

Brief Analysis about the Religious Factors of American Black Civil Rights Movement

【作者】 王翠

【导师】 董小川;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 黑人问题一直是美国政府和人民面对的一个重大社会问题,而黑人问题的核心问题是黑人民权问题。20世纪50-60年代,黑人发起了争取民权的运动,通过艰苦的斗争和努力,取得了一系列成果。宗教影响着美国社会生活中的各个领域,同样宗教也影响着黑人的社会政治生活。本文尝试通过黑人参与民权运动的宗教背景、黑人民权运动中的宗教因素、功能及取得的成效作初步的探索,进而对民权运动中的黑人宗教因素作出恰如其分的分析。本文全文由引言、正文、结语和参考文献组成。引言部分简要概括本文的选题依据及国内外的研究现状。正文共分三部分:第一部分:从黑人宗教多元化的初步形成、黑人教会参与政治运动的角色及黑人参与民权运动的宗教方式三个角度来探寻宗教参与黑人民权运动的背景。第二部分:从黑人牧师的领袖作用及黑人教会的组织作用来分析民权运动中的宗教因素。第三部分:分析黑人宗教对民权运动是起到了消极的作用还是催化剂的作用,及分析民权运动中的黑人宗教信仰变化来对美国黑人民权运动中的宗教因素进行思考。结语部分:在总结全文的基础上,通过对黑人宗教的功能分析,我们不难得出这样的结论:黑人宗教在美国民权运动中起到了组织和推动的作用。黑人为进一步获得民权及参与政治,都离不开宗教这个载体。

【Abstract】 Black has been a major social problem that the United States Government and the people are facing .and the core of the Afro-Americans questions is black civil rights. During the 1950’s and 1960’s, Afro-Americans initiated the fight for black civil rights movement. Through struggles and efforts, made a serious of achievements. The United States known as“the Republic of the Bible ", religions have been great important on the areas of the life of American society. Therefore, the black religion also affect the social and political life of Black. In this paper, through analyze the backgrounds that black religion participate in the black civil rights, the factors、functions of black religion in the civil rights movement, thus ,this paper make a research on the black religious factors of the civil rights movement so as to give a proper comment on it .It begins with a brief introduction introducing the motivation that theauthor selects this topic to discuss and the historical studies in Chinese and foreign communities.The main body includes three parts:Part one introduces :the backgrounds that black religion participate in the black civil rights.Part two introduces: the factors of black religion in the civil rights movement.Part three introduces: the functions of black religion in the civil rights movement.The last part is conclusion, which summarize this paper, then draw the conclusion: Black religion played a catalytic role in the civil rights movement. In order to further access to the black civil rights and political participation, blacks can not be separated from religion .

【关键词】 民权运动宗教黑人教会
【Key words】 Civil rights movementreligionBlack church
  • 【分类号】K712.54
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】798