

Research on Incentive Model of Counselor Staff in Higher Education Institution

【作者】 冯翠平

【导师】 何修猛;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国高等教育由“精英教育”进入“大众化教育”阶段,高校辅导员正经历着角色转型,但由于相关制度和配套措施落后,辅导员队伍工作投入和所得严重不对等,大大挫伤了高校辅导员队伍的工作积极性,出现辅导员队伍不稳定,消极应付工作的现象。探讨如何加强和改进高校辅导员队伍建设有效的激励模式,从而稳住这支队伍,调动其工作积极性,成为当前相关政府部门和各高校面临的新问题。本文针对当前辅导员队伍激励管理中存在的问题,在“以人为本”理念指导下,试图建构一套有效的辅导员队伍激励模式。论文共分为四个部分:第一部分,根据我国高校辅导员制度历史发展的五个阶段,分析了不同时代背景下政府、高教主管部门、学校对辅导员队伍激励管理的不同表现。第二部分,总结了我国高校辅导员队伍激励已取得的成就,并从激励内容、激励导向、激励标准、激励方式四个方面深入分析了辅导员激励管理中存在的问题。第三部分,针对当前辅导员队伍激励存在的不足,分析了高校辅导员队伍激励失效的六个方面的原因:社会对辅导员职业的认可度不高、中国传统文化忽视激励管理、管理者缺乏激励管理的意识、学校管理有欠缺、缺乏科学的管理制度设计以及辅导员自我职业认同感差。第四部分,针对上文中存在的问题与不足,对有效的高校辅导员队伍激励模式作了进一步的思考。在“以人为本”的理念指导下,建立系统的辅导员队伍激励机制,包括:政府宏观政策的激励、学校内部系统的激励机制和辅导员队伍的自我激励等三个层次。最后,笔者针对辅导员队伍激励的现状,提出相应的实现路径。

【Abstract】 With China’s higher education altering from "elite education" to "popular education", Counselor Staff in Higher Education Institution are experiencing a role transition. However, the relevant systems and measures are backward, and counselor’s work input and gains are not coordinated, which hurts university counselor staffs work enthusiasm greatly. Counselor staff is becoming unstable and they work negatively. To explore ways to strengthen and improve university counselor staff and construct an effective incentive model ,which can comfort this team, and arouse its work enthusiasm, has become a new problem that the government and universities faced. In this paper, in view of the problems that exist in the current management of counselor staff, I attempt to build an effective incentive model with the "people-oriented" principle. The paper altogether divides into four parts:The first part, according to the five stages of the development of our country’s university counselor staff system, I analyze how our government’s and the higher education department’s to prompt counselors’ work enthusiasm under different time background.The second part, I summarize the achievement of the drive pattern, and analyze the problems existing in the pattern from four aspects: the content, the direction, the standard and the way.The third part, according to the problems we face, I analyze the causes for the failure in. The society doesn’t value the job of university counselor; China’s traditional culture neglects drive management; the superintendent lacks consciousness of the drive management; schools lack proper control system; self-professional sympathy of university counselor is poor.The fourth part, I come up with further ponder of the effective drive pattern. I attempt to build an effective incentive model with the "people-oriented" principle. This includes the incentive measures from government macroscopic policy, school internal system and counselor staffs’ self-encouragement. At last, I propose some practical ways.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】628