

Study on Surface Properties and Aesthetic Perception of Common Decorative Wood

【作者】 柯丽丽

【导师】 林金国;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 木材具有大自然赋予的独特美感以及优越的材料特性,在室内环境装饰及家具制作等方面发挥举足轻重的作用。本论文借鉴心理物理学方法进行装饰木材美感度单因素分析,并构建了装饰木材美感度模型。比较分析了筒状非洲楝、古夷苏木、水曲柳、杉木4种常用装饰木材素材表面特性的差异;系统分析了微波处理前后4种常用装饰木材表面特性的差异以及4种常用装饰木材素材与微波处理材在加速老化过程中表面特性的变化规律;应用红外光谱法测定分析装饰木材微波处理和加速老化处理前后表面特性变化的机理。4种常用装饰木材素材表面特性分析表明,在CIE(1976)L*a*b*色空间中,筒状非洲楝和古夷苏木明度L*平均值较低,这两种木材属于深材色树种,其独有的高雅华贵色调,营造出一种法式宫廷的韵味,给人予深沉、稳重、肃雅之感;杉木明度L*平均值为70.28,属于较高明度。浅色系的水曲柳和杉木作为家具和室内装饰材料让人感到明快、整洁、高雅和舒畅。从整体分布情况来看,4种常用装饰木材的a*和b*都分布在0以上的范围,明度分布在40以上的范围,色调标号都分布在YR的区间。单位时间内4种常用装饰木材表面接触角的变化率可知,古夷苏木和水曲柳的表面润湿性大于筒状非洲楝和杉木。装饰木材美感度单因素分析,结果表明:深暗色的装饰木材美感度平均值最高,无色至浅的装饰木材美感度最小;不同硬度的装饰木材美感度表现为:硬>中等>软,表面硬度较高的装饰木材大众喜好度最高;表面光滑的装饰木材的美感度最高,表面粗糙的装饰木材大众喜好度最低。借鉴心理物理学方法,用表面粗糙度、表面硬度、颜色、年轮宽度、年轮明显度、结构细致度、剖面和色差8个项目构建的装饰木材美感度多元数量化模型为: Z=-0.391-0.364X1-1-0.294X1-2-0.175X1-3-0.15X2-1-0.097X2-2-0.114X4-1-0.232X4-2+0.089X5-1 -0.039X5-2-0.065X6-1+0.097X6-2+0.291X8-1+0.061X8-2+0.546X10-1+0.342X10-2+0.438X11-1+0.262X11-2;通过复相关系数检验可知,筛选出的8个因子和装饰木材喜好度之间具有极显著相关性。人们对装饰木材的喜好度随着表面硬度的增大而增大,随着表面粗糙度的增大而减小;对深暗色装饰木材的喜好度高于其它三种颜色,色差略明显或结构细致的装饰木材大众喜好度较高。年轮明显且宽度中等的木材斜切面最受大众推崇。经不同强度、不同时间微波处理后,4种常见装饰木材微波处理材的明度L*、红绿轴色品指数a*和饱和度C值均有降低,其材色向低明度且低饱和度的方向变化;微波处理使深材色树种(筒状非洲楝和古夷苏木)的黄蓝轴色品指数b*值降低,浅材色装饰木材(水曲柳和杉木)的黄蓝轴色品指数b*值升高。微波强度、微波时间对材色变化均有影响。除黄蓝轴色品指数b*外,同一微波强度处理下,材色各参数值随微波处理时间的延长而降低,低强度长时间微波处理相比高强度短时间微波处理对4种常见装饰木材材色影响更显著。经不同强度、不同时间微波处理后,4种常见装饰木材表面润湿性显著降低。微波强度、微波时间对木材表面润湿性均有影响。同一微波强度处理下,木材表面润湿性随微波处理时间的延长而降低,高强度短时间微波处理相比低强度长时间微波处理对4种常见装饰木材表面润湿性的影响更显著。随着老化时间的延长,4种常见装饰木材表面明度呈现增加的趋势,红绿轴色品指数随着老化周期的增加而降低,黄蓝轴色品指数随着老化周期的增加而增加,老化处理后木材表面的颜色向偏白、偏绿和偏黄的角度变化。高强度短时间微波处理材和低强度长时间微波处理材同一老化周期后的表面材色参数变化规律无明显差异,其变化趋势基本保持一致。加速老化使得微波处理材表面的润湿性增加。同一个老化周期后,微波处理材表面动态接触角始终大于未处理材表面动态接触角。同微波强度处理下,短时间微波处理材表面动态接触角小于长时间微波处理材动态接触角;高强度短时间微波处理材和低强度长时间微波处理材同一老化周期后表面润湿性变化规律无明显差异。应用红外光谱法测定分析了4种常用装饰木材素材及经过微波和加速老化处理后木材官能团变化情况。微波处理后,木材表面羟基数目减少,高强度短时间微波处理比低强度长时间微波处理对木材表面羟基数目的减少影响更显著,这可能是由于微波改性处理使得木材表面的活性基团相互结合而丧失了相互吸引的能力,这种的结合难以破坏或者极性难以恢复,导致其表面润湿性降低;微波处理材的特征吸收峰相对强度比值均低于素材,乙酰基和纤维伯羟基的吸收减弱,此时木材可能已发生脱乙酰基、脱水和热分解现象。高强度短时间微波处理材的吸收峰相对强度比值大于低强度长时间微波处理材的吸收峰相对强度比值,这就佐证了微波改性处理使木材表面颜色发生变化,降低了微波处理材表面的润湿性,微波改性处理的强度和时间均对木材的颜色和表面润湿性有影响,高强度短时间微波处理对木材润湿性影响更显著;低强度长时间微波处理对木材颜色影响更显著的结论。各个老化周期后,微波处理材的特征吸收峰相对强度比值小于素材,低功率长时间微波改性处理材特征吸收峰相对强度比值小于高功率短时间微波改性处理材。各个老化周期中木材素材、低功率长时间微波改性处理材和高功率短时间微波改性处理材各自的特征吸收峰相对强度比值略有差别,但总体上变化趋势无明显差异。这就佐证了高强度短时间微波处理材和低强度长时间微波处理材在同等的老化条件下,表面材色参数和润湿性变化趋势无明显差异,基本保持一致的结论。

【Abstract】 Wood played an important role in indoor environment decoration and furniture manufacture because of its unique beauty and superior material properties granted by the nature.This paper conducted single factor analyses of decorative wood for reference to psychophysical method and constructed aesthetic perception model of decorative wood. This paper analyzed the difference of surface properties between Entandrophragma cylindricum、Guibourtia tessmannii、Fraxinus mandshurica and Cunninghamia lanceolata comparatively, analyzed not only the difference of surface properties between 4 common decorative wood before and after microwave processing but also the variation regularity of surface properties of 4 original decorative wood and microwave processing wood during accelerated aging systematically. Finally, this paper alalyzed the variation mechanism of decorative wood’surface properties before and after microwave processing and accelerated aging by FT-IR.Analyses of the surface properties for 4 original decorative wood indicated that in CIE(1976)L*a*b* color dimension, Entandrophragma cylindricum and Guibourtia tessmannii had lower brightness which belonged to deep-color woods. Their unique elegant and grand hue constructed a kind of french palace appeal that made people feel deep、prudent and elegant. The average of Cunninghamia lanceolata’s brightness was 70.28 which belonged to higher brightness. Fraxinus mandshurica and Cunninghamia lanceolata with light color made people feel bright、neat、elegant and satisfied when they were used as furniture and indoor decoration materials. Taken as a whole, the values of a* and b* of 4 common decorative wood were above 0, the brightness were above 40 and the values of H were within YR region. The surface wettability of Guibourtia tessmannii and Fraxinus mandshurica were better than those of Entandrophragma cylindricum and Cunninghamia lanceolat according to the variance rate of 4 decorative wood‘s surface wettability per unit time.Single factor analyses of the aesthetic perception for decorative wood indicated that the average value of aesthetic perception of dark-colored decorative wood was the highest, the average value of aesthetic perception of colorless to light-colored decorative wood was the lowest. The rank of decorative wood aesthetic perception of different hardness was: hard>middling>soft, the public approval of decorative wood with higher surface hardness was the highest. The aesthetic perception of decorative wood with smooth surface was the highest and the public approval of decorative wood with rough surface was the lowest. Eight main factors such as surface roughness, surface hardness, color, width of growth ring, clearness of growth ring, fineness of architecture, section, color difference were used to establish aesthetic perception model of decorative wood by using psychophysical method:Z=-0.391-0.364X1-1-0.294X1-2-0.175X1-3-0.15X2-1-0.097X2-2-0.114X4-1-0.232X4-2+0.089X5-1-0.039X5-2-0.065X6-1+0.097X6-2+0.291X8-1+0.061X8-2+0.546X10-1+0.342X10-2+0.438X11-1+0.262 X11-2; There was extremely significant correlation between the eight factors which were screened out and the decotative wood’s public approval by multiple correlation coefficient test. The public approval of decorative wood increased with the increase of surface hardness and decreased with the increase of surface roughness. The public approval of dark-colored decorative wood was higher than that of other three colors. The decorative wood with little color difference or fine architecture had higher public approval. Scarf of the wood with clear and middling width growth ring was well praised by the public.The values of three color parameters such as L*、a* and C of 4 common decorative wood all decreased after microwave processing either by different power or by different time and also the surface color changed into low-brightness and low-saturation. Microwave processing decreased the values of b* of dark-colored wood (Entandrophragma cylindricum and Guibourtia tessmannii) but increased the values of b* of light-colored wood (Fraxinus mandshurica and Cunninghamia lanceolata). Both microwave power and microwave time had some influence on the change of surface color. Most parameters of surface color except b* decreased with the prolongation of microwave processing time. Microwave processing by low-power and long-time had more significant influence on the surface color of 4 common decorative wood than microwave processing by high-power and short-time did. The wettability of 4 common decorative wood decreased significantly after microwave processing by different processing power and processing time. Both microwave power and microwave time had some influence on the surface wettability of wood. The surface wettability of wood decreased with the prolongation of microwave time by the same microwave processing power, moreover, microwave processing by high-power and short-time had more significant influence on the surface wettability of 4 common decorative wood than microwave processing by low-power and long-time did.Along with the prolongation of aging time, the surface brightness of 4 common decorative wood increased, the value of a* decreased and the value of b* increased. The surface color of wood became a little more white、a little more green and a little more yellow after aging processing. There was no significant difference in all parameters of surface color between microwave processing by high-power, short-time and microwave processing by low-power, long-time after same accelerated aging period and both preserved the similar variation trend. Accletated aging increased the surface wettability of microwave processing wood. The dynamic contact angles of microwave processing wood were always bigger than those of unprocessing wood after same accelerated aging period. The dynamic contact angles of short-time microwave processing wood were smaller than those of long-time microwave processing wood by the same power. There was no significant difference in variation regularity of surface wettability between microwave processing wood by high-power, short-time and microwave processing wood by low-power, long-time.This paper analyzed the functional groups variation conditions of 4 common original decorative wood, microwave processing wood and acclerated aging processing wood by infrared spectroscopic method. The number of hydroxyl groups decreased after microwave processing. Microwave processing by high-power, short-time had more significant influence on the decrease of hydroxy groups than microwave processing by low-power, long-time did, because the active groups mutual combined after microwave processing and lost the ability of interattraction. Because the combination was hard to deatroy or the polarity was hard to recovered, the wettability of microwave processing wood decreased. Deacetylation、dehydration and thermal decomposition of microwave processing wood might happened because the relative strength ratios of characteristic absorption peak of microwave processing wood were all lower than those of original wood and the absorption of acrtyl groups and fiber primary hydroxyl groups decreased. The relative strength ratios of characteristic absorption peak of microwave processing wood by high-power, short-time were higher than those of microwave processing wood by low-power, long-time, which confirmed that microwave processing changed the surface color of wood and decreased the surface wettability of microwave processing wood. Both power and time of microwave processing had some influence on the surface color and the wettability of wood, moreover, microwave processing by high-power, short-time had more significant influence on the wettability of wood and microwave processing by low-power, long-time had more significant influence on the surface color of wood. The relative strength ratios of characteristic absorption peak of microwave processing wood were lower than those of original wood , moreover, the relative strength ratios of characteristic absorption peak of microwave processing wood by low-power, long-time were lower than those of microwave processing wood by high-power, short-time after every aging period. There was a slightly difference in respective relative strength ratios of characteristic absorption peak of original wood, microwave processing wood by low-power, long-time and microwave processing wood by high-power, short-time after every aging period, but the variation trend showed no obvious difference generally which confirmed that there were no significant difference in the variation trend of surface color and wettability between microwave processing wood by high-power, short-time and microwave processing wood by low-power, long-time under the same aging condition.

  • 【分类号】TU564
  • 【被引频次】5
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