

【作者】 高宠

【导师】 刘强;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济建设的飞速发展和土地使用制度改革的深入,土地利用的变化日新月异,传统的管理手段已经跟不上土地资源快速变更的要求。土地信息管理为土地行业的一门基础性工作,面对信息社会的挑战,必须借助地理信息系统(GIS)平台建立起能为本行业服务的计算机系统,改变过去传统的手工作业方式,提高运算速度及精度,使自己的信息生产及交流与土地管理及全社会接轨。本文系统地讨论了土地信息管理系统的现状、特点及其发展趋势,论文通过邛崃市羊安镇土地信息管理系统这个应用实例来从系统结构的总体设计、软硬件环境、系统功能结构上探讨了应用ArcGIS Engine进行土地信息管理系统设计与实现的关键技术,综合运用ArcGIS Engine开发工具建立了面向用户的土地信息管理系统,实现了地理数据的管理、空间查询、空间分析、图表输出等功能。在论文最后对本文提出的解决方案作了客观的总结,指出其优势与不足,并展望了未来土地信息管理系统的技术解决路线。

【Abstract】 The long foot growth in China’s economic development and the in-depth reform of its land use system has brought frequent shifts in land-uses. As a result, traditional means of land resources management are behind the current requirements. Together in the face of challenges of the information society, Land Information Management as a basic task in the land industry, is required to adopt to a computer system that serve the industry adequately with the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) platform. Not only it will change the traditional manual methods, but it will also improve operations speed and accuracy, so that the production and exchange of information is up to speed with both land management and the development of entire society.This paper offers a systematical discussion on the use of land information system, in aspects of its recent status, its characteristics, and its development trends. One application example from YangAn County in Qionglai City will be discussed, to demonstrate the core technologies in the design and implementation of land-use information system using ArcGIS Engine. It explains the system structure design, the hardware and software environment, the system function structure and the integrated use of ArcGIS Engine Development Tools. By using these tools, one will be able to set up user friendly land-use information system, which serves for geographic data management, spatial query, spatial analysis, and graphics output and other functions. The final thesis of the paper provides an objective summary for the proposed solution, pointing out its advantages and disadvantages, and looks into to the future of this technology land management information system.
