

Study of the Novels of Comprehensive Anal of Oddities during the Dynasties of Wei and Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasty

【作者】 樊伟峻

【导师】 李立;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 博物类志怪小说是魏晋南北朝时期一类重要而又独特的志怪小说,然长期以来并未引起研究者的足够关注。即或一些学者对它们进行了探究,也多以西方文学理论的小说观念来观照这类小说,致使研究界对此类小说多有不同的声音。事实上,博物类志怪小说亦有其独特的价值和特殊的阐述方式,将它们置于当时的历史环境下考索,能够得到另一种认识:可以获得关于魏晋南北朝时期思想文化更加全面的理解;能够发现文士特别是一般知识分子特有的心态,而这对于考辨文学与时代、作家心理等因素之间的关系是很有益处的;对于研究类书的编纂也很有启发,从中亦能发现中国自公元3世纪之后著述上出现的新风尚;再则,从横、纵两个维度进行探索,可以更好地将文学、史学、哲学等结合起来,互相笺证,彼此发明,会有新的收获。本论文共分五章。第一章为学术界志怪小说研究情况综述。目前学术界基本上摸清了志怪小说的存佚情况,整理出版了一批志怪小说作品的校注本,并且普遍认定古代神话、史传文学、诸子寓言是志怪小说诞生的三个源头。然问题也是存在的,集中表现在对志怪小说各个子类的审美特色的认识和志怪小说类型的划分方面。笔者以为应该将对作者的考察与对作品的分析结合起来,这在于不同的作家其创作动机是不尽相同的,而作品中又带有作家鲜明的印记,只有把二者统一起来才能更好的把握志怪小说作品的创作主旨。故笔者依据志怪小说作者的创作目的、倾向将六朝志怪小说分为猎异类、刺世类、神教类、博物类等四类。第二章分析了博物类志怪小说的概念。博物类志怪小说的基本特征博和杂,博是指其内容繁富,杂不仅是指其内容的芜杂,还含有编排体例无一固定的准的。这类小说典型者有张华的《博物志》、郭璞的《玄中记》、刘敬叔的《异苑》和任昉的《述异记》。博物类志怪小说的独特性在于宗教的外衣、博物思想的内核以及与小说的形式有机地结合起来而形成的一种文学形态。其结构与题材内容远绍《山海经》等作品的成篇方式;传统文化中的博物思想对博物类志怪小说也有很大影响;汉赋作家的创作观念、描绘事物的方式以及汉赋作品的叙述框架等,都对博物类志怪小说有发微之功;谶纬神学对博物类志怪小说亦起了催生的作用。第三章是对博物类志怪小说的形成原因进行探析。六朝物质文化交流不断,思想文化更为活跃,关于异域的珍闻趣事便不断在内地传播,并被神秘化;邹衍“大九州”式的天下观念越发放大,为博物类志怪小说作家的想象空间提供了理论支持;士人们博采众长,杂糅各家,探索外部世界的兴趣空前增强;这时期编纂类书之风盛行,博物类志怪小说也受此风的沾溉;士人心态、文学观念亦发生了变迁,著述追求繁富、宏博;受清谈之影响,士人也炫耀自己的博学与捷悟,从而邀取做官入仕的资本。第四章论述的是博物类志怪小说的艺术特征。该类小说以矜才、显博为其目的,还可满足人们对外部世界认识的要求;与创作目的相关联,小说的怪异色彩也远逊于神教类志怪小说与猎异类志怪小说;叙事技巧方面,其叙事呈现出简单疏略、鲜有情节、直线型叙述的特点,材料也多是散漫地排列;其内容是以描摹事物,即记述远方异物的特征、形状、功用等为主,故而它的语言简略不成大观,几乎没有什么文学性可言;它的材料,多是作家从前代典籍中搜求辑录而来的。第五章论述博物类志怪小说的影响。该类小说亦有其特殊的价值,历代续作层出不穷,它们基本上秉承了博物类志怪小说博与杂的特点,也承袭了这类小说的写作规范与内容体式;后世出现了专门的博物类小说,尤以《镜花缘》最为著名,该部小说的叙事模型也祖述了魏晋南北朝博物类志怪小说“以方位的移换为依托”的方式;类书的编纂在后代也蔚然成风,其发展到极致,便是“类书体”小说的问世;博物类志怪小说还创立了一种依靠地理方位的变化来结构成篇的行文方式,在明清小说中显得尤为突出;该类小说亦为后代各类文学体裁提供了故事母题、叙事范型,以及一定的文化内涵,它的题材内容甚广,成为后代百科知识的渊薮。

【Abstract】 Comprehensive anal of oddities is one important and distinctive genres of novel during the Wei, Jin, northern and southern dynasties, which is inadequately studied by researchers for a long time. Even though it is studied by some scholars, it is viewed with the western literary theories, leading to the different interpretations toward this novel genre. As a matter of fact, Comprehensive anal of oddities has its own unique and special way of interpretation. If seen in the context of its current history, we can view it in a different perspective; we can obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the ideas and cultures during the northern and southern dynasties of Wei and Jin; we can find the special mental state of the men of letters, especially the ordinary intellectuals, which is of great benefit to the study and examination of the relations between literature and its time and the author’s mentality; we can be inspired to study the compilation of similar books and to find the new fashion of monographs since 3 AD; we can better combine literature, history and philosophy from horizontal and vertical dimensions and illustrate each other to find out new things.This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is a comprehensive summary of the current research of the anal of oddities novel in the academic field。Presently, the academic realm basically figures out the storage and missing of the novel, and has published an annotated version. Besides, it is generally acknowledged that ancient mythology, historical literature and allegories are the three origins of the anal of oddities novel. However, there are still some mooting points concerning the aesthetic understanding of each sub-genre and the classification of novel type. The author of the thesis thinks that we should combine the study of the writers and the works, since different writer has its own motive of creating and thus the works are marked by the writers’distinct features. Therefore, only by uniting the two can we have a better understanding of its motif. The author of this thesis divides the novel of the annals of oddities into four types—according to the writing intentions of the writers: hunting for the odds, satirizing the world, mystifying the religion, and knowing things.Chapter two analyzes the concept of the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities. Its basic features: richness and variety. Its richness refers to the rich content, while its variety refers to the various contents and flexible layout style. Representatives of this kind of novel are: Annals of Knowing Things by Zhang Hua, Record in Meditation by Guo Pu, Odds Garden by Liu Jingshu and Narrating Odds Record by Ren Fang. The uniqueness of the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities lies in the literary form organically combined by its outer religion, inner knowing-things-idea and the form of the novel. Its structure and themes inherited the structuring approach of works like Book of Mountains and Seas; the idea of knowing things in traditional culture made a great impact on the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities. The creating notions of the writers of The Verse Prose of Han, the way of depicting things and the narrative structure of The Verse Prose of Han all made great contributions in interpreting the subtleness of the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities; the oracle theology also played a role in the production of the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities.Chapter three is an exploration of the reason for the production of the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities. Owing to the constant exchanges of the material culture of the six dynasties, ideas and cultures were ever more active, the anecdotes about the foreign land kept spreading at home and being mystified; the world view of Zou Yan’s”nine large continents”was widely received, which provided theoretical support for the novelists’imagination; the men of letters absorbed others’strength, integrated them and explored the outside world with a stronger interest; compiling similar books was quite trendy during this period, novels of comprehensive anal of oddities being also emerged in this milieu. With the change of the mentality of the literary men and the idea of literature, writers pursued richness and sublimity; influenced by the impractical talks, men of letters also showed off their broad knowledge and cleverness, making it the capital of promoting to the office.Chapter four deals with the artistic features of the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities. This kind of novels aim to present the broad knowledge in a genius way, and satisfy people’s need to know the outside world; related with the aim of creation, the oddity of the novels may not as odd as that of the mystifying- religion novel or the novels of hunting the odds; for the narrative technique, the narration is simple, plotless, linear, and the materials are randomly arranged; it mainly describes things, that is, to record the features, shape, functions of the distant things, thus the language is not grand, even without literariness; its materials are sought and recorded from the old books.Chapter five expounds upon the influence of the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities. This kind of novel has its own unique value as well, since the later novels basically followed the comprehensiveness and diversity of the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities and also followed the writing model and content and style; in the later years, novels of comprehensiveness appeared, such as the most well-known, the narrative pattern of which derived from the“the transfer of the orientation”of the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities; the compilation of classified books(books compiled according to a certain criteria) become fashionable in the later dynasties, the perfection of which was the birth of the novel of“classified book type”; the novels of comprehensive anal of oddities developed a way of writing by the transfer of geographical locations , which was more obvious in the novels of Ming and Qing dynasties;this kind of novel offers motif, narrative paradigm and certain cultures for the later literature of various genres. The broad subjects and contents become the origin of encyclopedia.

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