

Effect of Soil Conditioner GLS on Improving Saline-alkali Soil

【作者】 张葛

【导师】 孙彦君;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 土壤学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 土地盐碱化是土地退化的一种在重要表现形式,是当今世界重大土地问题之一。利用改碱剂改良盐碱土正是针对这一土地问题而采取的一项有效措施,对于防止土地继续碱化,控制土地退化具有极其重要的作用。论文以大量的文献为基础,对盐碱土壤的定义、成因、研究进展以及盐碱土改良等进行论述。以GLS改碱剂和磷石膏为试验材料,在吉林省西部盐碱土上进行试验研究。论文主要从土壤的物理性状、土壤的化学性状、土壤养分及土壤的生物活性等方面进行分析,根据盐碱土壤的性质和特点,选择土壤微团聚体、土壤容重、土壤交换性钠、土壤总碱度、土壤有机质、土壤阳离子交换量、土壤pH值、土壤碱解氮、土壤有效磷、土壤速效钾及土壤酶活性等作为评价指标。通过实验对比、分析可得出结论:通过施用GLS改碱剂,盐碱土的pH值、总碱度、交换性Na、CEC等指标都随之下降,并且改良后的盐碱土的营养成分和酶活性与原土相比,有一定程度的提高,这说明盐碱土的营养状况和生物性状由于施人GLS改碱剂而得到了进一步的改善。其原因在于GLS改碱剂中的磷石膏和钙活化剂联合使用时,活化了的钙首先与CO32-结合,从而消除了CO32-的毒害,即土壤的碱性很快得到了降低;而磷石膏又源源不断地提供Ca2+,促进CO32-与交换性Na的消退,使土壤高度分散的胶体很快形成了微团聚体,此时土壤的透水性能也大大提高,这就为盐碱土的脱盐脱碱创造了前提,盐碱土开始向良性方向发展,同时也有利于植物的生长发育。总体来说,GLS改碱剂具有同时从物理改良迅速、改善效果佳的特点。论文通过大量试验数据做出了单倍剂量(文中将222克/每盆称为单倍剂量,以下相同)改碱剂处理1和2倍剂量(文中将444克/每盆称为双倍剂量,以下相同)改碱剂处理2的回归线性分析模型y=-0.237x+9.493,其中因变量为处理2(y),自变量为处理1(x)。施用单倍剂量磷石膏处理3与施用2倍剂量磷石膏处理4的回归线性分析模型v=1.190x-3.511。通过分析模型的建立为以后的工作带来了便利,为市场化运作提供比较科学的依据。

【Abstract】 Stalinization of land is land degradation in an important form of expression.It is the major land problems of all over the world.To improve the use of saline-alkali soil base for this is the land issue and to take an effective measure to prevent the continued alkali land.It is of an extremely important role that people control land degradation.In the present papers,based on a large number of literature,it was discussed that the definition of alkali soil,causes,research progress and improvement of saline-alkali soil,and so on.The test material base on soil conditioner GLS and phosphogypsum,soil stalinization in the western Jilin Province on a pilot study.This paper from the physical properties of soil,the chemical properties of soil,soil nutrients and soil biological activity and other aspects of the analysis,according to the nature and saline-alkali soil characteristics,select the soil micro-aggregates,soil bulk density,soil exchange of sodium,total soil Alkalinity,soil organic matter,soil cation exchange capacity,soil pH,alkali soil nitrogen,soil available phosphorus, potassium and soil,etc.,as the activity of soil evaluation index.Through experiments contrast, the analysis concluded:GLS application to alkaline agent,saline-alkali soil pH,alkalinity of the exchange of Na,CEC,and other indicators have declined,and improved the saline-alkali soil nutrients and enzymes Activity compared with the original soil,a certain degree of increase,indicating the nutritional status of saline-alkali soil and biological traits as Oxfam were to base GLS agent and has been further improved.The reason for this is to base GLS agent of phosphogypsum and activation of joint use of calcium,the activation of the calcium and CO32-first,thereby eliminating the CO32-poisoning,or alkaline soil has been reduced very quickly,and phosphogypsum Also continue to provide Ca2+,and promote exchange of CO32-Na’s dissipated,the highly decentralized so that the soil colloid quickly formed a micro-aggregates,soil at this time of the flooding which has greatly improved,which for the desalination of saline-alkali soil from the base to create The premise of saline-alkali soil began to develop in the direction of healthy,but also is conducive to plant growth and development. However,the improvement in the chemical area,GLS to the base of the saline-alkali soil improvement effects than traditional plaster on saline-alkali soil improvement effects,GLS to the development of alkaline agents have yet to be further improved.But generally speaking, GLS has also changed from the base of the rapid physical improvement,improvement of good character.Papers by the large number of test data to make single-dose(paper,222 g / pen known as single dose of times,following the same) to alkali-treated 1 and 2 times the dose(paper,444 g / pen known as the double dose,Following the same) to deal with two base of the linear regression model y=-0.237x + 9.493,which because of variables to deal with the 2(y),the argument for dealing with 1(x).Effect of single-dose treatment of phosphogypsum application of 2 and 3 times the dose of phosphogypsum deal with the four linear regression analysis model y=1.190x - 3.511.Through the establishment of model for future work has brought convenience for the market operation to provide more scientific basis.
