

Wuhan City Management Fitness Club Development Present Situation and Countermeasure Research

【作者】 贾军辉

【导师】 孙义良;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 健身俱乐部作为一种新兴的体育健身组织形式,以优质独特的健身服务正日益被人们所认可,随着参与健身的人群逐渐增多,健身俱乐部的规模与数量逐渐增加,一些问题也跟着暴露了出来,特别是在管理上,已经无法适应快速多变的市场经济条件下的商业健身俱乐部的发展因此,本人对武汉城区健身俱乐部经营现状进行研究,旨在推进武汉城区体育产业的快速发展满足群众科学健身健康生活的需求,进一步完善健身市场本文采用文献资料法数理统计法问卷调查法访谈法等,通过实地调查对武汉城区健身俱乐部的现状进行了研究;在分析大量文献资料的基础上,揭示了健身俱乐部服务产品的特点及健身俱乐部的经营特点;分析了影响武汉城区健身俱乐部经营状况,提出了相应的建议主要结论如下:1.武汉城区健身俱乐部主要分布在武昌和汉口的几个商业区,高档健身俱乐部数量较少,中低档健身俱乐部仍旧是武汉城区健身市场的发展主流低档健身俱乐部主要业务以提供少量健身项目为主,中高档型健身俱乐部除提供健身项目之外,还提供相关的健身服务,多元化经营,且各具特色各健身俱乐部普遍采用会员卡制度,并依据消费者的不同特点,选择不同形式的价格折扣其中大多数会员对俱乐部定价感到合理,能够接受2.武汉城区经营性健身俱乐部的健身教练员主要由四类组成:体育学院或体育系毕业退役专业运动员舞蹈演员及健身爱好者,年纪较轻,技术等级构成较为合理,授课方式多样,酬金普遍不高,主要依靠自学提高综合能力3.武汉城区健身消费者以青年具多,文化程度和收入较高,动机多样,选择的健身项目具有性别和年龄特征,健身时间呈季节性特征,健身消费者受地理位置场地设施氛围等因素影响较大4.武汉城区经营性健身俱乐部存在的问题包括:管理体制不健全,法规监督缺位,连锁经营程度低,市场定位不准,项目单一,缺乏创新意识,俱乐部宣传不足,经营管理人才缺乏,健身指导科学含量低,消费者消费意识不强等

【Abstract】 Health club as a new form of sports, to high-quality, unique health services is increasingly being recognized by people,With the participation of the population gradually increased fitness, fitness club, a gradual increase in the size and number, has also exposed some of the issues out, especially in management, has been unable to adapt to rapidly changing market economy under the conditions of the development of commercial health club. Therefore, I am a health club operators in Wuhan to study the status quo to promote the sports industry in Wuhan City, the rapid development of science and fitness to meet the masses, the demand for healthy living, and further improve the fitness market. In this paper, the literature and mathematical statistics, questionnaire survey, interviews and so on, through field investigation of a health club Wuhan conducted a study of the status quo; in the analysis of a large number of documents on the basis of the health club has revealed the characteristics of products and services the operating characteristics of a health club; an analysis of the impact of Wuhan City, the operation of a health club, made recommendations accordingly. The main conclusions are as follows:1. Wuhan City health club are mainly distributed in the number of Wuchang and Hankou business district, the small number of high-end health club, fitness club is still the middle of Wuhan mainstream fitness market. Low-end health club in order to provide a small number of key business health projects, in addition to high-end health club-based projects to provide fitness, but also provide health services, diversification, and features. Commonly used by the health club membership card system, and based on the different characteristics of consumers to choose different forms of price discounts. Member of the Club, most of them are reasonably priced, can accept them.2. Wuhan City fitness club business fitness coaches from the four main components: Institute of Physical Education or sports graduate, retired professional athletes, dancers and fitness enthusiasts, younger, technology constitutes a more reasonable level, and diverse teaching methods, remuneration is generally not high, the main them.3. Wuhan City Youth Fitness consumers are more educated and higher-income, diverse motives, select the item with the fitness characteristics of gender and age, the time was the seasonal characteristics of fitness and health of consumers by geographical location, facilities, atmosphere a greater impact and other factors.4. Wuhan city health club business problems include: the management system, lack of supervision and regulations, low levels of chain operations, market position are not allowed to project a single, a lack of awareness of innovation, lack of club publicity, a lack of management talent, fitness the guidance of the scientific content of low consumer awareness and strong.

【关键词】 健身俱乐部经营对策
【Key words】 health cluboperatorresponse
  • 【分类号】G80-05
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】950