

The Analysis on Playing of <Concerto No.2> by Rachmaninoff

【作者】 王欢

【导师】 娄雪玢;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 音乐学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 拉赫玛尼诺夫(Sergei Vassilievitch Rachmaninoff,1873-1943),俄国作曲家、钢琴家、指挥家。拉赫玛尼诺夫是晚期浪漫主义音乐的代表人物,他把浪漫主义风格与俄罗斯传统音乐结合起来,把独特的音乐感受和高超的演奏才能融为一体,揭示出了作曲家深沉的内心情感和深刻的人生哲理。拉赫玛尼诺夫笔下的音乐旋律悠长、气息宽广、对比强烈,略带着淡淡的悲剧性的色调,充满了强烈的艺术魅力。《第二钢琴协奏曲》是他最具代表性的一部,具有坚实完整的结构和巨大的艺术感染力,这部作品见证了拉赫玛尼诺夫从创作低谷到人生辉煌,确立了他作为作曲家的地位,是他的四部协奏曲中最优美动听、最受欢迎的一部,成为音乐会演奏最多的协奏曲之一,它因艺术构思完美、题材清新、音乐形象丰富、表现力不凡而成为一代名作,具有更进一步的研究价值。本文试图从拉赫玛尼诺夫的生活经历和其作品的创作背景着手,对他创作的《第二钢琴协奏曲》进行分析与研究,并结合自己演奏此曲的学习经历,就作品的曲式结构、音乐处理、演奏技法等进行展开分析,进一步了解和把握拉赫玛尼诺夫钢琴作品的音乐风格和演奏特点,尤其可以给予广大学习者一定的借鉴与参考,从而充分体会作者深厚的民族感情和创作特点,更好地提高我们的钢琴演奏水平,促进钢琴音乐的发展。论文包括三个部分:第一部分:主要论述拉赫玛尼诺夫本人的创作经历及其创作特征。简要介绍作曲家生平和创作特征,以及对其钢琴作品作了一些简要的概括,目的是为了整体的把握拉赫玛尼诺夫作品的音乐风格。第二部分:对作品从和声、调性、速度与力度、曲式结构、音乐表现以及演奏技法上做了详尽的分析与研究,并对作品的内容与演奏特点进行阐述。第三部分:在拉赫玛尼诺夫《第二钢琴协奏曲》的学习过程中所引发的思考。对前两个阶段的研究中发现的作品中独特创作手法及其具有的音乐形象做一个概括性的总结。

【Abstract】 Rachmaninoff (Sergei Vassilievitch Rachmaninoff, 1873-1943) is Russian composer, pianist and conductor. He is representative of late Romantic music. He combines romantic style with the Russian traditional music, integrates the unique music feeling and superb performance ability, and reveals the composer’s deep feelings and profound life philosophy. Music melody Rachmaninoff writes is long, having broad style, strong comparison, slightly tragedy, and full of strong artistic charm. "Second Piano Concerto" is his most representative one with solid and complete structure and great artistic appeal. This works witnesses Rachmaninoff from the bottom to the life brilliance, and establish his status as a composer. It is the most beautiful sounds and popular one of his four concertos, and becomes one of concertos playing most in the concert. It becomes famous works due perfect art ideas, new subject, rich music image and extraordinary expression with the value of further research. This paper attempts to proceed from Rachmaninoff’s life experiences and background of its creative. Through performing and studying his "Second Piano Concerto," and analyzing the music structure, music dealing, and playing techniques, we can understand and hold music style and performance features of Rachmaninoff’s piano works, in particular that we can give the majority of learners a reference in order to fully appreciate the deep national feeling and creative features of the composer, and better improve the playing standards of our piano, and promote the development of piano music.Thesis consists of three parts:Part I: To mainly focus on Rachmaninoff himself and his music. The paper gives a brief introduction on the composer’s life and creative features, as well as a number of necessary generalizations for his piano works. The purpose is to wholly grasp the music style of Rachmaninoff’s works.Part II: To do a detailed analysis and research from the music structure, harmony, tonality, speed and intensity, music performance and playing techniques, and elaborate music style and performance characteristics of the works.Part III: To be triggered by thinking in the process of studying Rachmaninoff’s "Second Piano Concerto". We give a general summary for the unique creative approach and the music image found in the first two phases of the works.
