

Analysis and Countermeasures on the Actuality of the High-level Basketball Players in the General Universities of Hubei Province

【作者】 张建波

【导师】 刘克军;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 进入20世纪90年代后,随着篮球商业化、职业化的介入,我国高校的篮球运动也发生了许多重大变化。篮球运动是一项群众基础十分广泛,深受人民群众喜爱的传统体育项目。大学生篮球联赛暨CUBA中国大学生篮球联赛的出现使得篮球运动在大学校园里已经不仅仅是一项体育运动,它使篮球运动插上了知识的翅膀,正以一种空前的热度冲击着大学校园生活。激情四射的球员、热情有序的球迷、寓意深刻的标语口号、特色鲜明的文艺活动等等,让每一个身临其中的人都能体会到CUBA着力营造的‘中国篮球新感觉’。篮球联赛的文化品味不仅仅体现在它的主体是一个高素质群体,更在于她把原汁原味的篮球文化和丰富多彩的校园文化熔为一炉,成功地将体育精神、道德风尚和科学文化有机结合起来,为素质教育提供了强大的平台与载体。1987年,原国家教委下达《关于普通高校试办高水平运动队的通知》以来,各高校发挥本校优势,开始了多元化的培养体育竞技人才,实现我国大学生竞技体育走向世界的战略目标,为奥运金牌战略服务这一个体育科研目的,在一定程度上通过国内比赛和国际大赛的验证。二十多年来,篮球运动在高校也得到了普及与重视。但是,我国普通高校在试办高水平球队过程中,篮球运动高水平人才的培养模式仍然没有新的突破,“高水平”并未达到名副其实,离既定的目标仍然有不小的差距。随着高校竞技运动的不断发展,中国大学生篮球联赛于1998年开始了第一个赛季,至今,已经如火如荼的举办了十届,参赛的学校已经达到600余所,使得CUBA已经成为大学校园的一道靓丽的风景线。在高水平篮球后备人才的培养方面,我国长期实行体工队建制,这种带有明显的计划色彩、片面强调运动能力的提高而忽视运动员文化素质培养的体制造成了我国篮球人口规模偏小、后备人才储备不足、专业选手文化素质偏低及退役后就业渠道不畅等一系列问题。同其他运动项目一样,大学生篮球运动的产生、形成、发展既能促进高校体育的发展,使师生关心和重视体育,有利于学校群众体育的开展,造成积极参加体育锻炼的风气,丰富学校文化生活,促进校际和国际间体育的交流,又能提高学校体育运动水平,为国家培养优秀的竞技人才。因此,从该项目长远发展的角度,开展大学生篮球联赛具有深远的意义。而对于研究湖北省高校高水平篮球运动员的培养现状,建立科学合理的管理模式,对高校高水平篮球队的建设和运动员的培养将具有十分重大的意义。研究结果显示:(l)目前湖北省各高校办队目的是为了参加全国大学生运动会或省市级大学生运动会,但部分高校只把目标定位于各高校之间的争夺,还有部分高校是为了提高自己学校的声誉和影响力。(2)各个高校在高水平运动员的招生办法上不尽一致,没有一个统一的标准,文化成绩要求也不高。(3)生源匮乏,梯队结构不合理。(4)运动员训练管理和学习管理仍需要进一步地改进和加强,学习和训练的矛盾仍然较为突出。(5)目前湖北省普通高校的高水平篮球运动员毕业去向形势不容乐观,专业文化知识仍需进一步提高。本文在以上的研究结果的基础上,提出了相应的建议:实行‘体教结合’,以大学为龙头,以中学为重点,以小学为基础,形成人才链,更好的实现为国家培养篮球竞技后备人才的目标;扩大生源范围,提高生源质量,改进招生方式;建立科学合理的学习和训练管理模式,进一步缓解学训矛盾;提高运动员专业文化知识和技能,增强就业竞争能力。

【Abstract】 With the intervention of the commercialization and professionalization of basketball, the basketball sports of our universities has dramastically changed since 20c 90s. Since the release of the notice about pilot high-level equipe among colleges and universities by the ex-State Education Commission, it appealed us to make full use of colleges and universities and take the step of multi-training althletes. It aimed to achieve the strategic target of going to the world of our undergraduate athletics. Its purpose was serve for the Olympic Champion Strategy by some extend through the testing of competition domestic and overseas. For more than 20 years, the basketball has been appreciated and popularized among colleges and universities. But during the pilot processing, there was no new break through for the cultivate mode of high-level basketball players. The high-level didn’t accomplished yet, and it’s still a long way to the taget of Cultivating the player and getting the Champion, Climbing the peak bravely,Bringing up the high-level player for our nation.With the development of the tounament among the colleges and universities, the CUBA started its first sports competition season since 1998. Yet, it is on for 10 seasons,and the participants are more than 600. All this made CUBA an beautiful landscape among the colleges and universities. The generation formation and evolution of basketball could improve the development of PE, just as other sports items. The basketball makes teachers and students pay more attention to PE and forms the atmosphere of taking part in physical exercise positively. It’s beneficial for the expansion of the mass sports, enrich the cultural life of campass, improve the communication between universities and colleges all around the world and enhance the PE level, cultivating the excellence players for the nation. The high level athlete teams held by the universities is an significant strategic measures for the multi-formal ,multipal channel and multi-level cultivating of PE elitist. Therefore, from the long-term development angle, carring out the CUBA has far-reaching significance. As for the research of current cultivating situation of high-level basketball player in Hubei province and establish a propriate management mode , it will has vital significance for the establishment of a high level basketball team and cultivate the players for colleges and universities. The research reveals that: (1) Currently, the goals of establishing teams among the universities in Hubei province is winning honour for their own campass, flourishing the campass culture and cultivating inter disciplinary talents who has the background of professional knowledge and basketball specialty. (2)There exist different ways of admissions and has no unified standard. It also don’t has high requirement for the education background for the players. (3)There are deficiency and shortcome for the quantity and quality of student source. (4)Players need further improvement and reinforcement in study and training management. The contradiction between study and training has became more fierce. (5)Currently, the employment condition is still far from being satisfactory for the high level basketball players in Hubei province, and the players need further improvement in their professional knowledge. This thesis is based on the above research and offers relevant suggestions: carrying out the combination of PE and teaching, forming the talents chain by means of primary school as the basis, high school as the key and colleges as the leading role, preferable accomlishing the goal of cultivating talent succession for the nation, improving the quantity and quality of the enrollment, norming the ways of admission, establishing appropriate management mode of study and training, further relieving the contradiction of studying and practicing, improving the knowledge and skills of the players , enhancing the ability of employment .

  • 【分类号】G841
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