

Research on the Risk Management of Logistics Finance

【作者】 王传松

【导师】 翟晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自从加入WTO以来,我国物流业得到了快速发展。随着外资物流企业的不断进入,市场竞争越来越剧烈剧。这就要求物流企业进行服务创新,从传统的物流服务向现代物流服务进行延伸,为客户提供更多的增值服务。更重要的是物流企业通过开展物流金融服务业务,不但巩固了原有的客户关系,开拓了新的服务市场,成为业务和利润新的增长点,提高竞争优势,而且使物流企业的服务水平和管理能力得到提升,这样就大大提高了物流企业在供应链中的谈判地位,有助于形成物流企业的市场竞争优势。本文从物流金融的概念出发,分析了提供物流金融业务的动因以及国内外该业务发展的现状,之后详细地介绍了目前物流金融业务的几种融资模式以及各模式的优势。本文针对物流金融业务的特点,建立了一套较为全面和实用的物流金融业务风险评价指标体系,在此基础上,运用多属性决策评价法对物流金融业务所面临的风险进行评价。最后,通过对物流金融业务风险因素的分析研究对从事物流金融业务中第三方物流企业以及银行如何防范风险提出了几点建议,以对第三方物流企业以及银行有所启示。

【Abstract】 Since China’s accession to the WTO,The logistics industry is developed rapidly. Especially with the entry of foreign logistics enterprises.the competition is become more and more drastic,This will force the logistics companies provide customers more value-added services rather than only logistic service.More importantly, through the development of logistics financial business,not only to consolidate the existing relationships with customers,opening up a new market and become a new profit growth point,but also enhance the level of logistics services and the capacity of the management,and it can contribute to the formation of market competitive advantage.This article,emphasized on analyzing the concept of“logistics finance”and the motivation of providing this service,as well as the development situation of logistics finance.Then brought forward the models of“Logistics Finance”in details and their advantages individually.This thesis is striving to establish comprehensive and utilitarian risks evaluate index system.And based on this,analyzed the risks through the evaluation of multi-attribute decision-making method.At last,this article put forward some suggestion for the banks and 3PL through the analyzing of the risk factors of logistics finance.And do hope it would be beneficial to 3PL and bank

  • 【分类号】F252;F830.4
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】1182
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