

The Impact of Restriction and Government Decision-Making on Chinese Sports Lottery

【作者】 田志明

【导师】 侯斌;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 发展体育彩票事业是适应社会主义市场经济体制的需要,是贯彻“十一五”规划的需要,是落实《全民健身计划纲要》的重要保障。十五年来,体育彩票以其强大的筹资功能和公益属性,已经成为体育产业和国家公益事业的重要支撑,并逐步完成了从部门彩票到国家彩票的转变。《“十一五”规划》明确提出“大力发展体育健身、体育竞赛、体育彩票和体育用品业,以及多种形式的体育组织和经营实体”。体育彩票作为发展国家体育事业和支持公益事业的必要物质基础,随着我国经济建设的快速发展、社会保障体制的逐步完善以及全民健身的开展,引发了对体育彩票公益金的庞大需求。但囿于对我国体育彩票可持续发展阻碍因素及相关对策研究的不足,导致理论研究严重滞后于实践进步,加之我国彩票业自身有多方面的制约因素,我国体育彩票事业在发展中遇到了许多挫折,法治化、规范化、市场化发展缓慢,立法、管理体制、营销、产品、宣传、渠道等方面出现的一些问题再次成为我国体育彩票事业健康、快速、可持续发展的阻碍。迫于促使我国体育彩票事业更加健康、快速、持续发展的需要,深入探讨围绕体育彩票的相关问题,研究这些问题对我国体育彩票事业和国家公益事业的双面影响,并积极寻求相应对策减少其负面作用,就影响我国体育彩票发展的关键阻碍因素和政府决策选择的研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文综合经济学、法学、管理学、营销学等多学科理论,运用文献资料、专家访谈和比较分析等研究方法,首先对我国体育彩票的概念进行了界定,而后就国内外彩票研究的现状进行了述评,接着就我国体育彩票的现状作了简单的概述,在第四部分深入研究分析了影响体育彩票发展的六大关键阻碍因素,最后提出了政府决策选择的建议和对策。

【Abstract】 The creation of sports lottery in China is initially dedicated to meet the demand of market economy, satisfy the needs of Chinese strategic planning and secure the effectiveness of National Fitness Program. In the past fifteen years, sports lottery evolves significantly into a national lottery and absorbing substantial financial revenue for the development of sports industry and charity fundraising in China. According to the Report on the Outline of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, it will start a new chapter for sports industry in China, promoting the development of fitness, events, sports lottery and sporting goods industry as well as other sports business organization and entities. With the rapid economic growth, establishment of social welfare system and development of National Fitness Program, the needs of sports lottery industry is arising for its provision of significant financial support for the development of Chinese sports industry. However, so far the R&D for sports industry is laid far behind from its practical side. Issues like legislation, marketing, management infrastructure, and product creativity, to name a few are emerging to largely restrict the development sustainability of sports lottery. Therefore, running the relating research to resolve that existing and possible problems is very critical for embracing a brighter future for Chinese sports lottery.This thesis is placed in a fourfold by using research methods like bibliography, interviewing and comparative analysis, integrating multiple academic theories and knowledge from Economics, Law, Management and Marketing. The first chapter defines the concept of sports lottery and the second chapter provides precise description of current situation in sports lottery research, both domestically and internationally. The third chapter generally concludes what is happening in the Chinese sports lottery and the last chapter summarizes an in-depth analysis of six major factors that restricts development of sports lottery in China and recommends the feasible suggestions could lead successful decision-making for Chinese Government.

  • 【分类号】F832.48
  • 【被引频次】2
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