

Study on the Exploration of Emergency Management on Natural Disaster in Our Country

【作者】 印海廷

【导师】 傅广宛;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国自然灾害频发,种类繁多,随着经济的快速发展和社会财富的持续增长,我国很多地区自然环境破坏日益严重,高科技时代城市化进程的不断加快,大中城市人口拥挤,社会面临着人口、生态、环境等一系列新问题:各种灾害交叉出现,同步叠加,自然灾害带来的损失和危害进一步上升,严重威胁老百姓的生命财产安全和社会稳定,自然灾害已成为制约我国经济社会持续快速发展与和谐稳定的重要因素。自然灾害事件属于突发事件的一种,具有不可预测性、时间性、紧急性、偶然性等特点,具有很强的破坏性和不可抗拒性。灾害发生后需要紧急启动应急预案快速应对、迅速处置并舒缓灾情,突发灾害事件的规模之大与影响程度之深远决定了对其管理决策的难度是很大的。尽管自然灾害不可避免,但随着科学技术的不断进步,人类对自然灾害的形成机理与演变机制了解的继续深入,特别是我国在长期的防灾、备灾、减灾实践中,已经逐渐形成了一套相对成熟的自然灾害应急管理机制。但相比世界其他发达国家以及我国构建和谐社会、坚定服务型政府的取向而言,还存在许多不足之处。2008年我国遭遇了罕见的冰雪灾害和汶川大地震两次自然灾害,政府和社会大众紧密团结,严格依照相关应急法律法规,紧紧围绕“一案三制”建设,密切协作,取得了有目共睹的巨大成就。但是现有的自然灾害应急管理机制仍然存在诸多缺陷与不足,适值两次巨灾给我国的应急管理机制提出了考验和反思的机会,因此,全面总结分析我国现有应急管理机制的优缺点、执行的好与坏、存在的利与弊,就显得非常有必要。我国可以以此为契机,积极反思,使我国的自然灾害应急管理机制得到不断的创新与完善。本文主要运用以下三种研究方法:一是实证研究方法。笔者曾深入到灾害重建的一线进行调查,通过与灾害亲历者、政府相关部门的责任人进行访谈,得到了相当多的资料,从而为政府灾害应急管理的创新研究提供了实证的基础。二是文献阅读方法。本文涉及我国政府历来自然灾害应急管理的探索历程解读,因此文献的收集与整理是很有必要的,它弥补了实证的不足,增强了应急管理创新路径的现实科学性与可行性。三是比较分析方法。本文从2008年的两次特大自然灾害应急管理的整个管理流程进行的全面梳理,并对两次灾害应急管理,以及国内外历次灾害应急管理的管理实效与科学性进行了全方位的比较,提出了我国自然灾害应急管理完善必须遵循的四项基本原则,并归纳总结出一些科学可行的探索思路。本文的结构安排。除导论外,全文可以分为四部分:第一部分,我国自然灾害应急管理的相关概述。本部分阐释了自然灾害应急管理的相关理论,并分析了近年来自然灾害对我国社会的影响。第二部分,我国政府自然灾害应急管理水平的现状分析。本部分笔者分析总结了我国政府自然灾害应急管理水平的四个现状:自然灾害应急反应能力严重不足,各级政府部门之间协调仍然乏力,单兵作战的防灾减灾模式应对风险难,分灾种分部门的应急模式缺陷明显。第三部分,我国政府自然灾害应急管理水平不高的原因分析。本部分笔者分析总结了我国政府自然灾害应急管理水平不高的四个原因:健全规范的应急法律法规缺失,应急管理的主线——预案体系不完善,全社会应急意识的宣传教育亟待提高,上下级政府应急管理水平严重不平衡。第四部分,政府自然灾害应急管理完善的基本原则。本部分笔者结合原因分析,提出了政府自然灾害应急管理完善的四项基本原则:建立健全完备的应急管理法律法规是基础,坚持不断推进应急预案体系建设是重点,完善多元治理的灾害应急管理模式是核心,提升基层政府应急管理水平是关键。第五部分,政府自然灾害应急管理完善的对应思路。本部分笔者在前面现状分析、原因分析的基础上,结合政府自然灾害应急管理创新的五项基本原则,提出了分别在危机前管理阶段即预警阶段改进思路,危机中管理阶段即应急阶段改进思路,危机后管理阶段即恢复阶段改进思路。我国自然灾害应急管理的研究起步比较早,孕育于我国长期的“防灾减灾”实践中,本文通过国内外、地区间的灾害应急管理实践进行了横向比较,并从我国自然灾害应急管理历程的纵向角度来比较分析,紧扣现实案例。自然灾害应急管理属于突发事件管理的一种,具有突发事件管理的共性,但也具有其管理的特殊性,从灾害演变机理、发展规律等角度进行探析,与突发公共安全事件、公共卫生事件、群体性事件等的管理有一定区别,本文就此进行了梳理和归纳总结,有一定的新意。

【Abstract】 Natural disaster in our country is frequent.Accompanied by the rapid development of economy and growth of wealth,many places destroyed because of pollution.The process of urbanization is speeding up,the crowded people in big city have to face a series of new problems like population,ecology and environment.For example,various natural disaster overlap on each other,the damage and harm brought by natural disaster have threatened property safety and stability of society.Natural disaster has become an important factor which affects sustained and rapid development of economy and society. Natural disaster belongs to emergencies of unpredictability,emergency and suddenness. It can do big harm to society and is irresistible.When natural disaster occurs,government has to deal with it quickly,start contingency plan,handle with it and reduce losses.It is difficult to manage disaster because of it is large-scale and far-reaching.Although natural disaster is inevitable,but accompanied by the process of science and technology is uninterrupted,human have continued to find out formation mechanism and the evolution mechanisms,particularly in long-term practice of disaster prevention, disaster preparedness and disaster reduction.We have gradually formed a mature management mechanism of emergency on natural disaster.In the year of 2008,we had confronted two rare natural disasters:snow disaster and earthquake disaster.Government and society closely united,strictly in accordance with the law on emergency and "one plan and three institutions",had gained enormous effort.But there are also many flaws and deficiencies on mechanism of emergency,so we can seize the opportunity to think the problems on mechanism of emergency,and have a comprehensive analysis of present mechanism of emergency:like advantages and disadvantages,implement good or bad is very important.Our country can seize the opportunity to transform and perfect it.The present paper mainly uses following several kind of research method:Firstly,is real diagnosis investigation method.Author have gone to disaster area and gained many materials though talking with citizens and government officials.All of that have provided the diagnosis foundations for innovation mechanism on emergency management on natural disaster.Secondly,is the literature reading method.This article involves many investigation on emergency management on natural disaster,therefore the literature material collection and the reorganization is necessary,it has made up the insufficiency of diagnosis, strengthened the feasibility of innovation of emergency management.Thirdly,comparative analysis method.This article analyzed the total process of emergency management on these two great natural disasters,and compare domestic emergency management with foreign country.At last,this article bring forward four basic principles must de abided by improvement of emergency management in our country,and summarize some scientific and practical method.In the first part,This part discuss the theory of emergency management on natural disaster and analyzed the impact on society.In the second part,the analysis of the level of emergency management of natural disaster in our country.In this part,author analyzed and summarized four current situations:response capacity of emergency and the corporation between departments of all levels is insufficient,and is difficult to deal with risk when government is lonely,and the model of emergency is also have defects obviously.In the third part,the reason for the level of emergency management of natural disaster in our country is lowly,and then summarized five reasons:law on emergency management is insufficient,plan system is not perfect,the education on awareness of emergency is need to be improved,the relation among departments is inefficient,and the level between superior and lower is unbalanced.In the forth part,the basic principle about improvement of emergency management of natural disaster in our country.The author summarized four principles:establish perfect law is foundation,improve plan system of emergency management,and improve the model of emergency management of natural disaster whose staffs are pluralistic is very important and also have to improve the level of emergency management in grass-roots government.In the fifth part,the countermeasures for improvement of emergency manage ment of natural disaster.The author summarized the countermeasures for improvement, including the stage of warning,the stage of emergency and the stage of restoration.

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