

The New Trends in International Ideological Confrontation in the Post-Cold War Era

【作者】 周志伟

【导师】 李阁楠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 国际政治, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 意识形态是一定经济基础上形成的并为一定经济基础服务的系统的思想观念,集中反映了一定社会阶级、集团的意志和愿望,代表了某一阶级或社会集团的根本利益。意识形态是包括道德、政治法律思想、哲学等因素构成的有机整体,也是人们对客观存在的社会经济基础和政治制度的反映。作为政治斗争的手段,意识形态在国际政治中扮演着重要的角色。本文拟对冷战结束后的国际意识形态斗争进行探析,正文主要由四个部分构成。第一部分旨在从哲学领域与政治学领域阐明意识形态的含义,并且分析了意识形态与国际政治的关系。第二部分回顾了冷战时期的国际意识形态斗争。意识形态对抗加速了冷战的形成,在整个冷战时期,意识形态几乎主导了当时的国际关系。美国和苏联的对外政策中的意识形态色彩十分浓烈。第三部分是全文的主体,着重分析了冷战结束后国际意识形态斗争的新情况。经济全球化、政治多极化是冷战后意识形态斗争面临的新形势;西强东弱是国际意识形态斗争的新现实;最后得出了冷战后国际意识形态斗争的新特点,包括:斗争的主体多样化、领域复杂化、形式隐蔽化和手段尖端化。第四部分作为文章的结尾,提出了当前形势下我国在国际意识形态斗争中应采取的对策。本文提出了三点:寻求国家利益与意识形态的平衡;加强意识形态建设,提高软实力;构建适应全球化的意识形态战略。综上,本文的主要观点是:国际意识形态领域的斗争并未随着冷战的结束而结束,而是在全球化的背景下,呈现出了新的特点。当前,我国需要警惕国际意识形态斗争的新动向,加强意识形态建设,构建意识形态战略。

【Abstract】 Ideology is systemic thought and idea based on and serving certain economic basis, reflecting certain social class and group’s will and desire and is on behalf of their basic interests. Ideology is including the morals, political and law thought, philosophy and so on, which come together to be the organic whole, and also it is reflection of social economy foundation and the political system for objectively existing. Ideology has the very strong class nature as method of political struggle. This text attempts to research to the international ideological confrontation in the post-cold war era. Its main body consists of the following four parts.The principal aim of the first is to define the concept of ideology in philosophy and politics perspective. The concept of ideology in international politics plays a special and subtle role in national interests estimating and foreign policy making.The second part is a review about the international ideological confrontation in the cold war era. As one of the factors accelerating the beginning of the cold war, the ideology almost determine the whole International relations at that time.The third part, is the principal part of this text, which analyzes the new trends in international ideological confrontation in the post-cold war era. Globalization in economics and multi-polarization in politics are new situation we are facing; The new reality is that West is stronger but East is weaker in the international ideological confrontation. Then we get the new features in international ideological confrontation, including diversified body, complicated field, conceal methods and advanced means.The last part is a conclusion, pointing that it is necessary to carry on the strategies to ideological security of our country.In all, the main perspective of this text is that the end of the cold war in not the end of international ideological confrontation. At present, we should pay attention to the new trends in international ideological confrontation, enhance ideological construction, and develop ideological strategy.

  • 【分类号】D51
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