

The Design and Realization of People’s Procuratorate Management System Based on J2EE Platform MVC Pattern

【作者】 黄小军

【导师】 魏振钢;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术的不断发展,网络技术和应用软件开发技术的应用越来越广泛。随着检察院系统事业的发展,对规范行政管理流程、提高办公效率、加强决策支持的要求越来越高。所以,设计实现一个检察院综合业务信息系统具有非常现实的意义。目前基于B/S的多层Web体系结构逐渐发展成熟起来,成为众多应用软件的首选。J2EE(Java 2Platform Enterprise Edition)技术作为一种建立企业级应用的标准平台,得以迅速发展,并逐步成熟。J2EE平台的成熟,为Web应用程序更进一步的发展提供了广阔空间。MVC设计模式是一种将表示、控制和数据分离的开发解决方案,在实现多层次Web应用系统中具有明显的优势。本文根据检察院业务管理的需求,结合信息系统特点,开发了一个适用于本系统的开发框架,进而提出了基于J2EE平台MVC模式的检察院综合业务系统的解决方案。本文分析了现有的Web实现框架应用于本系统开发的可行性和优缺点,进而提出了一种以Struts为原型的新开发框架,该框架在模型层与数据库之间的交互实现了SQL语句的自动组装,降低了开发难度,提高了开发效率。详细介绍了系统实现中所遇到的关键问题,并给出相应解决方案。并以绩效考核子系统为例,详细描述了该开发框架的具体实现步骤和应用过程。最后分析了系统的不足之处及有待改善的地方。通过对本系统中已投入使用的多个子系统的实践检验,证明使用该框架是可以满足开发需求的,并且取得了满意的应用效果。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer technology, network technology and the application of software are more and more extensive. Especially with the development of procuratorate business, the request to standardize management procedure, raise office efficiency, strengthen decision support is higher. So, it has realistic significance to design and realize a people’s procuratorate integrated services information system.Now the multiple layers web structure based on B/S develops and matures, it becomes the first choice of much application software. J2EE appears as the standard platform which is a kind of technology to build enterprise applications, it develops progressively and matures. The maturity of J2EE platform, offer the wider space for web application development. MVC design pattern is a development solution which can separate control from representation, data and control. It has the obvious advantage in realization of multiple layer web application system. According to the requirements of procuratorate business management and the feature of information system, the paper realized new development architecture that suitable for this system. Further, put forward to a solution in procuratorate integrated services information system base on J2EE platform MVC pattern.The paper analyses the feasibility, advantages and disadvantages of realizing this system by using current web realization architectures. Further, put forward to a new development architecture which makes Struts as prototype architecture. This architecture realizes the automatic arrangement of SQL sentences in the reaction between Model layer and database; it reduces the development difficulty and raises the efficiency. The paper detailed introduces the key problems that encountered during the process of realizing the system, gives the corresponding solutions. Make achievement and efficiency examine subsystem as the sample; introduce the detailed realization and application process of this development architecture. At last, it summarizes the deficiency of the system and the place need to improve. According to the representation of several subsystems that have been applied in procuratorate department, it demonstrates that it can match the development requirement by using this architecture and perform well.
