

Merry Village Wives

【作者】 王圆圆

【导师】 王又平;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文对十七年红色经典中乡村风流娘们这群异类的女性进行新的审视,如陈登科《风雷》中的羊秀英,柳青《创业史》中的素芳,浩然《艳阳天》中的孙桂英,孙犁《风云初记》中的蒋俗儿,《铁木前传》中的满儿,赵树理的《登记》中的小飞娥等。这类女性区别于传统的反面、落后、放荡等界定,类似于传统文化中狐仙型女性形象,她们具有淫、媚、诱的外在形象特征,但此类女性的生动形象和独有的“世俗”特性,传达出人性更丰富的内容,这些风流娘们不是传统意义上“恶”的化身,在某种意义上来说,她们被认为是悖理于时代主流价值观念的,是不被时代认可的有“罪”的人,这种罪在时代的特殊语境观照下就慢慢地由不被人认可的“罪”变成了一种被时代所摒弃的“恶”。通过对其形象隐喻之义的分析,包括:从人的自然属性层面而言,体现了被压抑的情欲等世俗性;从社会属性层面而言,代表着被规训的落后性;以及作家层面而言,在十七年政治意识形态高扬的特殊时代背景下,作家女性观潜态的曲折表达。用当下的人的解放以及女性主义的视角,风流娘们对道德的背叛,对婚姻的抗争、对爱情的大胆追求,以及对命运的体悟,体现出自觉的个体意识和懵懂的女性意识。此类女性形象在新时期以来的部分乡村文学中继续延续和深化,体现出鲜明的时代特色和意义。

【Abstract】 Seventeen years in the rural Red Classics merry wives heterogeneous group of women look at the new,such as "wind" of the yangXiuying who was writen by chendengke,Liuqing "business history" of Sufang,noble "Yanyang days "in the sunguiying,Sun Li," recorded in early Fengyun "vulgar abuse of Chiang," iron wood prequel "The Man-yee,Zhao Shuli’s" registration ".These women from the traditional negative backward,fast and so defined,similar to the traditional culture of female fox image,they have sex,charm,induced features of the external image,but the vivid image of such women and the unique "secular" identity,convey a richer content of human nature,which is not a traditional romantic sense Chick "evil" the embodiment,in a certain sense,they are in the era of "crimes" of the people,the crimes of the times Light of the special context slowly becomes obsolete and a serious "evil." Image through its analysis of the meaning of metaphor,including:property from the person’s natural level, reflects the suppressed sexual desires,such as secular;from a social attribute level, represented by the backwardness of discipline;and writer level In the seventeen years the special high political and ideological background,concept of potential state of women writers of the twists and turns of expression.With the liberation of people present,as well as the feminist perspective,Chick Merry moral betrayal of the struggle for marriage,the bold pursuit of love and understanding of the fate of shows individual self-awareness and awareness of silly women.The image of such women in the new era since the literature of some of the villages continue and deepen shows distinct characteristics of the times and significance.

【关键词】 十七年风流娘们形象解读
【Key words】 seventeen yearsimage interpretationmerry wives