

Research of Production Methods of the Cavity-fractured Carbonate Reservoirs

【作者】 杜箫笙

【导师】 杨正明;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(渗流流体力学研究所) , 流体力学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着塔里木盆地缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏的有效开采,此类油藏的开发技术已成为国内研究的重点和难点之一。由于缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏极强的非均质性、缝洞本身的多尺度性和连通的多样性,使得此类油藏的开发非常困难,目前国内外还没有形成成熟的开发理论和开发方式。从塔里木盆地已开发的缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏来看,开发方式的选择面临着诸多困难,缝洞型储层的非均质性大大影响了采用常规开采方式的采收率,特别是在开采后期需要选择适合的开发方式。因此,对缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏开发方式的研究是非常必要的。在广泛调研国内外文献的基础上,得到了缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层的油水静态资料、储层特征、主体开发方式,然后对储层参数进行了等效研究,并用数值模拟方法研究了衰竭式开采、单井注水替油的影响因素及开采机理,获得了如下的结论和认识:1.国内外大多数缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏的开发首先都是衰竭式开采,其次转为注水开发,然后考虑注气、热采或水平井等中后期措施。衰竭式开采、注水开发、注气开发是现阶段此类油藏的主体开发方式。2.缝洞体内缝洞比较发育时,等效渗透率、孔隙度也比较大,但具体等效值的大小受缝洞所占比例的影响。3.衰竭式开采的能量来源于油藏的天然能量,影响因素主要有单井控制储量、采油速度、原油粘度、地层原始压力。4.单井注水替油原理主要是重力分异和补充地层能量。其影响因素主要有:注入时机、油层渗透率、注入水量、焖井时间、开井工作制度、地层打开程度。存在最佳的注入时机、注入水量、焖井时间、开井工作制度、地层打开程度。

【Abstract】 In recent years,the research of the development of the cavity-fractured reservoir is being one of the focal points and difficult things.The most outstanding problem of fractured vuggy carbonate reservoirs is extreme heterogeneity and the various scales of fracture and vuggy fabric and multifold connection.All these made a great number of difficulties in the development of carbonate reservoirs.By now,there is no mature enough method of development of this kind of reservoir home and abroad.Many difficulties of the choice of production methods had been encountered during the development of the cavity-fractured reservoirs of the Tarim Basin.It is very necessary to research the production methods of the cavity-fractured reservoirs.The material was got based on an extensive investigation of the documents home and abroad,which are the static data of the crude oil and water,the characteristics of the cavity-fractured reservoirs,the main production methods of the cavity-fractured reservoirs.The characteristics of the cavity-fractured reservoirs were studied firstly, then the main production methods were studied by the reservoir numerical simulation. The new research results are as following:1.The cavity-fractured reservoirs home and abroad are developed by energy of nature firstly,then by water flooding,finally by gas drive,thermal production or horizontal well.Depletion type of drive,water flooding,gas-drive are the main production methods of the cavity-fractured reservoirs.2.The equivalent porosity and permeability is high in the well-developed fracture and vuggy reservoirs.3.The energy of depletion type of drive is provided by natural energy,in which the most important influence factors are controlled reserve of the individual well,rate of oil production,viscosity of crude,initial formation pressure.4.Gravity segregation and adding energy are dominant mechanism of the injecting water to replace crude oil for individual well,in which the most important influence factors are timing of water injection,permeability,injected water volume, the time of shut-in well,working system of open-in well,the perforated degree.There are optimal value in timing of water injection,injected water volume,the time of shut-in well,working system of open-in well,the perforated degree.
