

A Study on the Urban Area Population of Han Dynasty

【作者】 鲍一铭

【导师】 王彦辉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 城市是研究历史的一个很好的角度。在把握一个时代城市总体特征的基础上,研究城市人口问题,可以对这一时期很多历史现象提出新的解释。深入研究两汉城市人口问题,对了解当时的生产关系,把握两汉城市发展规律都具十分重要的意义。本文第一部分系统分析了汉代城市的发展状况。西汉经过一百余年的发展,到西汉中期已经完成了建立成熟的国都、郡治、县治三级城市体系的任务。这一体系中包括国都、郡治、县治城市,还包含了一批与县治城市规模相仿的“市邑”,即同一县辖区中非县治治所所在的城邑。第二部分对汉代城市人口比例做了大胆合理的推算,得出两汉城市人口约占全国人口的1/3左右的结论,两汉时期的城市人口比例呈下降趋势。第三部分从阶级的角度对城市人口结构进行了分析,并在此基础上总结了汉代城市人口结构的特点。第四部分以里这一基层行政组织作为切入点,从户籍管理和治安管理两个方面出发,对两汉城市人口管理进行了深入考察,同时以动态的眼光分析了两汉四百余年国家对城市人口的控制力度的演变。本文致力于将历史文献和考古资料相结合,同时运用统计学、历史计量法、宏观分析和微观分析相结合等方法,在把握两汉城市特点的基础上,尝试着从城市人口比例、城市人口社会构成、城市人口管理等角度出发,对两汉城市人口问题进行更为细致的研究。

【Abstract】 City is a good angle to study history. Through Researching into the population of cities on the basis of grasping general characteristics, some historical phenomenon can be explained with a new perspective. The in-depth research on the population problem of Han Dynasty is a very great significance for understanding temporal production relations and mastering the Han Dynasty urban development law.The paper consists of four parts:1. To analyze the development of the Han Dynasty Urban systematically. After more than 100 years’development, Western Han Dynasty had completed the establishment of mature three-class urban system, National Capital, County town and County seat, by the medium term of Western Han. Besides the three kinds of cities, the system included another sort of urban,‘ShiYi’, which is a town in a county while it is not the county seat.2. To calculate the urban population proportion of Han Dynasty and get the result 1/3. Furthermore, based on the result the dissertation proposes that the urban population proportion of Han Dynasty is a downward trend.3. To analysis the urban population structure of Han Dynasty from the perspective of class and conclude the characteristic of the urban population structure of Han Dynasty.4. To inspect urban population management of Han Dynasty from the perspective of Li, a kind of administrative organization. In the process of this analysis, focus is that registered permanent address management and public security management. At the same time, I have analyzed the evolution of power that Han Dynasty be controlled its urban population by dynamic vision.Founding on the characteristic of Han Dynasty, the thesis devotes to more careful research on urban population of Han Dynasty by integrating the historical literature and archaeological data and using statistics, historical metrology, microscopic analysis, microcosmic analysis methods and so on from the urban population proportion, urban population structures and urban population management etc perspectives.

【关键词】 汉代城市城市人口
【Key words】 Han Dynastyurbanurban area population
  • 【分类号】K234
  • 【下载频次】320