

Detection of FATT of Turbine Rotor Steel Using Potentiostatic Pulse Test

【作者】 范丽美

【导师】 张胜寒;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(河北) , 应用化学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对恒电位脉冲法(PPT)检测转子钢FATT技术进行了研究。采用正交实验法确定了最佳测试条件。在最佳测试条件下测定了不同温度下实验室冶炼的30Cr2MoV转子钢材料的恒电位脉冲极化(PPT)的电流响应。分别以PPT总电流和从总电流中扣除双电层电容充电电流后得到的再活化电流为电化学参数,结合化学成分、机械性能和金相组织参数等其它参数,采用多元回归分析法建立了30Cr2MoV转子钢FATT测算模型。结果表明,与以总电流作为电化学参数相比,以扣除了双电层电容充电电流后得到的再活化电流为电化学参数建立FATT测算模型可以显著提高FATT拟合精确度,拟和误差±20℃以内,达到了国际上同类方法的精度。

【Abstract】 This paper is about the detection of FATT of turbine rotor steel using potentiostatic pulse test.Through orthogonal test at different conditions,the best electrochemical test conditions are obtained.The current is mensurated by Potentiostatic Pulse Test of turbine rotor steel 30Cr2MoV for lab-charged at different temperature under the best electrochemical test conditions.The total current density and the current density that have deducted charge current of the double-layer capacitance are taken separately as the electrochemistry parameters. Regard the temperature as an independent factor,multiple regression analysis is conducted considering some chemical composition and mechanical performance. The result showed electrochemistry parameters of the current density that have deducted charge current of the double-layer capacitance are better than that of the total current density,which enhance the precision of FATT.And the prediction error of the models obtained by multiple linear regression and genetic programming was within the scatter of±20℃,and achieved the international precision of the same method.
