

A Phonological Analysis of Tone Sandhi in Yinchuan Dialect

【作者】 吴娟

【导师】 张吉生;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文基于前人的研究,尝试借助优选论来讨论分析银川方言中连续变调的现象及其音系规则,从而揭示出连读变调的音系机制。银川方言(除轻声以外)一共只有3个单字调,分别为:T1阴平(44)、T2阳平(53)、T3去声(13)。发生变调的情况为:T2→35/_T3T2→35/_T0之前对于银川方言连续变调的研究,因理论工具的缺乏导致变调描述的缺失。传统的声调分析多以描写性研究为主,从未涉及银川方言连读变调现象的音系规则。表层变调的内在原因也未能得以揭示。本文则尝试运用优选论的理论方法对银川方言的连续变调进行较详尽的分析,以期得出连续变调的底层原因和引发连续变调的音系机制。相比基于规则的生成音系学理论,优选论的最基本的优势在于其认为所有语言的制约条件是共同的,而各种不同语言的特性表现为对这些制约条件所进行的不同层级排列,从而筛选出最优选项。在对银川方言的优选论分析中,本文共用到6个制约条件,它们的排序如下:IDENT-R,LTS>>OCP’>>IDENT-IO>>DEP,MAX.通过以上的制约条件的层级排列,银川方言连续变调的现象即在优选论的框架下得到充分解释。本论文分为五章。第一章将对银川和银川方言进行简要的介绍,并对前人的研究成果进行简要的回顾。第二章主要阐述优选论的内容和应用,为后文的分析奠定理论基础。第三章着重介绍了银川方言的声调系统和变调现象。第四章则应用优选论对银川方言连续变调进行音系学的解释。结果表明,银川方言的两字组连续变调可以在优选论的框架中得到清晰合理的解释。第五章是对全文的总结并指出本文的不足之处和今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 This thesis,based on previous studies,attempts to explore the phonological motivation for tone sandhi in Yinchuan dialect,and systematically analyzes sandhi rules in light of Optimality Theory(OT).In Yinchuan dialect,except the neutral tone,there are only three contrastive lexical tones as follows:T1 T2 T3Yinping Yangping Qusheng44 53 13As for tone sandhi,the discovery from previous studies shows that there are only two sandhi forms as follows:T2→35/_T3T2→35/_T0In previous studies,it can be found that the perceived absence of scientific analysis of tone sandhi in Yinchuan dialect is a result of the limitation of the theoretical tools for the description of tone system.Traditional analyses of tone system have been done exclusively in descriptive approach.They have not yet explained what is/are the phonological motivation(s) for the tone sandhi in Yinchuan or what are the phonological rules underlying the different sandhi forms.Theoretically,the paper herein presents an explicit explanation of why the tone sandhi takes place and how it is represented in Yinchuan dialect through a systematic analysis in the framework of OT,which may cast some light on understanding the phonological mechanism of tone sandhi cross-dialectally.The methodology employed in the thesis is Optimality Theory.Unlike rule-based phonological theories,OT emphasizes a hierarchical ranking of universal and violable constraints by which various phonological changes can be explicitly explained,as well attested cross-linguistically.Based on the analysis of the data of the Yinchuan sandhi forms and the discussion of the phonology of Yinchuan dialect,the thesis has worked out such a constraint hierarchy as IDENT-R,LTS》OCP’》IDENT-IO》DEP, MAX.With this constraint hierarchy,the tone sandhi rules in Yinchuan dialect are explicitly explained. The thesis contains five chapters.In ChapterⅠ,a brief introduction to Yinchuan dialect is provided and a short review of previous studies is also presented.ChapterⅡis concerned with OT and its application to other Chinese dialects in previous studies.ChapterⅢdiscusses the tone system and tone sandhi phenomena in Yinchuan dia lect.In ChapterⅣ,an OT analysis is developed to explore the underlying motivations for tone sandhi in Yinchuan dialect.ChapterⅤmakes a conclusion and also lays out some respects of my future studies in some relevant linguistic field.

【关键词】 银川方言连续变调优选论
【Key words】 Yinchuan dialecttone sandhiOptimality Theory
  • 【分类号】H17
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】190