

The Evolution of Feminist Consciousness in Films of China’s Female Director from Changes of Women’s Apparel

【作者】 陈郦

【导师】 黄文达;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 一代一代的女性导演在中国电影史上彰显着不同的成就和意义,为女性主义谱写了一篇又一篇的华丽篇章。现如今研究群体性电影,第六代电影,独立制片电影等等的电影中。都包括有女性导演。我的这篇论文将国内大部分女性导演全都集合在一起,以历史为主轴,以电影为文本,从女性服饰的变化为切入口,来看看女性导演是如何利用电影这个媒介如何从电影中女性形象、文本结构以及文化控制上的性别差异等方面入手,来揭示惯常的摄影机、演员和观众的传统关系及电影叙事模式和结构背后人们习以为常的父权制文化机制下女性被压抑的事实,进而瓦解电影对女性创造力的压制和银幕上对女性真实形象的剥夺,恢复女性作为创作者、表演者和欣赏者的主体性特征。穿着服装的女性更不应该成是为社会物化了的性别符号,女性为获得自己的身份而与父权主义进行抗争的同时,应该意识到抗争并不是以一种暴力压倒另一种暴力。通过服饰这种最基本的生活需求,女性同样可以改变社会凝视自己的角度,同样可以为自己的权利发言。本论文也将从女性的身体话语角度来揭示女性的身体在历史发展中,在女性话语权的争夺中,已不再是男性欲望投射的对象,她们的身体在电影中是一种能动地表现自身的欲望和观念的场所和手段。唯有女性导演能深入女性自我,在用摄影机对准女性的时候,探讨那些没有语言表达以及没有被语言表达的东西——那些被父权制文化压抑下的女性问题。而由男性执导的女性电影题材电影常常是告诉观众,女性的悲剧不是女性的错误,而是由社会原因造成的,使女性受到了社会的束缚。但这种电影往往使女性更深刻地承认自己的社会局限,安于一种被动的角色,并产生以男性价值为中心的意识形态。在身体话语方面,由于身体写作在近年来的盛行,性解放被作为后现代女性主义首当其冲的目标,文学界在身体写作上肆无忌惮,结果没有抒发女性性解放的渴求,反而更加迎合了男性社会“窥淫”的欲望。

【Abstract】 Generations of women directors made different achievements and significance in the history of Chinese film, which wrote a new magnificent chapter in the feminist. Now Female directors are included in the researches which are focus on the grouped film, the sixth generation of the film, independent produced film and so on. My assay took the history as the main axis, use the film as text and took the changes of women’s apparel as the entry points to take a look how female directors use the medium, films , to reveal the traditional relationship among the camera, actors and the audience, the narrative mode and the fact that women are suppressed under the traditional culture from the film female image, text structure, cultural control and other aspects of gender differences, furthermore to destroy the suppression of female creativity and deprived screen image of women, and rebuilt the main features of women as creators and performers.Female wearing clothes should not be materialized for the community as a sex symbol, women who fight for their own identity should be aware of a violent protest is not a violent overwhelming at the same time. According to the most basic living needs for clothe, women can also change the perspective of their own social gaze, and able to speak for themselves. In this paper, I will reveal the body of female is no longer the object of male desire, and also their bodies in a film is a method to reveal their own desire and thought from the perspective of women’s body language in the historical development. Only female director can explore female themselves to discuss something which have not be described and can not be described by language - those women’s issues which have been suppressed under the patriarchal culture. The female films directed by men tell the audience that the tragedy of women is not caused by women themselves, but caused by society. However, such films tend to make women more deeply recognize its social limitations, satisfy a passive role and build the value of a male-centered ideology. In the aspect of body language, thanks to the prevalence of body writing in recent years, sexual liberation as the first post-modern feminist goals, literary has nothing to worry about in body writing, as the result it does not express the desire for female sexual liberation, but meet the men "peeping "desire.

【关键词】 女性服饰身体电影女性主义
【Key words】 women’s clothingfeministfilm body
  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】2
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