

Analyses of the Differential Expressed Genes during Colonizing and Developing of Magnaporthe Grisea in Rice Plants

【作者】 胡芳辉

【导师】 鲁国东; 王宗华;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 植物病理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 稻瘟病菌与水稻互作系统,是理想的病原菌与植物互作的模式系统,也是病害生态控制的理想模式。为了探索稻瘟病菌与水稻互作的分子机理,本文采用基因芯片的方法筛选了稻瘟病菌在定殖与扩展过程中与水稻互作的特异表达基因,并对这些基因进行初步的分析和部分基因RT-PCR验证。基因芯片结果显示,若以两倍的变化作为标准,在稻瘟病菌定殖和扩展过程中,稻瘟病菌共有3309个基因发生上调,3453个基因发生下调;水稻有974个基因上调,1134个基因下调。参照NCBI数据库、稻瘟病菌数据库和水稻基因组数据库结合ProtComp 8.0软件,对基因芯片结果中稻瘟病菌中上调最大的122个基因,下调最大的67个基因;水稻上调最大的62个基因,下调最大的7个基因,进行基因表达产物的分析和亚细胞定位。并对基因芯片中稻瘟病菌上调最大的20个基因进行RT-PCR的验证,结果发现其中有18个基因与基因芯片结果一致,有2个基因未能扩增得到产物。

【Abstract】 The system of rice- Magnaporthe grisea, is an ideal model system of the plants interaction with their pathogens and the ecological control of plant disease. In order to understand the interaction molecular mechanism between Magnaporthe grisea and rice, the specific expression genes during the pathogen infection were screened out by the technology of gene chip and some of them were verified by RT-PCR.The result of gene chip experiment showed that, for more than 2-fold change, there were 3309 up-regulated genes and 3453 down-regulated genes from Magnaporthe grisea; and 974 up-regulated genes and 1134 down-regulated genes from rice. The NCBI, Magnaporthe grisea genome and Rice Genome Annotation Project databases, and ProtComp 8.0 software were used to annotate the proteins and their subcellular localizations of the most obviously changed genes, in which122 up-regulated and 66 down-regulated genes from M. grisea, and 62 up-regulated and 66 down-regulated genes from rice. Finally, the top 20 up-regulated genes were selected from Magnaporthe grisea and verified by RT-PCR analysis.

  • 【分类号】S435.111.41
  • 【被引频次】2
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