

Research on Postharvest System Technology of Potted Ficus Microcarpa L.f. for Export

【作者】 洪志方

【导师】 王少峰; 王则金;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农产品加工及贮藏工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 观赏盆景—盆栽榕树生命力强,耐寒耐旱,四季常绿,姿态优美,造型别致,具有净化室内空气之功效和较高的观赏价值。近几年来,盆栽榕树生产在福建漳州一带发展很快,产品已大量出口到荷兰、美国等欧美市场。由于盆栽榕树属于鲜活苗木植物,一些进口国或地区为了保护本国或本地区花卉业的发展和花农的利益,对进口植物提出了严格的检疫检验要求,要求进境植物不得携带土壤和活体线虫,若根部和基质检测出有土壤或活线虫,将要求整柜货物进行熏蒸或退回、销毁,造成严重损失。此外,盆栽榕树采后出口一般采用无法补水和无光照的集装箱运输,此种环境与正常生长环境有很大的差异性,经过20~40d暗环境后会出现叶片黄化、脱落等问题,严重影响盆栽榕树的观赏性,降低商品价值。因此,寻找防治盆栽榕树根结线虫的药剂和研究检验检疫技术,控制贮运环境条件,提高盆栽榕树的抗逆境能力,延长贮运期,降低落叶率,保持其观赏性,增加其商品价值,是目前亟待解决的问题。本文以盆栽榕树为试材,通过不同基质配比的比较筛选、防治根结线虫的药剂筛选、防榕树落叶的贮运技术等出口盆栽榕树系统处理模式,研究了盆栽植物栽培基质的特性、不同药剂对线虫的防治效果以及不同处理因素对盆栽榕树贮藏特性的影响,以期获得减少出口盆栽榕树贮运时落叶的机理、延长盆栽榕树出口贮运期及防治根结线虫的有效处理方法。研究结果如下:1、配比T(580%椰糠+20%珍珠岩)、T6(70%椰糠+30%珍珠岩)、T(775%椰糠+20%珍珠岩+5%草炭)、T8(70%椰糠+20%珍珠岩+10%草炭)、T9(65%椰糠+20%珍珠岩+15%草炭)、T10(80%椰糠+20%珍珠岩+5g保水剂)和T11(80%椰糠+20%珍珠岩+10g保水剂)等具有适合植物生长的容重、孔隙度、持水量pH值、EC值和有机质、全效NPK、速效NPK、缓效K等营养成分,是较为理想的配比组合。2、进行了以贮藏温度、栽培基质、肥料、防落药剂为主要影响因素的盆栽榕树保鲜研究,结果表明:贮运温度10℃、基质配比为80%椰粉糠+20%珍珠岩+10g保水剂(介质与保水剂质量比100:1)、100倍液高乐K肥灌根、800ug/L的芸薹素内酯喷叶可有效地降低贮运榕树的落叶率,在贮运时间36d的情况下,落叶率在16%以下。该优化组合可以有效地降低叶片质膜透性和MDA含量,减缓叶片渗透调节物质的降解速度,减缓叶片叶绿素含量和抗氧化物保护酶活性的下降,提高贮运期间的抗性能力,延缓榕树衰老,有效降低落叶率,达到了出口要求。而贮运前期每天降2℃至贮藏温度能有效减少36d贮运后落叶率。3、贮运榕树的落叶率与其叶片叶绿素含量、叶片细胞质膜透性、叶片MDA含量、叶片POD活性、CAT活性、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白质含量的相关系数均在0.7以上,这些理化性质可以作为榕树抗贮运阴暗环境胁迫的参考指标,但这些生化指标与榕树抗低温暗环境能力和落叶的关系有待进一步研究。4、2%阿维菌素和40%毒死蜱乳油对盆栽榕树基质线虫和根结线虫病具有良好的防治作用,100mg/Kg的2%阿维菌素处理药后15d基质线虫防治效果达到99.7%,药后45d根结线虫病防治效果仍达到95.7%;克百威和益舒宝两种颗粒剂药剂对线虫的防治效果均在50%以下,对根结线虫病的防治效果都低于70%,明显不如阿维菌素和毒死蜱乳油;使用100mg/Kg的2%阿维菌素灌根防治根结线虫时对榕树安全、无副作用,不会产生药害。

【Abstract】 Potted Ficus microcarpa L.f. is vigorous,cold- and drought-resistant, evergreen the four seasons,dainty,with special moldings and efficacy of purifying atmosphere in the room, and is a good ornamental.The production of potted Ficus microcarpa L.f. has been developing quickly for recent years,and a great quantity of the product has been exported to Netherland,United States etc. Some import countries and regions put forward strict quarantine and inspection requests in the interest of the development of their flower industry and the profit of their flower growers,demanding imported plants free of soil and alive nematodes.They will require the whole container of plant to be fumigated or sent back or destroyed by burning if they find soil and alive nematode from root or medium,and the loss is great. Furthermore,some leaves will etiolate and fall off during and after transportation in shipping container without light and water supply for 20-40 days,which affects the worthy of watching and reduces commodity value.Therefore,seeking for nematocide to root eelworm,studying inspection and quarantine technology, controlling environmental conditions of storage and transportation, enhancing the ability of ficus in anti-adverse circumstance, extending storage and transportation life, reducing the defoliation rate, maintaining its quality, and increasing its goods value are problems which urgently awaits to be solved.This experiment took potted ficus as trial material, and studied different media, nematocides to root eelworm, storage and transportation conditions in export system to understand defoliation mechanism, effects of different factors on postharvest quality, extend storage and transportation life and find out effective methods in controlling defoliation and root eelworm. The findings are as follows:1. Combination 5(80% coconut chaff + 20% perlite), combination 6(70% coconut chaff + 30% perlite), combination 7(75% coconut chaff + 20% perlite + 5% turf), combination 8(70% coconut chaff + 20% perlite + 10% turf), combination 9(65% coconut chaff + 20% perlite + 15% turf), combination 10(80% coconut chaff + 20% perlite + 5 gram keep_aqua), combination 11(80% coconut chaff + 20% perlite + 10 gram keep_aqua) are better medium compound combinations,all of them have fit unit weight, hole size, water-holding capacity, pH value, EC value, organic, fully-effective NPK, quick-effective NPK and slowly-effective K to plant growth. 2. Effects of temperature,medium,fertilizer and plant growth regulator for preventing defoliation on potted ficus quality were studied,the best postharvest system technology for exported potted ficus is that medium compound combination is 80% coconut chaff + 20% perlite + 10 gram water-holding agent (medium: water-holding agent is 100:1),the root system of ficus is irrigated with liquid GROW MORE K diluted at 100 times, the foliage is sprayed with 800ug/L 0.004% brassinolides, and the potted ficus is stored and transported at 10℃. The best postharvest system technology could reduce membrane permeability and malondialdehyde content of leaves,postpone the degradation course of penetrative adjustive substance in leaf and the descent of chlorophyll content and poly-phenols aegis enzyme activity of leaves,improve anti-stress capability during storage and transportation,delay ficus decrepitude,and reduce the defoliation rate (<16% defoliation rate after 36 days’storage and transportation at 10℃). Moreover, lowering the temperature gradually, 2℃each day, to storage and transportation’s temperature before storage and transportation at 10℃could reduce defoliation ratio after 36 days’storage and transportation.3、The mutuality modulus between the defoliation rate and cytoplasm membrane permeability, POD and CAT activity, and contents of chlorophyll, MDA, soluble sugar and protein in leaves are all upward of 0.7. These characters could be taken as reference indexes for ficus to resist the stress of dark environment,but the relations between these character indexes and the ability of resisting low temperature, dark environment and defoliation of ficus should be studied further.4、Both abamectin and chlorpyrifos are effective to control root eelworm disease and medium nematode. The controlling rate of abamectin (100 mg/kg) to medium nematode is up to 99.7% 15 days after treatment,and the rate to root eelworm disease is still up to 95.7% 45days after treatment;the controlling rate of carbofuran and ethoprophos to nematode is under 50%,to root eelworm disease is under 70%. Abamectin (100 mg/kg) is safe to ficus.

  • 【分类号】S688.1
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