

Study the Temporal and Spatial Laws of the Deformation and Failure Models to the Landslide with Double Sliding Plane and Reverse Rock-layer

【作者】 李靖

【导师】 任伟中;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(武汉岩土力学研究所) , 岩土工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 双层反翘型滑坡是指具有双层滑动面和前缘反翘特征的滑坡。两层滑动面的相互影响及前缘的阻滑作用使得其有着独特的变形破坏机理,对同时具有这两种特征的滑坡系统的研究却很少。具有前缘反翘特征的滑坡一般属于缓慢蠕滑的缓动式低速滑坡,目前人们多关注于高速滑坡,而忽视对反翘蠕滑型滑坡的研究。因此急需对此类滑坡开展相关研究。本文结合湖北省襄十高速公路武许段的一巨型双层反翘型滑坡进行研究,在已有基础上研究清楚滑坡的基本特征和形成条件,了解其地质成因、物质组成、滑面物理力学特性、结构特征与运动特性。在此基础上对滑坡的静动态规律、时空演变规律进行探讨和研究、并得出相应的模型,最后对滑坡时间、空间预测做了一些探讨。本文所做的主要工作有:1、系统的研究滑坡系统静动态规律,从滑坡动力学分类、发生条件及考虑双层滑面稳定性分析,滑带演化、降雨与滑坡耦合关系等方而揭示滑坡静、动态规律。2、从滑坡位移、滑坡稳定性系数及滑后运动力学等方面探讨韩家垭滑坡随时间的动态性、周期性、渐进性的特征。3、把滑坡的稳定性系数、位移的时间序列值划分为趋势项、周期项及随机项,分别用相应的数学法方拟合得到其模型。对滑坡时间预测提出两点有益建议,运用拟合模型预测滑坡位移。4、对单体滑坡空间规律进行研究,在空间预测模型中运用相对重要性对其改进。

【Abstract】 The landslides we study are those with double sliding plane and reverse rock-layer.The interact of the two sliding plane and the antislipping action of the reverse foreside make them have special deformation and failure mechanism,only a few works have been done to study the deformation and failure mechanism of these landslides.The landslide with reverse rock-layer usually belong to creep-sliding landslide,mow most investigations are focus on the high speed landslide but not the creep-sliding landslide.So,it is great important to do some works on studying these landslides.In allusion to a certain landslide in Wuxu segment of Xiangshi Expressway, some works have been done to study the basic characters and formation conditions of the landslide,to find out it’s geological genesis,material composition,mechanical properties,structure features and motion characteristics.The law of static and motional landslide are analyzed,the law of temporal and spatial landslide are studied based on these work then are bulit mathematical model. Lastly,do some discussion on forescation of temporal and spatial landslide.Major works are summarized as follows:1.The law of static and motional landslide are systemicaly stduied,form classifion dynamics of landslide,original condition,taking into account double sliding plane analysis stability landsilde,developing sliding zone,coupling rainfall and landslide.2.The character of han jia ya landslide with time are studied by displacement landslide,stability landsilde,and movement mechanics after slided.It is dynamic over time,periodic,progressive character.3.The displacement and the stability of landsilde time series values are divided into a tendency,periodic sequences and random sequences.Respectively,the corresponding mathematical method are used to obtain the model fitting.The model forescation of temporal is gave two useful suggestions,and The use of fitting models to predict landslide displacement.4.The single landslide spatial law is studied and the space forecasting model is improved by useing relative importance.
