

Study on Traditional Houses of Tujia Minority Area in Western Hunan Based on Cultural Diffusion Theory

【作者】 曹玉凤

【导师】 柳肃;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中国地域广阔,民族众多,各民族文化处于广泛地交流与传播之中。土家族是我国的少数民族之一,主要分布于湖南、湖北、重庆、贵州毗连的武陵山地区。由于这里地理位置偏僻,经济落后,使得这里至今仍保持着浓厚的民族特色。以往对于土家族民居的研究虽多,但基本只是就某一类型民居进行空间形态的论述,缺乏一个纵向与横向的比较过程。因此,本文运用多学科交叉研究的方法,对湘西土家族聚居区与不同文化圈之间文化的传播与交流进行探讨,以期从民居文化变迁的过程中总结出民居建筑发展的规律和特点,揭示文化传播在土家族建筑文化变迁中的角色以及发挥作用的途径,为研究民居文化在当代信息传播背景下的延续和发展提供某些建议。本文选择湖南湘西土家族苗族自治州的土家族聚居地区为研究对象。这里是目前土家族文化保留较为完整的地区之一,也较多的保存了民族文化的原真性,对于研究整个土家族聚居区民居文化的变迁具有一定的普遍性和代表性。全文共分七章。第一章绪论部分阐述了论文选题的意义和目的,回顾和梳理了国内外与选题相关的研究动态,介绍了论文写作的理论指导以及主要研究方法与思路,并引入多学科交叉研究方法。第二章背景研究,对土家族民居变迁的地域环境背景与社会文化背景阐述,并分析了土家族聚居区与周边建筑文化圈的相互影响。第三章理论研究,即文化传播与建筑文化变迁的关联性研究。通过分析文化传播引起建筑文化变迁的作用机制,分析文化传播的模式与途径对于文化传播和融合的影响,为探讨引起土家族民居文化变迁的驱动机制做理论上的分析。第四章历史演变研究,即文化传播对于土家族民居文化历史演变的影响研究。通过对于各阶段文化传播对于民居变迁影响程度进行分析,论述土家族传统民居如何在文化的交流与互动中传承与发展。第五章整合研究,主要探讨明清时期由汉文化传播带来土家族民居文化变迁的结果与表象,以及土家族民居文化与汉文化的整合过程及其表现。第六章分布研究。汉文化在湘西土家族聚居区传播的路径与模式的不同,客观上造成了汉文化传播的区域差异和传播力的差异。本章主要探讨文化传播的路径与土家族聚居区合院式分布的关联性,进而探讨由于文化传播的区域差异而形成了城镇与村寨民居文化景观的差异。第七章分析了当代文化传播的媒介与方式的改变,对土家族聚居区传统民居文化的当代变迁的影响。并初步探讨当代的传播媒介与模式的影响下,传统民居的延续、保护与发展。

【Abstract】 China is a vast nation, which composed of many nationalities. The national culture were exchanged and disseminated in a wide range.Tujia Nationality is one of China’s ethnic minorities, mainly located in Wulingshan area, where is the adjoining area of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing and Guizhou provinces. Because of this geographically isolated and economically backward, it still maintained a strong national characteristic.Previous researches for the traditional houses of Tujia nationality are numerous, but the basic types of them only focus on the form and space, lacking of a comparison of the vertical and horizontal process.This paper is a borderline subject, which mixed study methods of history, cultural anthropology, sociology, folklore and cultural diffusion, etc. Cultural diffusion theory was used to group how culture diffused in Western Hunan, a territory of nationalities. The history of cultural diffusion and architectural changes are discussed in order to reveal the important role of cultural diffusion in the construction of cultural changes of Tujia residence, as well as to provide some recommendations for the study of the development of specific cultural groups in the new era of information dissemination.This article chooses Tujia minority areas of Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in Hunan as study object. Tujia culture here is still retained completely and preserved the authenticity. The studies of residential areas have a certain universality and representation throughout the Tujia cultural changes.The composition of the full text is composed of seven chapters.The first chapter describes the meaning and purpose of this topic, reviews and sorts out the relevant researches, and introduces the research methods and ideas, such as the interdisciplinary research methods. In Chapter II, author discusses the backgrounds and conditions of cultural diffusion in Western Hunan at first. She pays attention to both the geographical environment background and social and cultural background. Chapter III is a theoretical study, which is the association research on cultural transmission and cultural changes of the building through analyzing the mecl(?)anism of cultural changes caused by cultural diffusion, the author analysis the mode of cultural transmission and means of cultural dissemination and the impact of integration, in order to give an theory-driven analysis for the exploring of the cultural changes of the Tujia residential. Chapter IV is a study of the historical evolution. Through analyzing the impact of changes of the various stages of cultural dissemination for the residential areas, this chapter focuses on how traditional houses of Tujia cultural exchange and interact in the inheritance and development. Chapter V is the research on the cultural integration of residential culture, exploring the process and performance of the changes of the vernacular houses and the integration of the culture of Han and Tujia nationality in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The different methods and mode of the Han cultural diffusion in Western Hunan have brought the difference spread power and lead the regional differences. Chapter VI mainly explores the connection of the ways of Han cultural diffusion and the distributing of the Residential houses which have a courtyard in Tujia minority area. Based on this, the author discusses the origin of the differences between the residences in traditional towns and villages.Because of the huge changes of the contemporary media and cultural diffusion mode, such as televisions, movies, internet and so on, there are many profound impacts and changes occurred on the traditional houses. The influence of the contemporary cultural diffusion is analyzed in final chapter. Also proposals are put forward to the continuation and protection of traditional houses.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU241.5;TU-05
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】833
  • 攻读期成果