

"City Boss" Politics Reconsidered-A Case Study of Tammany Hall(1860-1910)

【作者】 王珊珊

【导师】 王春来;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “城市老板”政治作为19世纪中后期到20世纪上半期美国城市政治中一种特殊的现象,其产生有着特定的社会历史根源和复杂的现实缘由。城市的飞速无计划扩展、城市政府行政权力的无为、政党分肥制的盛行、移民和农民大量涌入城市、公民对政治的漠视等等都造成了城市社会的分裂和城市权力的“真空”,给职业政客掌握城市政权提供了机遇。“坦慕尼厅”(Tammany Hall)作为美国老板政治的典型,以其幕后交易、贪污腐败、选举舞弊等对城市发展的负面影响为人所诟病,进步派人士和社会改革者将其作为阻挠市政改革和城市民主政治发展的主要敌人,然而坦慕尼厅却能够在这些反对者的呼声中不断取得选举胜利,掌握纽约市政大权70余年(1860-1930年代)。本文从纽约坦慕尼厅老板-政治机器体制和爱尔兰移民对坦慕尼厅政治影响两个角度来探寻坦慕尼厅在纽约取得成功的原因,同时也试图以此为出发点对整个“城市老板”政治作重新评价。全文共分三大部分,即导言、正文和结语。导言部分首先简要介绍美国“城市老板”出现的直接原因以及坦慕尼厅在纽约的概况。然后回顾和综述本课题既有的国内外研究成果,总结其研究的价值和不足。正文部分共三章:第一章首先从美国城市问题的产生入手探讨“城市老板”政治的形成原因,其次介绍老板政治的典型——“坦慕尼厅”是如何由一个慈善组织成长为纽约的政治机器,从而初步形成坦慕尼厅的“老板-机器体制”。第二章具体研究坦慕尼厅老板-机器体制的运作,包括其体制的构成、老板在其中扮演的重要角色、体制的有效运作,由此可以看出坦慕尼厅与社区选民之间的亲密关系是决定其在选举中获胜的重要原因。第三章从爱尔兰移民对坦慕尼厅的影响来剖析坦慕尼厅的政治乎段和体制运作方式。爱尔兰移民的政治传统对坦慕尼厅政治运作方式有着重要的影响,第一代爱尔兰移民和19世纪70年代之后爱尔兰移民后裔对坦慕尼厅的不同影响反映了坦慕尼厅为生存而不断自我革新。结语部分从总体上重新评判以坦慕尼厅为代表的老板政治,说明老板政治的出现是各种社会因素结合碰撞的结果。对爱尔兰移民政治上的功过是非也应该从多角度来分析,老板政治体制的运作从某种程度上讲也是行之有效的。

【Abstract】 "City boss" politics, which is deeply rooted in the specific social history and complex reality, is a special phenomenon in America city politics from the latter half of nineteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century. The rapid urban expansion without planning, the inaction of city government administration, the prevalence of the spoils system of political parties, the influx of immigrations and urban farmers, the indifference of citizens in politics etc, all of which have resulted in urban society split and power "invalidation", provided the chances for the professional politicians grasp the urban regime.As a typical boss politics in U.S.A, Tammany Hall was denounced for backdoor dealings, corruption, election fraud etc which affected the urban development negatively. The progressives and social reformers considered it as the main enemy of the municipal reform and development of urban democracy. However, Tammany Hall continuously won the city election in spite of these opponents’ voice, and then dominated the municipal power of New York for more than 70 years (1860s-1930s). This paper focused on the New York Tammany Hall boss-machine system and Irish immigrations’ impact on the Tammany Hall politics to find the reasons for the success of Tammany Hall in New York, meanwhile, this paper attempted to reappraise the entire "City boss" politics on the basis of the above research.The full text is divided into three parts, namely introduction, body and conclusion.In the introduction part, firstly, this paper reviewed the direct reasons of America "City boss" and the general situation of Tammany Hall in New York. Then, the paper reviewed and concluded the research results in the literature at home and abroad, summarized its research value and shortage.The body consists of three chapters:Chapter one started to explore the causes of "City boss" polities in the United States from the perspective of the emergence of American city problems. Then introduced Tammany Hall—the typical boss politics—how developed from a charitable organization to become the political machine in New York, and then gradually established the boss-machine system.Chapter two specifically researched the operation of Tammany Hall boss-machine system, including the system structure, the important role of the boss, the efficiency operation of the system, from which we can see the close relationship between Tammany Hall and community voters is a primary reason to its success in election.Chapter three focused on the impact of Irish immigrants on Tammany Hall to learn the political measures and system operation modes of Tammany Hall. Irish immigrant political traditions have an important impact on Tammany Hall political operation modes. The different influences between the first generation of Irish immigrants and the descendants after 1970s of Tammany Hall reflect its self-innovation ability for survival.Conclusion is the reappraisal of the boss politics represented by Tammany Hall and re-evaluation of this particular social phenomenon in general, illuminating that boss politics is the result of combination of various social factors. The impacts of Irish immigrants shall be analyzed from many aspects and the operation of boss politics system, to some extent, worked efficiently.

  • 【分类号】K712
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】194