

A Study on Teacher Talk in the Excellent Reading Lessons of EFL Classroom at High School

【作者】 魏华亭

【导师】 吕良环;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 教师话语(Teacher Talk)指教师在第二语言(或外语)课堂上组织教学和传授知识所使用的语言。在外语课堂教学中,教师话语不仅是教师向学生传授知识的媒介,又是学习的目的,同时也是师生间情感交流的载体,其质量直接关系到教学效果及学生目的语(target language)的输出。Hakansson(1986)也指出,教师话语的数量和质量会影响甚至决定课堂教学的成败。因此,如何通过教师话语的合理使用来有效提高英语教学,目前外语课堂中的教师话语日益受到关注,对其研究也日益增多。在研究方法上,本文主要通过影视录像分析法,对上海市2006年市教委组织的英语教研活动评比的英语优质课进行分析,主要采用质的研究和个案研究的描述性分析。通过对六节优质高中英语阅读课教学视频进行转录的课堂实录的分析,本文从理论上和实践上对优质高中英语阅读课课教师话语的特征和教师在话语上采取的修饰调整策略进行了研究和论述。其目的在于考察中国高中英语课堂中教师话语具有何种特征,以及高中英语教师在语言上采取何种调整方式促进学生的理解和语言运用能力的提高。同时,也旨在使外语教师增强对教师话语使用的敏感性,从而有效提高英语教学效果。本文侧重于研究英语课堂互动过程中的教师话语,因此在研究教师话语特征时,重点考察了教师话语量、教师提问类型、教师讲解及教师反馈方式等方面特征;研究教师的话语修饰策略时,重点考察了教师在讲解、提问和提供反馈时的交互调整策略。研究结果如下:1.教师话语量稍微大于学生话语量,分别占62%与38%;课堂互动中学生话语量较多,他们有较多的使用英语交流的机会。课堂交互主要是以教师为主导、学生为主体的交互形式为主。2.教师在课堂上使用的参考型问题多于展示型问题,这表明在优质课英语课堂中,教师努力为学生创造更多的机会来锻炼他们的语言能力。3.至于教师的反馈方式,研究表明教师的反馈形式多样,对学生的回答进行点评,或继续追问学生的回答,这些增加了学生使用英语表达的机会。常用的反馈方式是简单赞扬和表扬加点评。4.教师在讲解时常用的调节策略是简化、阐述、举例;在提问中常使用重复、阐释、诱导和提示;在积极反馈中,教师常使用表扬、赞同、鼓励及重复等策略,很少采用消极反馈方式;另外,教师为解决与学习者进行交流的交际困难而使用的三种交互调整方式中,澄清请求使用频率最高,其次是确认核实,很少使用理解核实。这也表明了教师以学生为中心的教学模式。通过分析这些优质教学录像,本研究可以得出有效提高英语教学水平的启示:教师在英语课堂中尽量减少“教师话语”的时间,多为学生提供语言锻炼的机会;教师应多使用一些调节技巧来改变自己的讲解、提问和反馈方式,例如多问参考型问题并增加积极的反馈,多使用澄清请求以促进师生间更多的双向交际等。总之,英语教师应增强教师话语的敏感性,学会利用教师话语的各种技巧,引导学生参与课堂交际,提高课堂教学效果。

【Abstract】 Teacher talk refers to the language in which teachers organize class and impart knowledge in the second language or foreign language research. Teacher talk is not only the media through which teachers impart knowledge to students, but also the aim of students’ learning target language. As Nunan (1991) contends "teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only for the organization of the classroom but also for the processes of L2 acquisition. It is important for the organization and management of the classroom because it is through speech that teachers either succeed or fail to implement their teaching plans. In terms of acquisition, teacher talk is important because it is probably the major source of comprehensible target language input the learner is likely to receive"(Nunan,1991:18 9). Hakansson( 1986) also points out that the amount and quality of teacher talk has a great effect on and is even a decisive factor of the success or failure of classroom teaching." Therefore, how to improve English teaching effectively by reasonable use of teacher talk is concerned in the EFL classroom at present.As far as the research method is concerned, the author mainly analyzes high quality English classes—Shanghai Education Committee organized English teaching research competition in 2006. It belongs to descriptive analysis with qualitative research and case study. The author firstly changes the videos of six excellent English classes to the text. It mainly stated about the features of teacher talk in the high quality English classes and elaborative teacher talk strategies. Its aim is to inspect what features of teacher talk there are in EFL class at high school. Additionally, the author wants English teachers to realize the importance and complexity of teacher talk in classroom teaching, strengthen sensitivity about teacher talk, then improve their own English teaching efficiency.This paper stresses teacher talk during the interactive process of English class. As a result, when it comes to the features of teacher talk, it connects interactive features of teacher talk and emphasizes the features such as quantity of teacher talk, asking questions by teachers, teacher questioning and teacher feedback. When the author studies about elaborative teacher talk strategies, it mainly discusses interactive adjustment strategies when teachers impart knowledge, ask questions and give feedback. Here are the research results:1. The quantity of teacher talk is slightly more than student talk’s. They respectively account for 65% and 35%. In the classroom interaction, obviously students have more chances to communicate in English.2. Teachers use more referential questions than display questions in the class. This indicates that teachers try to create more chances for students to improve their language skills, though students don’t get answers to all the referential questions.3. As for teacher feedback, the research indicated that there are many kinds of teacher feedback. Teachers make comments on students’ reply, and continue to respond to students’ reply. These increase opportunities for students to express their ideas in English.4. Teachers use common adjustment strategies such as simplification, elaboration and illustration when they impart knowledge. They often use repetition, elaboration, simplification and prompt when they raise questions. Teachers often use positive feedback such as praise, acknowledgment, encouragement and repetition, and they hardly select negative feedback. In addition, in order to solve the problems that teachers meet when they communicate with learners, teachers use three interactive adjustment methods. Among the three interactive adjustment, clarification request is of high frequency, and the second one is confirmative check. Teachers seldom use comprehensive check. It indicates student-centered teaching pattern.Through the analysis to the video of high quality English classes, the study shows that teachers try to spend less time on teacher talk in the class and provide more opportunities for students. Teachers should use more adjustment techniques to change their methods of explaining, asking questions and giving feedback. In short, English teachers should strengthen sensitivity of teacher talk, and learn to use various techniques of teacher talk, lead students to involve in classroom activity to improve learning efficiency, and thus promote the quality and quantity of students’ target language.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1482