

Study on Gas Abnormal Emission Dynamic Response Mechanism and Disaster Control Technology

【作者】 马丽娟

【导师】 吴际湘; 刘春富;

【作者基本信息】 煤炭科学研究总院 , 安全技术及工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究工作面局部瓦斯异常涌出危险状态下,利用监控系统及时识别其危险状态,判断其相邻区域的危险程度及危险蔓延状况,及时进行预警,建立应急响应机制;研究系统分级分区监控及分站层异地断电控制技术和方法,实现对危险区域及相邻区域危险状况蔓延及时进行控制,避免灾害的扩大。本文根据煤矿生产区域的布置情况及风流状况,划分瓦斯灾害危险区域及危险级别;采用模糊数学原理及模式识别技术,根据瓦斯浓度的变化率指标,建立危险识别预测模型,采用Fisher判别法确定其危险临界值,动态预测不同区域的危险程度。采用CAN-bus现场总线作为通讯方式,建立危险区相邻区域危险状况分时集中动态监控系统,充分发挥CAN总线的带优先权的非破坏性总线仲裁机制,采取主从式和多主式相结合的通讯模式,在局部工作面发生瓦斯异常涌出时,通过危险程度判识数学模型,由中心站和分站分级分区分时动态识别各相邻区域的危险升级情况,及时采取相应的控制手段和响应机制,有序地进行灾害控制,避免事故的蔓延扩大,降低灾害带来的损失。本文首次提出针对瓦斯异常危险区域及相邻区域危险状况分时集中动态监测技术的研究,以及危险区域及相邻区域井下监控分站分级分区控制技术的研究。

【Abstract】 Under the state of local gas emission abnormal state, monitoring systems are deployed to identify their risk and determine the extent of the adjacent zone and the risk of the spread of dangerous conditions, timely warning and urgent response mechanism are investigated in this paper. The system can monitor with grading zoning and sub-station and do power-off protection control layer by layer, these techniques and methods will help to prevent the risk spread to dangerous zone and adjacent zone , thus controlling the disaster and avoiding expansion.In this paper, in accordance with the layout of coal production areas and airflow conditions, gas disaster risk zones and risk level are classified . fuzzy mathematics theory and model recognition technology are used. according to the change rate targets of gas concentration , the risk identification and prediction model are established , Fisher identification method are used to determine the risk threshold, the degree of risk in different regions can be forecasted dynamically.CAN field bus are used as a means of communication, time-sharing central dynamic monitoring system for dangerous conditions in areas adjacent to the region are established, giving full play to the CAN bus with priority non-destructive arbitration mechanism and main-auxiliary and multi - the combination are used as the main type of communication model, when gas emission occurred the degree of risk will be identified through the mathematical model, the dangerous escalation situation will be identified dynamically from a central station and sub-station grading zoning in adjacent region ,thus timely taking appropriate control measures and response mechanisms for disaster control and avoiding the accident spread, reducing the losses caused by disasters.In this paper, time-sharing central dynamic monitoring aimed at abnormal gas hazardous area and the adjacent region are proposed for the first time, monitoring sub-station grading zoning controlling technology are studied as well.
