

Study on the Problems and Countermeasure of the Low-rent Housing System in China

【作者】 姚英杰

【导师】 郑敬高;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 城镇低收入群体的住房困难问题历来是我国政府十分重视的一件民生问题。随着我国城镇化进程不断推进,城市流动人口数量不断增加,城镇低收入群体的住房困难问题日益凸显起来,受到社会各界的广泛关注。城镇廉租房制度是指政府主导,采取不同补贴形式,为城镇居民中的低收入群体解决住房困难问题而建立的住房供给、分配、管理体系以及相关操作程序和规则等。作为我国解决城镇低收入群体的住房困难问题的主体制度,这一制度正被寄予愈来愈高的期望。本文在明确我国城镇廉租房制度的内涵和特点的基础上,通过选取不同的学科视角探寻廉租房制度构建的理论依据,从理论上明确我国建立城镇廉租房制度的必要性和重要性。通过对我国廉租房相关政策沿革的回顾和对我国城镇廉租房制度实施现状的总结,提出目前我国城镇廉租房制度建设中存在法律法规体系建设滞后、保障对象范围狭窄、制度覆盖范围有限、补贴方式存在的问题以及退出机制不健全等问题。带着对这些问题的关注,结合美国、新加坡以及我国香港地区实行住房保障制度的实践,总结国外及香港地区住房保障制度成功经验对我国城镇廉租房制度建设的启示。文章的最后一章,结合社会排斥理论、住宅过滤理论以及政府失灵理论提出了完善我国城镇廉租房制度的几个思路,并针对前面章节提出的我国城镇廉租房制度建设中存在的问题,结合这几个思路提出了构建完善的廉租房制度法律体系、扩大城镇廉租房制度的保障对象范围、灵活使用补贴方式、进一步健全廉租房管理机制以及采取相应措施进一步提高地方政府对廉租房制度建设的重视程度等完善我国城镇廉租房制度的对策建议。本文的创新点在于总结我国城镇廉租房制度发展的整体情况,并结合我国几个典型城市在实施廉租房制度过程中的具体情况,提出我国城镇廉租房制度建设实践中存在的问题,并结合社会排斥理论、住宅过滤理论以及政府失灵理论来分析这些问题产生的原因,进而提出完善我国城镇廉租房制度的总体思路。从整体上对我国城镇廉租房制度建设实践中存在的问题进行把握,并在此基础上提出完善我国城镇廉租房制度的具体对策建议。

【Abstract】 Housing problem of urban low-income groups has always been a people’s livelihood problem which government attaches great importance to. With the development of the urbanization process in China, the number of floating population will increase continuously. Housing problem of Urban low-income groups is becoming more prominent, and of the widespread concern by various circles of society. Urban low-rent housing system means that government-led, using different subsidy forms and establishing the issue of housing supply, distribution, management systems and related operational procedures and rules to solve the housing difficulties of low-income groups. As the main system to solve housing problems of the low-income groups in our country, the system is being placed increasingly high expectations.This paper makes clear the importance of the establishment of the low-rent housing system in our country theoretically based on the clearness of its necessity and importance through selecting the different subject angle .Through the review of evolution of our countries’low-rent housing policy and the summary of the current implement situation ,this paper puts forward the problem such as the lag of related law system construction, narrow scope of protection ,the limited coverage range, the subsidy form problem of and the lack of quit mechanism. With the concerns of these issues, in light of the United States, Singapore and Hong Kong region of China’s housing security system, this paper sums up the enlightenment of foreign house security system. The last chapter, combined with social exclusion theory, theory of residential filtering, as well as government failure theory, puts forward several trains of thought. With these trains of thought, propose the suggestion that our country should improve the related legal system, expand the scope of protection, use the subsidies flexibly, make management mechanism of low-rent house better, take appropriate measures to make local government paying more attention to the construction of low-rent housing system .The innovation of this paper is to sum the problem of the low-rent housing system practice up with the concrete condition of several typical cities, and using the social exclusion theory, the theory of residential filtering, as well as the theories of government failure theory to analyze the course of these problems, then in this basis put forward the general idea of improving China’s low-rent housing system. Grasp the problems of the practice in our countries’low-rent housing system construction. In this basis, put forward suggestion to improve our countries’low-rent housing system.
