

Research and Application of Electronic Chart System GUI Functional-testing Technology

【作者】 赵聆

【导师】 郝燕玲;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 GUI(图形化用户界面)已经成为用户与软件系统交互必不可少的方式,但是随着软件系统规模的扩大,越来越复杂的GUI增加了软件测试的难度,采用传统的测试方法已经不能保证GUI软件功能测试的质量和效率,如何对GUI软件进行有效的测试已经成为当今软件测试界的一大热点。本实验室研制的电子海图系统也面临着同样的问题。本文以GUI软件功能测试的测试流程为主线,研究了测试各阶段所需要的技术,并将改进的GUI软件功能测试方法应用在电子海图系统的功能测试中,达到了提高系统功能测试质量和效率的目的。首先,完成对GUI软件功能测试的理论研究。一方面,以事件流图和综合树图为依据,对GUI建模方法进行深入分析和细化改进,提出事件交互图树模型,并设计出针对该模型的测试覆盖准则和测试用例生成方法。另一方面,为了提高GUI软件测试的自动化程度,深入研究了自动化测试技术和测试脚本开发技术。其次,设计GUI软件功能测试方案,完成对电子海图系统功能测试的实施工作。通过对电子海图系统进行详细的系统功能需求分析,提取出系统的组件结构信息和GUI事件交互信息,建立了电子海图系统的事件交互图树模型;然后据此设计测试用例、测试脚本库和测试数据表;最后利用测试工具实现了电子海图系统的自动化功能测试。在对电子海图系统功能测试的测试结果进行了分析和讨论后可知,本文提出的电子海图系统的GUI软件功能测试方案可以增加系统功能测试的全面性,提高测试工作的效率和质量,并最终达到提高系统可靠性的目的。

【Abstract】 Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been an important and accepted way of interacting with today’s software. With the growing scale of the software, the GUI becomes much more complex, and GUI testing becomes more complex, too. Since the traditional software testing methods can not assure the quality and efficiency of GUI testing, how to test GUI effectively turns to a key point in the field of software testing.The problem has also appeared in the testing process of the Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS for short), which was developed by our Lab. After learning the testing technologies, an improved method is applied in the GUI testing of the ECDIS.With a deep research of the technology of modeling, we propose a new GUImodel--the hierarchy model of Event Interactive Graph, which is derived fromEvent Flow Graph and Integrated Tree, and design a coverage criterion and a method of generating GUI test cases according to the model. Also, the technology of automated software testing and test-script is studied to execute the test automatically. Then, a GUI functional testing plan is built for the ECDIS. According to the requirements analysis of the system, we build the GUI model for the ECDIS and generate test cases and test data by suitable means. With the help of two testing tools, the automated GUI functional testing to the ECDIS is realized finally.The results of testing indicate that the new testing technique can raise the coverage of the test and improve the reliability of the system evidently.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】114