

The Innocence of Females in the Hieroglyphic World

【作者】 沈爱明

【导师】 金衡山;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 亨利·詹姆斯和伊迪丝·华顿是两位重要而又多产的作家,一生著作颇丰。詹姆斯的一生对美国文学史产生了巨大的影响力。他以国际主义题材而著称,《戴西·米勒》是第一部以此为题材而使他广为人知的小说。而伊迪丝·华顿是风俗小说的杰出创作者。她被公认为美国最好的小说家之一。她的代表作《纯真年代》使她获得了普利策奖的殊荣。《戴西·米勒》讲述的是一位无辜的年轻女子在罗马死于疟疾的故事而《纯真年代》是围绕着一对即将结婚的情侣以及另一位女子的出现危及到他们的幸福的故事。这两部小说都引起了极大的关注。国内外的专家们都对它们提出了很多不同的评论。本文在抓住这两部小说的历史和文本语境下试图对纯真这个概念体现在三位女主人公身上的不同意义加以阐述。这三位女主人公分别是戴西,梅和埃伦。对于戴西,纯真意味着无知和天真;对于梅来说纯真就是世故精明;而对于埃伦则是完美和理想。詹姆斯和华顿巧妙地塑造了这三位生活在由严格的传统习俗限制的社会里的不同女性形象。她们的命运完全不同但是她们都是衰败的旧习俗的受害者。通过讨论三位女主人公纯真的不同原因,我们可以了解到对于纯真的三种不同定义。本文通过细读法和文本分析的方法希望能够对纯真的概念加以清楚的定义以及为研究这两部小说提供一个新的视角。

【Abstract】 Henry James and Edith Wharton were two important and productive writers at the turn of the century. James’s career is one of the most influential and most prolific in American letters. He is famous for his international themes and Daisy Miller is the first book about international theme that makes him world-widely known. Edith Wharton is the stunning creator of amazing novels of manners. She is regarded as one of America’s finest novelists and short story writers and The Age of Innocence is acclaimed as her masterpiece which won her the Pulitzer Prize. Daisy Miller is about the story of an innocent young girl who gets killed by the winter fever in Rome while The Age of Innocence centers around one couple’s impending marriage and the introduction of a scandalous woman named Ellen whose presence threatens their happiness. Both of these two novels have attracted great attention and have gone through many times of analysis. There are enormous comments on these two novels by different critics both at home and abroad.This thesis, capturing the historical and textual context of Daisy Miller and The Age of Innocence, is in an effort to study the difference in the concept of innocence in the three main female characters in the two novels--Daisy, May and Ellen. For Daisy innocence means ignorance and spontaneity; for May it means complexity and sophistication and for Ellen it means perfection and ideality. The three different female images skillfully created by James and Wharton lived in the similar environment restrained by strict rules and conventions. However they had completely different destiny and all of them became the victim of the old decadent traditions. Through the discussion of the causes of the female protagonists’ innocence, the three different types of innocence is presented in front of us. It is expected that through close-reading and textual analysis the concept of the word innocence can be clearly defined and this thesis will spare no effort to offer another perspective and add richness to these two already impressive writings.

【关键词】 《戴西·米勒》《纯真年代》纯真
【Key words】 Daisy MillerThe Age of Innocenceinnocence
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【下载频次】586