

Research of Chen Yun’s Livelihood Thought

【作者】 陈晓美

【导师】 凌弓;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 陈云作为中国共产党第一代和第二代领导集体的重要成员,历经民族危亡,深知民众疾苦,无论是在紧张残酷的革命斗争年代,还是在艰难探索的社会主义建设时期,始终关注如何改善民生的问题,可谓一生历尽肝胆,心系民生,留下了大量宝贵的改善民生的思想,对我们今天探索和解决民生问题提供了宝贵的思想资源。今天研究陈云的民生思想,对于建设社会主义和谐社会有重要的启示和指导意义。本文运用历史唯物主义的分析方法,历史与逻辑相统一、理论与实际相结合,试图从分析陈云民生思想的形成条件入手,通过对其思想内容及其思想形成的方法论的论述,最后揭示陈云民生思想的理论价值和现实意义。本文分为四个部分。第一部分阐述陈云民生思想的形成条件。从客观上说,中国是一个有着民本传统、民生思想比较丰富和悠久的国家,为陈云民生思想形成提供了思想资源。从主观上讲,一方面,陈云自幼接受中国传统文化教育,深受历史上民生思想的影响;另一方面,陈云踏上社会后工作、革命和建设实践活动,成为了他了解民生、形成民生思想的重要因素。第二部分论述陈云民生思想的主要内容。陈云的民生思想内容极为丰富,涉及多方面。一是把民生问题放到政治高度来认识,提出民生问题就是政治问题。二是把实现人民利益作为目标,提出建设有利于人民的社会主义经济。三是提出通过多种途径致力于经济发展,来改善和提高人民生活。第三部分分析陈云民生思想的哲学基础。分析陈云的民生思想可以看出:坚持“以人为本”的唯物史观,是其重要的方法论;始终坚持一切从中国国情出发的“只唯实”的认识论,是其形成的思想基础;全面的、辩证的考虑各种相关因素,是其思想形成的基本方法。第四部分论述陈云民生思想理论价值和现实意义。就理论价值来说,陈云的民生思想既体现了中华文化的优秀传统,更是党的人民利益思想的继承和发展,充分体现了党的宗旨;就现实意义而言,陈云的民生思想对解决目前我国社会发展中出现的一些民生问题、对构建社会主义和谐社会、对实现共同富裕的社会主义价值目标都有着深远的指导意义和借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Chen Yun as an important member of the first-and second-generation collective leadership in the Chinese Communist Party, through national peril, knew the sufferings of people, whether it is cruel in a tense era of revolutionary struggle, or to explore the difficult period of socialist construction, has always been concerned about how to improve the people’ s everyday life, leaving a large number of valuable ideas to improve the livelihood of our people’s livelihood today to explore and solve the problem of thinking provides a valuable resource. Today, Chen’ s study of the livelihood of the people thinking of building a harmonious socialist society has an important inspiration and guidance.In this paper, it takes analysis of historical materialism, history and logic of unity, a combination of theory and practice of methods, trying to analyze the formation of the conditions of livelihood of Chen Yun , start thinking through the content of their thinking and ideas on the formation of the methodology, and finally revealed the theoretical value of people’s livelihood and practical significance.This article is divided into four parts. The first part described the formation of the ideological conditions of the people’s livelihood. Objectively speaking, China is a country with people of the tradition of thinking of the people’s livelihood and the long history of rich countries, the livelihood of the people thinking for Chen Yun ideological resources formation. From a subjective perspective, on the one hand, Chen Yun, a Chinese traditional culture at an early age by thinking of the history of the impact of people’s livelihood; On the other hand, Chen Yun set foot on the work of the society, the practice of revolution and construction, his understanding of people’ s livelihood, the formation of the livelihood of the people formed an important factor in thinking.The second part of the livelihood of the people on the main elements of thinking. Chen Yun thought the people’ s livelihood is extremely rich in various facets. First, the realization of the interests of the people as a target, the building of the socialist economy in favor of the people. Second, people’s livelihood on the height of political awareness, the people’s livelihood is a political issue. Third, through a variety of ways to make economic development efforts to improve and enhance people’ s lives.Analysis of the third part of the philosophical foundation of Chen Yun livelihood of the people thinking. Analysis of Chen Yun’s thinking of the people’s livelihood can be seen: the "people-oriented" of historical materialism, is an important methodology; always adhere to all of China’ s national conditions, "but it is only" a theory of knowledge, is the ideological basis for its formation; comprehensive dialectical consideration all relevant factors, is thought to form the basic method.The fourth part of the livelihood of the people on the ideological and theoretical value and practical significance. On the theoretical value for the livelihood of the people thinking of Chen embodies the fine traditions of Chinese culture, but also the interests of the people the party’ s ideological inheritance and development of fully reflect the purpose of the party; on the practical significance for the livelihood of the people thinking of Chen Yun on the solution to the current development of our society some people’ s livelihood, and building a harmonious socialist society, the realization of the value of the common goal of a socialist well-off have far-reaching significance and reference guide.

  • 【分类号】D092
  • 【被引频次】6
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