

The Spatial Forms of Small Towns in the Hilly Areas of Northern Hunan

【作者】 傅诚

【导师】 魏春雨;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在20世纪即将结束的时候,中共中央国务院下发了《关于促进小城镇健康发展的若干意见》的决定,要求把小城镇作为带动农村社会经济发展的大战略来抓,加快小城镇的发展与建设亦成为各级政府的共识。我国小城镇分布地域广阔,历史文化环境不同,形成了各具地域文化特色的小城镇。由于受到外界客观因素的制约,传统村镇形成了协调自然环境、社会结构与乡民生活的居住环境,体现出结合地方条件与自然共生的建造思想。它们结合地形、节约用地、考虑气候条件、节约能源、注重环境生态及景观塑造,运用高超技艺、当地材料及地方化的建造方式,形成自然朴实的建筑风格,体现了人与自然的和谐景象。可以说,因地制宜、顺应自然是传统村镇空间营造的一个主导思想。但随着近年来小城镇建设规模的扩大和速度的加快,小城镇建设中也逐渐呈现出大城市中出现的城镇面貌雷同、失去城镇特色的趋势。因此,急需对小城镇空间设计尽可能提供一些参考资料,以便能加以引导。本文在前人相关研究成果的基础上,提出了“湘北丘陵地区小城镇空间形态研究”这一论题,融汇贯通了建筑学、城市规划、地理学和经济学的相关知识,有针对性地对这一选题进行了探讨,希望能对湘北丘陵地区小城镇建设乃至中国小城镇建设尽一点绵薄之力。本文共分为五个部分,其结构和主要内容如下:第一部分是绪论,主要阐述了论文选题的主要背景、研究意义、研究目的、相关概念界定、相关文献综述、研究方法和基本框架。第二部通过介绍五个小城镇设计案例,以反映国内外丘陵地区小城镇的发展现状,为后文的论述做铺垫。第三部分主要分析了湘北丘陵地区的生态特性和该地区小城镇发展的优势及劣势,并提出了湘北丘陵地区小城镇规划建设中存在的若干问题。第四部分是文章的重点部分,较为详尽地论述了湘北丘陵地区小城镇的形态演进过程、空间要素特征及影响空间形态的技术因素,并对该地区举例分析。第五部分是本文的主要成果部分,探究了丘陵地区小城镇的适宜建设形态。综上所述,本文以湘北丘陵地区小城镇为研究对象,从城镇空间要素特征入手,分析并研究了湘北丘陵地区小城镇的形态特征,探讨了如何利用地形更好地创造丘陵地区小城镇的地域个性,旨在为小城镇的空间形态设计提供有价值的理论支持。

【Abstract】 Near the end of the 20th century, the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council made some regulations about the development of small towns in a healthy way, advocating it a significant strategy to provide impetus to the economy development in the countryside. It is the common understanding of governments at all levels to speed up the development and construction of small towns.Small towns are geographically widely spread in China. Due to the variation in historic and cultural environment, they came into being with municipal cultural features that vary by geographic location. Conditioned by external objective factors, traditional villages have turned into a living environment that orchestrates natural environment, social structure and living of villagers, which symbolizes the construction ideas of integration with territorial conditions and symbiosis with the nature. Combined with topography, optimal land utilization, consideration of climatic conditions, energy conservation, emphasis on environmental ecology and landscaping, superb construction techniques, local construction materials, and a localized way of building, they formed into natural and artless architectural styles, exemplifying the harmony between human and nature. It is the dominant idea to take actions that suit local circumstances and comply with the nature when building spatial forms for traditional towns.However, along with the increase of both speed and scale of construction, the construction in small towns tends to result into identical appearances seen in big cities and demonstrate lack of features of town. It is therefore urgent to provide some reference information about the spatial design of small towns as a guide.Based on the precursory related research findings, this article brings up the topic“the spatial forms of small towns in the hilly areas of Northern Hunan”. With a thorough understanding of architecture, urban planning, geography and economics, the author pointedly explores this selected topic with the hope of contributing and offering ideas to the construction of small towns in the hilly area of Northern Hunan and even China.This article consists of five chapters. The structure and main content are as follows: Chapter 1 is the introduction. It gives the background of this selected topic, the value and goal of the research, related definitions, summary of related resources and documents, research approach and overall structure.Chapter 2 sets up the context for the analysis and exposition in latter chapters of this article by providing five cases on small town construction which reflect the state of the construction of towns in hilly areas both in and out of China.Chapter 3 mainly focuses the analysis of the ecological characteristics in the hilly areas in Northern Hunan and the advantages and disadvantages of the development of small towns. Some issues existent in the construction and planning of small towns in the hilly areas of Northern Hunan are also raised here.Chapter 4 is the key part of this article. It elaborates the evolution of the spatial forms, spatial element characteristics and technical factors impacting spatial forms of the small towns in the hilly areas of Northern Hunan. Examples of local town constructions are shown along with analysis.Chapter 5 summarizes the findings of this research. It explores construction forms suitable for small towns in hilly areas.In summary, this article targets the small towns in hilly areas of Northern Hunan for research purpose, starts with the spatial elements and characteristics of towns, and presents analysis and research of the characteristics and forms of small towns in hilly areas of Northern Hunan. It probes ways to take advantage of topography to exemplify the territory individuality of small towns in hilly areas for the purpose of providing valuable theoretic support to small town spatial form design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】562
  • 攻读期成果