

Application of Market Comparison Approach Based on Fuzzy Sets in the Evaluation of Parcel Land Price

【作者】 汪金焰

【导师】 方必和;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中国的土地市场自从建立以来,经历了探索阶段、发展阶段,现在处于理性推进阶段。这个过程是地价评估体系发展的过程,评估体系从间接评估向着直接评估的方向发展。土地市场上的评估思想和评估方法还不成熟,估价结果可信度较低,这就导致了评估地价与市场地价相差悬殊,甚至两者毫无可比性问题的出现。当前土地市场急需探求一种科学、有效的评估方法。本文正是以上述问题的解决为目标,对现行土地估价方法做了彻底剖析,认为其在实际运用中存在着一个主要问题:主观化,即过度依赖于价格评估人员的主观经验,这不仅使估价结果不可靠,更有可能引发道德风险,不利于整个土地市场的规范与发展。因此,本文基于模糊集理论建立了市场法估价定量分析模型:首先,对土地市场价格影响的因素进行了深入而系统的研究,建立了客观合理的价格评估指标体系;其次,采用层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)对评估类型宗地的各个影响因素权重进行合理的确定;再次,借用模糊评判对各个可比实例相应因素进行评判值的确定;最后,采用加权欧几里德贴近度来确定可比宗地实例与待估宗地对象的相似程度继而求取最后的比准价格。同时对模型应用的可行性以实证分析来验证,结论为:应用模型估价能明显提高估价精度。通过定量市场法比较法分析模型的建立来减弱人为主观因素的影响,试图为地价评估工作提供新思路,探讨出一种科学而又有效的评估方法。

【Abstract】 Land market of China since setting up, go through stage,developing stage of exploring,now is at reason and advance stage. This process is the development of land assessment system, which orient from indirect assessment toward direct assessment. The ideology and method of land appraisal are not nature.Some reliability of appraisal is lower.Thus,land market was forced search for a scientific and effective method to solve these problems.This study is based on how to solve the problems above,With analyzed the actual Market Comparison Approach,we found the problem in actual use is depending on objective view of assessors too much.It will make the result of valuation not credible,but also brings morality risk.These could not make the development of the land market normative.Therefore this study found a Market Approach of Valuation Quantitative Analysis Model based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation ideology.First of all,to be considered that some land price is influenced by many complicated factors,it had established an objective and reasonab1e system in price valuation index.Second,it confirmed the weight of factors which influence the type of land by AHP.Moreover,the comparable example was va1ued scientifically by Fuzy Comprehensive Evaluation.Finally,it confirmed the similitude of comparable examples and valuing subject by the approximation in Fuzzy Patten identification, and computed the final standard system.Then,the feasibility of model was examined by certified conclusion, and drew a conclusion that it was more exact to value by application model than by market comparison approach.

  • 【分类号】F301;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】190