

A Study of Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Interlingual Interpretive Resemblance

【作者】 谢艳艳

【导师】 刘季春;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 解释性相似这个概念最先由威尔逊和斯佩佰用于描述两个命题间的关系。格特对该概念做了适当修改,将其用于描述两个话语间的关系,并指出解释性相似的两个话语会在明晰义和暗含义上重合。以关联理论为基础,格特将翻译阐述为一种跨语言的解释性相似关系。本文作者运用话语的明晰义和暗含义这两个概念来描述翻译中的相似性,忠实的译文与原文最大程度地共享话语明晰义和暗含义。本文在该视角的关照下,对广告翻译进行研究,归纳出在广告翻译中实现解释性相似的三种途径,即原语与译语的明晰义和暗含义的重合、原语的暗含义与译语的明晰义的重合、原语与译语的明晰义的重合。

【Abstract】 The notion of interpretive resemblance is originally used by Deirdre Wilson and Dan Sperber to describe a relationship between two propositional forms. Gutt made modifications to the notion and applies it to utterances. He argues that two utterances interpretively resemble one another to the extent that they share their explicatures and implicatures. Based on the relevance theory, Gutt accounts translation as interlingual interpretive use.The author investigates the resemblance in translation in terms of explicatures and implicatures. The target and original utterances share their explicatures and implicatures to the largest extent. Advertisement translation is studied from this perspective. Three methods of achieving close resemblance in advertisement translating are discussed: overlap of explicatures and implicatures between the target and original utterances; overlap of the original utterance’s implicatures and the target utterance’s explicatures; overlap of explicatures between the target and original utterances.

  • 【分类号】H059
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