

Influence of Aluminum and Phenols to Some Physiological and Biochemical Processes of the Different Chinese Fir Clones under Different Nutrient Conditions

【作者】 林婷

【导师】 林思祖;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林培育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 杉木(Cunninghamia laceolata)是我国南方特有的速生用材林树种,其地力退化、生产力锐减一直是制约林业生产的重大疑难问题。随着大气环境日益恶化,土壤酸化已成为人工杉木林地力衰退、更新困难的重要原因。土壤酸化的一个严重后果是土壤中铝离子含量增大,对植物产生毒害作用。另外,杉木自毒作用所分泌的酚酸类物质将进一步加剧土壤酸化,一方面可能会加深铝毒对杉木的影响,另一方面,一定浓度的酚酸也可能与铝螯合,降低Al的活度从而降低对植物的毒害。鉴于此,本项目拟在原有研究工作的基础上,利用已分离出的酚酸类物质(邻羟基苯甲酸)与活性铝相结合,同时考虑不同营养条件,采用3因素5水平的二次旋转回归正交方法,人工模拟对杉木无性系进行逆境胁迫,测定其相对电导率,丙二醛含量,超氧化物歧化酶活性和叶绿素荧光动力学参数等若干生理生化指标并建立数学模型,以期为培育杉木耐铝及酚酸类物质植物品种提供理论依据和实验基础。主要研究结果概括如下:在杉木不同无性系的不同胁迫时期,各个生理生化过程的回归模型复相关系数F2的显著性检验均达到显著水平,说明试验所建立的回归方程与实际情况拟合较好,能够反映不同胁迫时期中各生理生化指标与各试验因素(自变量)之间的综合关系。在本试验条件下,可以用所建立的回归模型预测或模拟各生理生化指标的变化。1、复合胁迫对杉木不同无性系叶片相对电导率的影响在胁迫不同时期,影响杉木不同无性系相对电导率的主要因素各不相同。对于无性系FS01,在胁迫三个时期,都存在营养条件的非线性作用(X32)对相对电导率有显著影响。另外还有活性铝和邻羟基苯甲酸的线性作用以及三个因子间的交互作用在不同胁迫时期分别对相对电导率产生不同影响。其中,活性铝与营养条件的交互作用(X1X3)以及邻羟基苯甲酸与营养条件的交互作用(X2X3)在胁迫前期对相对电导率发挥了显著影响,且该影响表现为物质浓度高时相互增效,浓度低时相互拮抗;胁迫中期,活性铝与营养条件的交互作用(X1X3)以高浓度时相互拮抗,低浓度相互增效的方式对相对电导率产生显著影响;胁迫后期,活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)对相对电导率发挥了显著作用,该作用在物质浓度高时表现为相互增效,浓度低时相互拮抗;对于无性系FS11,在不同胁迫时期对相对电导率有显著影响的因素主要是三个因子的线性作用以及因子间的交互作用。其中,活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)在胁迫前期对相对电导率表现为高浓度时相互增效,低浓度时相互拮抗,而在胁迫后期则刚好相反。活性铝与营养条件的交互作用(X1X3)在胁迫中期显著影响FS11的相对电导率,且该影响表现为高浓度时相互增效,低浓度时相互拮抗。2、复合胁迫对杉木不同无性系叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响在胁迫不同时期,影响杉木不同无性系MDA含量的主要因素各不相同。对于无性系FS01,胁迫的三个时期中铝浓度与酚酸浓度的交互作用(X1X2)对MDA含量都有显著影响,但胁迫前期为正相关,胁迫中期和后期是负相关。三个因子的线性作用和非线性作用也在不同胁迫时期对MDA含量产生不同的显著影响。其中,在胁迫前期,存在活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)以及邻羟基苯甲酸与营养条件的交互作用(X2X3)对FS01的MDA含量有显著影响,且该影响都在物质浓度高时相互增效,物质浓度低时相互拮抗;在胁迫中期和后期,活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)都以高浓度时相互拮抗,低浓度相互增效的方式对MDA含量产生显著影响。对于无性系FS11,在胁迫前期,只有活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的线性作用(X1,X2)对MDA含量有显著影响,随着胁迫时间的延长,显著影响MDA含量的因素逐渐出现了三个因子的非线性作用,到了胁迫后期,还有邻羟基苯甲酸与营养条件的交互作用(X2X3)也对MDA含量发挥显著影响,该影响在邻羟基苯甲酸浓度和营养条件水平较高时相互拮抗,较低时相互增效。3、复合胁迫对杉木不同无性系叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响影响杉木不同无性系SOD活性的主要因素在不同胁迫时期各不相同。对于无性系FS01,在胁迫前期和后期,都存在活性铝浓度和邻羟基苯甲酸浓度的线性作用(X1,X2)以及活性铝与营养条件的交互作用(X1X3)对SOD活性有显著影响,在胁迫中期,对SOD活性有显著影响的则是三个因子的非线性作用(X12,X22,X32)。活性铝与营养条件的交互作用(X1X3)在胁迫前期表现为高浓度时相互增效,低浓度时相互拮抗,在胁迫后期时则正好相反;对于无性系FS11,在胁迫前期和中期,对SOD活性有显著影响的因素都是活性铝和邻羟基苯甲酸的非线性作用(X12,X22)。在胁迫后期,除了活性铝的非线性作用(X12)外,还有活性铝和邻羟基苯甲酸的线性作用(X1,X2)以及两者间的交互作用(X1X2)对SOD活性有显著影响,其中,活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)在物质浓度高时表现为相互拮抗,浓度低时表现为相互增效。4、复合胁迫对杉木不同无性系叶片初始荧光值Fo的影响影响杉木不同无性系初始荧光值Fo的主要因素在不同胁迫时期不尽相同。对于无性系FS01,在胁迫的不同时期,活性铝的线性作用(X1)对Fo都有显著影响,除此之外,活性铝的非线性作用(X12)、邻羟基苯甲酸和营养条件的线性作用(X2,X3)以及因子间的交互作用也在不同胁迫时期对初始荧光值Fo发挥了不同的影响,其中,活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)以及邻羟基苯甲酸与营养条件的交互作用(X2X3)分别在胁迫中期和后期对Fo的变化产生显著影响,且该影响都表现为高浓度时相互增效,低浓度时相互拮抗;对于无性系FS11,在胁迫三个时期,对Fo有显著影响的因素都较少,分别包括活性铝的线性作用和非线性作用(X1,X12)、邻羟基苯甲酸的线性作用(X2)以及活性铝与营养条件的交互作用(X1X3),其中,活性铝与营养条件的交互作用(X1X3)在胁迫前期以高浓度时相互增效,低浓度时相互拮抗的形式对Fo产生显著影响。5、复合胁迫对杉木不同无性系叶片PSⅡ最大光化学效率FV/Fm的影响在胁迫不同时期,对杉木不同无性系PSⅡ最大光化学效率FV/Fm有显著影响的因素各不相同,但都包括活性铝的线性作用(X1)。对于FS01,活性铝的非线性作用(X12)、邻羟基苯甲酸的线性作用(X2)以及因子间的交互作用也在胁迫不同时期对FV/Fm产生了不同的影响,其中,活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)在胁迫中期对FV/Fm有显著影响,该影响在活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸浓度高时相互拮抗,浓度低时相互增效。活性铝与营养条件的交互作用(X1X3)在胁迫后期时显著影响FV/Fm,但该影响则表现为高浓度时相互增效,低浓度时相互拮抗;对于无性系FS11,在胁迫三个时期,活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)都对FV/Fm有显著影响,并且在胁迫三个时期都表现为高浓度时相互拮抗,低浓度相互增效。胁迫前期,还有活性铝的非线性作用(X12)也显著影响FV/Fm的变化,胁迫中期,三个因子的非线性作用都对FV/Fm有显著影响。6、复合胁迫对杉木不同无性系叶片实际光化学效率φPSⅡ的影响在胁迫不同时期,影响杉木不同无性系实际光化学效率φPSⅡ的主要因素各不相同。对于无性系FS01,在胁迫三个时期,活性铝和邻羟基苯甲酸的线性作用(X1、X2)对φPSⅡ都表现出显著的负相关,另外活性铝和营养条件的非线性作用(X12,X32)以及活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)也在不同胁迫时期对FS01的实际光化学效率φPSⅡ发挥了不同影响,其中,活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)在胁迫后期以高浓度时相互拮抗,低浓度时相互增效的形式对φPSⅡ产生显著影响。对于无性系FS11,在胁迫三个时期对φPSⅡ都有显著影响的因素包括活性铝的线性和非线性作用(X1,X12),另外,在不同胁迫时期,还有邻羟基苯甲酸和营养条件的线性作用(X2、X3)、邻羟基苯甲酸的非线性作用(X22)以及活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)分别对实际光化学效率φPSⅡ发挥了不同影响。其中,活性铝与邻羟基苯甲酸的交互作用(X1X2)在胁迫中期和后期都对φPS有显著影响,且该影响都表现为高浓度时相互拮抗,低浓度时相互增效。

【Abstract】 Chinese fir is China’s fast-growing timber tree species endemic in southern, their soil degradation, productivity reduction has been a major constraint problems of forestry production. With the atmospheric environment is deteriorating, soil acidification has become the important reason to soil degradation and update difficulties of Chinese fir plantation. A serious consequence of soil acidification is aluminum content in soil increased and the the plants were poisoned. In addition, The phenolic acids secreted by the auto-toxicity caused by Chinese fir would be further exacerbated soil acidification, on the one hand, aluminum toxicity on the impact of Chinese fir may be enhanced , on the other hand, A certain concentration phenolic acids may chelate with the aluminum ,then reduce the activity of aluminum thereby reducing the toxicity of plants.In view of this, this paper will base on existing research, use the separated and identified phenolic acids(o-hydroxybenzoic acid) to combine with active aluminum,considering different nutritional conditions,artificial simulate the adversity stress on chinese fir clones by using orthogonal rotary regression of three factors and five levels, and determine some physiological indexes such as relative conductivity, malondialdehyde(MDA) content, superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity and chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics parameters ,etc. Combined the analysis of variance to the index and the factors, the series of the quadratic equation of three factors were optimized and established. At the same time, the interaction between nutritional conditions, phenolic acids and active aluminum will be studied to provide the theoretical and experimental basis for cultivating aluminum-tolerant and phenolic acids-tolerant varieties of Chinese fir , extend and enrich the research of aluminum toxicity to Chinese fir The main results were as follows:To different physiological and biochemical processes of different Chinese fir clones at different stress periods,the significance test on the multiple correlation coefficient of regression model all reached significant level ,which illustrated that the regression equation can fitted actual situation well,and it can ues to reflect the relationship between the experimental factors and different physiological and biochemical processes. So the regression model established under this experimental condition can predict and simulate the changes of different physiological and biochemical processes.1. Effects of combined stress on the relative conductivity of different Chinese fir clones leavesAt different stress periods, the factors that impacted the relative conductivity of different Chinese fir clones leaves are different. To No.01, the nonlinear interaction of nutritional conditions(X32) impacted the relative conductivity at all three stress periods. Besides, the linear interactions of phenolic acids and active aluminum and the interaction between three influencing factors brought different degree effect on the relative conductivity respectively at different stress periods. Among them, the interaction between active Al and nutritional conditions(X1X3) and the interaction between o-hydroxybenzoic acid and nutritional conditions(X2X3) played a significant role at the initial stage of stress, and the influences shown as mutual promotion in higher concentration and mutual antagonistic in lower concentration. At the middle stage of stress, the interaction between active Al and nutritional conditions(X1X3) impacted the relative conductivity in the way of mutual antagonistic in higher concentration and mutual promotion in lower concentration. At the later stage of stress, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) had a significant effect on the relative conductivity,and the effect was mutual promotion in higher concentration and mutual antagonistic in lower concentration.To No.11, the factors that impacted the relative conductivity at different stress periods were the linear interactions and the interaction between three influencing factors. Among them, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) shown as mutual promotion in higher concentration and mutual antagonistic in lower concentration at the initial stage of stress, and just the opposite at the later stage of stress. The interaction between active Al and nutritional conditions(X1X3) impacted the relative conductivity significantly at the middle stage of stress, and the influences shown as mutual promotion in higher concentration and mutual antagonistic in lower concentration.2. Effects of combined stress on the malondialdehyde(MDA) content of different Chinese fir clones leavesAt different stress periods, the factors that impacted the MDA content of different Chinese fir clones leaves were different. To No.01, at three stress periods, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) was all existed to play a significant role to the MDA content. There was a positive correlation between the interaction and the MDA content at the initial stage of stress, but a negative correlation at the middle and later stage of stress. The linear and nonlinear interactions of three influencing factors also had different effects on the MDA content respectively at the different stress periods. Among them, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) and the interaction between o-hydroxybenzoic acid and nutritional conditions(X2X3) affected the MDA content significantly at the initial stage of stress, and they both shown as mutual promotion when the material concentration was higher and mutual antagonistic when material concentration was lower. At the middle and later stage of stress, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) impacted the MDA content in the way of mutual antagonistic in higher concentration and mutual promotion in lower concentration.To No.11, there were only the linear interactions of active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1,X2) that had significantly influence on the MDA content at the initial stage of stress, with the stress time prolonging , the nonlinear interactions of three influencing factors gradually appeared as the factors that impact the MDA content. The interaction between o-hydroxybenzoic acid and nutritional conditions (X2X3) also played a important role to the MDA content at the later stage of stress, which shown as mutual antagonistic when the concentration of o-hydroxybenzoic acid and the level of nutritional conditions were high, and as mutual promotion when the opposite.3. Effects of combined stress on the superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity of different Chinese fir clones leavesThe factors that impact the SOD activity of different Chinese fir clones leaves were not the same at different stress periods. To No.01, the linear interactions of active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1,X2)and the interaction between active Al and nutritional conditions(X1X3) impacted the SOD activity significantly both at the initial and later stage of stress. At the middle stage of stress, the factors that impacted the SOD activity were the nonlinear interactions of three influencing factors(X12,X22,X32). The interaction between active Al and nutritional conditions(X1X3) shown as mutual promotion in higher concentration and mutual antagonistic in lower concentration at the initial stage of stress, and shown as the opposite at the later stage of stress. To No.11, the factors that impacted the SOD activity were the nonlinear interactions of active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X12,X22)both at the initial and middle stage of stress. Including the nonlinear interactions of active Al(X12), the linear interactions and interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1,X2,X1X2) also had significantly influence on the SOD activity. Among them, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) shown as mutual antagonistic when the material concentration was higher and mutual promotion when material concentration was lower.4. Effects of combined stress on the initial fluorescence(Fo) of different Chinese fir clones leavesThe main factors that impact the initial fluorescence (Fo) of different Chinese fir clones leaves at different stress periods are not the same. To No.01, the linear interactions of active A(lX1)effected the initial fluorescence(Fo) significantly at all three stress periods. Besides, the nonlinear interactions of active Al, the linear interactions of o-hydroxybenzoic acid and nutritional conditions(X2,X3)and the interaction among three influencing factors brought different degree effect on the initial fluorescence (Fo) respectively at different stress periods. Among them, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) and the interaction between o-hydroxybenzoic acid and nutritional conditions(X2X3) significantly affected the initial fluorescence (Fo) separately at the middel and later stage of stress, and they both shown as mutual promotion in higher concentration and mutual antagonistic in lower concentration.To No.11, the factor that impacted the initial fluorescence (Fo) at different stress periods was relatively less, which included the linear and nonlinear interactions of active Al(X1, X12), the linear interactions of o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X2)and the interaction between active Al and nutritional conditions(X1X3). Among them, the interaction between active Al and nutritional conditions(X1X3) impacted the initial fluorescence (Fo) in the way of mutual promotion in higher concentration and mutual antagonistic in lower concentration at the initial stage of stress.5. Effects of combined stress on the photo-chemical efficiency of PSⅡ(Fv/Fm) of different Chinese fir clones leavesAt different stress periods ,the factors that impact the photo-chemical efficiency of PSⅡ(Fv/Fm) of different Chinese fir clones leaves were not the same, but included the the linear interactions of active Al(X1)in both two clones. To No.01, the nonlinear interactions of active Al (X12), the linear interactions of o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X2)and the interaction among three influencing factors influenced the photo-chemical efficiency of PSⅡ(Fv/Fm) respectively at different stress periods. Among them, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) played a significant role at the middle stage of stress, and the influences shown as mutual antagonistic in higher concentration and mutual promotion in lower concentration, the interaction between active Al and nutritional conditions(X1X3) played a significant role at the later stage of stress, but the influences shown as mutual promotion in higher concentration and mutual antagonistic in lower concentration.To No.11, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) influenced the photo-chemical efficiency of PSⅡ(Fv/Fm) significantly at all three stress periods, and all shown as mutual antagonistic in higher concentration and mutual promotion in lower concentration. An the initial stage of stress, the nonlinear interactions of active Al (X12)also influenced the photo-chemical efficiency of PSⅡ(Fv/Fm). At the middle stage of stress, the nonlinear interactions of three influencing factors all played a important role to the photo-chemical efficiency of PSⅡ(Fv/Fm). 6. Effects of combined stress on the actual photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(ФPSⅡ) of different Chinese fir clones leavesAt different stress periods ,the factors that impacted the actual photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(ФPSⅡ) of different Chinese fir clones leaves were not the same. To No.01, the linear interactions of active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1,X2)had significant negative correlation with the actual photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(ФPSⅡ) at three stress periods. The nonlinear interactions of active Al and nutritional conditions(X12,X32)and the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) brought different degree effect on the actual photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(ФPSⅡ) respectively at different stress periods. Among them, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) impacted the actual photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(ФPSⅡ) in the way of mutual antagonistic in higher concentration and mutual promotion in lower concentration in the later stage of stress.To No.11, the factors that impacted the actual photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(ФPSⅡ) at all three stress periods included the linear and nonlinear interactions of active Al(X1, X12).Besides, at different stress periods, the linear interactions of o-hydroxybenzoic acid and nutritional conditions(X2,X3), the nonlinear interactions of o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X22)and the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) played different roles in the actual photochemical efficiency of PSⅡ(ФPSⅡ). Among them, the interaction between active Al and o-hydroxybenzoic acid(X1X2) impacted theФPSⅡboth at the middle and later stage of stress ,and they both shown as mutual antagonistic when the materials concentration were higher and mutual promotion when the materials concentration were lower at the later stage of stress.

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