

A Study of American Music Education in Primary and Secondary School

【作者】 郭玉洁

【导师】 彭正梅;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 音乐在世界文化中占有重要的地位,它是传统节日和庆典的重要组成部分。音乐是文化基石,通过音乐,我们了解和体验不同社会的风俗。全面细致地学习音乐,我们可以学到一种表达感情的强有力的语言。由于各种原因,中国古代音乐教育的传统到了近代几近消失,新的音乐教育体系又在很长一段时间内没有建立起来。面对我国正在进行的新一轮课程改革,如何结合我国国情和在教育实践中出现的问题,借鉴国外优秀的教育经验和传统为我所用,成了应该关注的主要问题。音乐课程作为整个课程体系的一部分,长期以来被排除在所谓的“主科”之外,得不到应有的地位。随着“休闲社会”的逐步到来,音乐享受成了人们生活的重要组成部分,音乐教育改革也就成了教育改革的重要内容。美国学校音乐教育在发展过程中所留下的一些宝贵经验,值得我们学习。本文旨在系统梳理美国音乐教育的发展历程,对美国音乐教育标准及保证标准实施的各种措施进行介绍,针对我国音乐教育的实践得出相关启示。本文共分四章:第一章系统梳理美国学校音乐教育的发展历程,对各个时期影响美国学校音乐教育的重要事件和会议进行介绍,以期对美国音乐教育发展的历史脉络有大致了解。第二章主要介绍近代美国中小学音乐教育,尤其是对保证音乐教育质量的《标准》和对影响音乐教育未来走向的《豪斯赖特宣言》做了详细介绍。这一部分是文章的重点。第三章主要介绍了美国音乐教育实践,并挑选了相关案例作具体描述。最后一章是启示部分,将中美两国音乐教育标准做了比较,同时得出美国音乐教育对我国音乐教育的启示。

【Abstract】 Music is an important part of the world culture, and of the traditional festivals and celebrations. Music is the cornerstone of culture through which we experience and share different customs. A thorough study of music could make us easier to express our feelings.For a variety of reasons, the ancient Chinese tradition of music education has been vanished in modern times. However, a new music education system hasn’t been established for a long time. Today, China has conducted a new round of educational reform, in which music education also take an important part. Combining experiences of other countries in music education reform and Chinese education reality, we can encounter less frustration in education practice.This study aims to sort out the historic development of American music education in primary and secondary school, and to introduce various measures promising the implementation of national music standards in America.This study is composed of four parts. Chapter one sort out the historic development of American music education in primary and secondary school. In order to help understanding the skeleton of educational tradition in American music education, it also introduce some important events and conferences which has affected American music education. The focal part is chapter two. Chapter two mainly discuss modern music education in primary and secondary school, especially focus on the educational standards and Housewright Declaration. Chapter three mainly present the practice and cases in music education. The last part of this study discuss the enlightenment of American music education.

  • 【分类号】G633.951
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】747