

The Study of Commonweal Litigation System of Consumer Rights and Benefits

【作者】 聂桂芬

【导师】 朱晓勤;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 经济法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 只有在一个建立起了完善的消费维权公益诉讼制度体系的国家中,消费者的公共利益才能得到切实的维护,人们的普遍消费权益才能得到真正的实现,一个健全的消费者保护的法律体系才能营造起来。建立起完善的消费维权公益诉讼制度,对于我国消费者权益保护法律制度的完善具有非常重要的意义。本文对消费维权公益诉讼这一制度的相关问题进行了研究,以期对我国的消费者权益保护立法与实践有所启示.本文包含三个部分:前言,正文和结语,正文分为四章:第一章“消费维权公益诉讼概述”。本章介绍了公益诉讼的概念及历史沿革,消费维权公益诉讼的含义及特征,以及消费维权公益诉讼的法理基础及经济分析。消费维权公益诉讼与传统的普通消费侵权救济诉讼方式相比,有其显著的独有特征,消费维权公益诉讼是一种有经济效益的诉讼。第二章“建立我国消费维权公益诉讼制度的必要性”。本章首先论述了我国消费者权益保护诉讼的现实状况,指出了现行消费者诉讼制度存在的问题:诉讼主体制度不健全、诉讼效益不经济、举证责任不合理。然后分析了我国建立消费维权公益诉讼制度的必要性:保护消费者公共利益的需要、弥补诉讼救济途径不足的需要、制止侵犯消费者权益行为进一步加剧的需要等。第三章“国外消费者权益保护诉讼制度研究及借鉴”。本章介绍了美国的消费者集团诉讼和德国的消费者团体诉讼,并分析了我国移植美德两国消费者诉讼模式的可能性,总结了我国消费者诉讼制度需要完善的地方。第四章“我国建立消费维权公益诉讼制度的可行性及设想”。本章论述了我国建立消费维权公益诉讼制度的可行性并对我国建立消费维权公益诉讼制度提出了几点设想:健全原告资格制度、举证责任合理分担、、减轻诉讼费用、建立诉讼激约机制、适当延长诉讼时效等,以期对推动我国建立消费维权公益诉讼制度的出台提供一些思路。

【Abstract】 Only in the country that founded the perfect commonweal litigation system of the consumer rights and benefits,consumer’s common benefits could obtain the practical maintenance,then people’s universal expense rights and benefits could obtain real realization and a perfect legal framework that consumer rights and benefits are protected could build.Building a perfect commonweal litigation system of the consumer rights and benefits has very great significance.This article explores related question about the commonweal litigation system of the consumer rights and benefits,wish to have the enlightenment to our country’s legislation and the practice of consumer rights and interests protection.This article contains three parts:introduction,body and conclusion,the body is divided into four chapters:In Part 1.It focuses on the basic theory of the commonweal litigation of the consumer rights and benefits.It explains the concept and historical evolution of the commonweal litigation,the meaning and characteristics of the commonweal litigation of the consumer rights and benefits,and the legal basis and economic analysis of the system.Comparing to the traditional litigation of the consumer rights and benefits,the commonweal litigation of the consumer rights and benefits has its unique characteristics ,and it has economic effectiveness.In Part 2.It focuses on the necessity of setting up the commonweal litigation system of the consumer rights and benefits.Fist it points out the problem that the current litigation system of consumer rights and benefits has:litigant system has defect, litigation does not benefit in economy,the responsibility of affording proof is not reasonable.Finally it analyze the necessity of setting up the commonweal litigation system of the consumer rights and benefits:the need to protect consumers’ common benefits,make up for lack of litigation relief,stop further acts of infringement to the consumers’ benefits,and so on.In Part 3.It focuses on the consumer group litigation of the United States and the consumer organisation litigation of Germany.It tries to analyze the possibility of learn from the two countries and the system that need to retain and perfec for China.In Part 4.It focuses on the feasibility of building the commonweal litigation system of the consumer rights and benefits in China,and introduces several points:building a perfect litigant system,sharing the responsibility of affording proof reasonably ,reducing the cost of litigation,setting up litigation encouraging mechanism, extending the statute of limitation,and so on.With a view to promoting the proceedings of setting up commonweal litigation system of the consumer rights and benefits in China.

【关键词】 消费维权公益诉讼研究
【Key words】 Consumer rightscommonweal litigationResearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】D925
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】706