

Modeling and Simulation of Tilting Principal Axis Five-axis High-speed Milling Machine

【作者】 袁先垚

【导师】 王友林;

【作者基本信息】 山东理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 机床业在国家工业发展过程中起了重要作用,我国机床业的发展水平尤其是多轴机床的发展水平同国外发达国家相比存在相当大的差距;同时国外将高端机床如五轴机床列为战略物资严格管理,限制出口到发展中国家。因此发展我国自己的五轴机床具有重要意义。首先,本文分析了五轴机床的结构形式,研究讨论了各种支撑结构的特点;同时针对大型复杂零部件的特点,如大型复杂模具的惯性大、移动困难等特点,提出了工件不动、用机床主轴移动和主轴转位的方法对工件进行5面加工的构想;设计并建立了主轴可转位五轴高速铣床的结构模型,该机床能很好解决上述问题;在此基础之上,对机床关键零部件如主轴系统、导轨、进给系统进行了选择和设计。其次,介绍了UG软件及其特点。利用UG的CAD功能对主轴可转位五轴高速铣床的各个零部件进行了设计建模和装配。在不影响其功能情况下对部分零部件进行了简化处理,使虚拟模型与本机床的物理样机模型具有相似的结构及运动学特性。最后,将主轴可转位五轴高速铣床的虚拟样机模型以Parasolid文件格式输入到ADAMS软件中,施加约束,定义相关驱动函数,采样交互式仿真方式对本机床进行运动学仿真。通过仿真分析,获得机床的仿真曲线,分析机床特性,验证了方案和结构设计的合理性。本文所作的工作,为整机模型的设计及进一步改进提供依据,同时也为模型的CAM仿真奠定等基础。

【Abstract】 Machine tool industry plays an important role in the development of industry in a country.However,there is still a great gap in the development of multi-axis machine between our country and developed nations.What is more, some developed nations regard high-end machine tools,especially five-axis machine tools,as strategic materials and limit their exportation to developing countries.Therefore,researching five-axis machine tools is very important to our country.First,the paper analyzes the structure of five-axis machine tools and studies the characteristics of all kinds of supporting structures.In accordance with the characteristics of large complex parts,such as large complex molds whose inertia is big and the parts are difficult to move,this paper raises a method to solve the question by moving and rotating the principal axis while keeping the part still.At the same time,the paper sets up the model of tilting principal axis five-axis high-speed milling machine.Furthermore,the key parts are selected and designed,such as the spindle system,rails and the feeding system.Second,the software UG is introduced.In addition,the text designs every part of the machine and has them installed by CAD part of UG.After that,the whole machine is simplified on the base of not impairing its normal operation. In this situation,the virtual model is more reasonable.Finally,the two directions swinging five-axis high-speed milling machine is transferred to ADAMS though Parasolid.Before simulating the machine, kinds of restrictions are programmed.The machine is proved correct by analyzing the data and simulated curves.The work in the paper provides a basis for the improvement of the machine and the further development,and lays foundation for CAM.
