic switch,this paper includes the following aspects.(1) Design and manufacture of light mutesThe light routes are the core of the magneto-optic switch,it decides the overall performance,cost and structure of magneto-optic switch.The design of light routes is mainly basing on Faraday effect of magneto-optic material and the character of linear polarized light.All-fiber magneto-optic switch comprise Polarization Beam Splitter, Polarization Beam Combiner,and magneto-optic material and so on.The design of light routes is basing on the national patent "All-fiber magneto-optic switch" which belongs to our laboratory.(2) Design and manufacture of circuitBy controlling the current plus to drive magnetic circuit,the magneto-optic material GSF(or GMF) is magnetized,then the linear polarized light passing through it will be rotated.The circuit and magnetic circuit is the key to the switching time.In this paper,three kinds of drive circuit are designed.MC33886 controlled by AT89S52 is used to generate bidirectional current plus.The other two kinds of circuit are similar. DE150 and FMMT415 are used to produce plus whose rising time stay on nanosecond. All three kinds of circuit are analyzed and optimized.(3) Design and manufacture of magnetic circuit Magnetic circuit is used to drive Faraday rotator directly,its structure is crucial to the switching time of magneto-optic.Three kinds of magnetic circuit are designed and analyzed.After taking various situations into account,the solenoid type is chose. The dimension of solenoid decides the whole structure of magneto-optic switch.The structure of solenoid is analyzed and designed,and the magnetic field and inductance are also calculated and tested.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期