

【作者】 唐志文

【导师】 黄迪明; 傅明星;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 大学期间总会有很多公共选修课,传统的选课方法没有预见性,无法实现课程和人数的调配。这是大学校园教学管理一个非常实际性的问题。网上选课系统,可以在开课前就在网上选课,每个学生的课程在开课前就确定好,使教学资源合理平均地分配。实现选修课网上系统的方法有很多,主要有JSP+MySql+Tomcat,PHP+MySql+Apache,ASP+SQL Server+IIS和ASP.NET+SQL Server+IIS等。这些实现方法中前三种的开发语言都是HTML,设计代码和后台编程代码不分离,造成代码不容易读懂和不利于后期维护。本文针对以上问题进行研究,1、使用ASP.NET作为开发工具,实现了HTML设计代码与后台编程代码的分离。2、该系统中使用ASP.NET+SQL Server+IIS,主要考虑到同学们选课主要使用Windows系统,对ASP.NET支持良好,而且ASP.NET代码更易于维护。3、对于数据库存取操作,多数系统直接将SQL语句写在代码里进行数据库查询。在该系统中,绝大部分功能都使用存储过程来完成数据库访问的工作。4、连接数据库的字符串可以随时在web.config里修改,并经过编码加密,增加了灵活性,保护了数据库的安全。5、代码中通过使用进程中的Session、尽量使用存储过程和尽量减少数据库连接的打开时间等手段来提高性能。通过分析B/S结构的特点并结合工作所在学校公共选修课的实际情况,提出了基于B/S结构网上选课系统的基本设计思想,本文简要介绍系统各功能模块及数据库的设计,着重讨论用ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2000开发网上选课系统时的数据库访问技术和动态网页制作技术,并给出了部分实现代码。

【Abstract】 There are a lot of public electives during the university period.the traditional method of course choosing lack prescience, and there are no prior coordination.This is a very physically sexual problem in the university campus of teaching manage. With the help of the Public elective on-line select system, every students’ courses can be determined before the beginning of the term, saving physical force and reasonably distributing teaching resources.The method which carries out the elective on-line select system includes a lot and mainly have JSP+MySql+Tomcat, PHP+MySql+Apache, ASP+SQL Server+IIS and ASP.NET+SQL Server+IIS etc.The development languages of these free methods are all be HTML. nondisjunction between Design code and backstage code makes code not easy to understand and support behind.This text carries on a research to above problem:1.Using ASP.NET as a develop tool, carried out the separation design code between backstage code.2. According to the consideration of the classmates select elective courses usually using Windows system and the easiness to support code of ASP.NET+SQL,we determined to use ASP.NET +SQL Server+t IIS.3. The database accessing of most systems directly write a SQL language sentence in the code to carry on a database search.In this system, the overwhelming majority functions all use saving process to complete the work of database interview.4. It increased flexibility and protected the safety of database that the through coding encrypt string of conjunction database can modify in the web.config at any time.5. It passes the Session in the usage progress, as far as possible uses saving process and as far as possible reduces the etc. means in time of open of database conjunction to lift a high performance in the code.This paper gives the basic design idea of the B/S—based online course elect system by analyzing the characteristic of the B/S structure and combining with the actual public elective courses conditions of our school.It introduces the function module and database design briefly,followed by a discussion on database accessing technology and the active page technology of the course elect system based on ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000 and gives a part of carring code.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】484