

Replacement Fish Meal by Protein Blends in Practical Diets for Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser Baerii Brandt) under Ideal Protein Concept

【作者】 盛洪建

【导师】 任泽林;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文分别利用2种理想蛋白模型对混合动物蛋白和混合植物蛋白部分或全部替代西伯利亚鲟饲料中的鱼粉对其生长性能、体成分以及氮磷代谢和肉质的影响进行了系统研究,并在相同理想蛋白模型下研究不同蛋白质水平对西伯利亚鲟生长性能的影响。共进行4个生长试验,分别摘要如下:试验一不同蛋白水平下,混合陆生动物蛋白替代西伯利亚鲟饲料中的研究。本试验研究了混合陆生动物蛋白(Blends of terrestrial animal protein, BAP:牛肉骨粉35%+鸡肉粉40%+水解羽毛粉5%+喷雾干燥血粉20%)部分和全部替代鱼粉对西伯利亚鲟生长性能、血液生理生化指标、体成分及氮、磷代谢的影响。设计2个蛋白水平(40%,36%)和3个鱼粉替代水平(0,75%,100%),共6组挤压熟化饲料,分别命名为FM40, BAP75-40, BAP40, FM36, BAP75-36和BAP36。每个处理4个重复,每桶放鱼20尾。所有试验饲料在理想蛋白模式下(Dlys/DP=6.5;Dmet/DP=2.4;Dthr/DP=4.2)配制,替代组分别添加了晶体氨基酸:赖氨酸(硫酸盐,含量65%)、DL-蛋氨酸(含量98%)和L-苏氨酸(含量98%)。每个饲料添加0.1%Y2O3作为指示剂,通过收粪法测定饲料氮和磷的消化率。结果表明:随着替代水平增加,饲料干物质、氮、磷消化率呈下降趋势;替代水平和蛋白水平对西伯利亚鲟特定生长率、氮、磷储积率影响不显著( P>0.05) ,但低蛋白组(36%)摄食率和饲料系数显著高于高蛋白组(40%);非粪氮排泄率无显著差异;非粪磷排泄率,随替代水平增加而降低。蛋白水平和替代水平对西伯利亚鲟全鱼、肝脏成分都无显著影响;替代水平对肌肉粗脂肪有显著影响。试验二不同蛋白水平下,混合植物蛋白替代西伯利亚鲟饲料中鱼粉的研究。本试验研究了西伯利亚鲟日粮中混合植物蛋白(BVP40:豆粕:61.5%,谷朊粉:38.5% ;BVP40:豆粕:62.1%,谷朊粉:37.9%)部分和全部替代鱼粉对西伯利亚鲟生长性能、血液生理生化指标、体成分及氮、磷代谢的影响。设计2个蛋白水平(40%,36%),共4组挤压熟化饲料,分别命名为FM40, BVP40 , FM36, BVP36。以蛋白含量分别为40%和36%的对照组日粮分别添加了48.3%和40%的鱼粉。每个处理4个重复,每桶放鱼20尾。所有实验饲料在理想蛋白模式下(Dlys/DP=6.5; Dmet/DP=2.4; Dthr/DP=4.2)配制,替代组分别添加了晶体氨基酸:赖氨酸(硫酸盐,含量65%)、DL-蛋氨酸(含量98%)和L-苏氨酸(含量98%)。每个饲料添加0.1%Y2O3作为指示剂,通过收粪法测定饲料氮和磷的消化率。结果表明:混合植物蛋白完全替代鱼粉和36%蛋白水平对西伯利亚鲟生长性能和蛋白储积率无显著影响,但混合植物蛋白摄食率和蛋白水平40%摄食率分别显著低于鱼粉对照组和36%蛋白水平(P﹤0.05)。混合植物蛋白完全替代鱼粉,能显著降低磷排放。混合植物蛋白全鱼灰分和磷以及肝脏脂肪含量显著高于鱼粉对照组。试验三西伯利亚鲟饲料中混合动、植物蛋白完全替代鱼粉的对比研究。从试验一和试验二选出FM40,BAP40和BVP40三个处理组,进一步研究了不同蛋白源对西伯利亚鲟西伯利亚鲟摄食、生长性能、氮磷排放以及肌肉品质的影响。试验周期为8周,每桶14尾鱼。结果表明:混合动植物蛋白完全替代鱼粉生长、摄食都受到了显著影响(P﹤0.05)。混合植物蛋白氮磷排放显著降低(P﹤0.05),磷储积率显著升高(P﹤0.05)。混合动、植物蛋白完全替代鱼粉对全鱼组成无显著影响(P>0.05)。混合植物蛋白组肌肉蛋白含量和肝脏脂肪含量都显著高于鱼粉组和混合动物蛋白组(P﹤0.05)。混合植物蛋白组肌肉氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸含量、呈味氨基酸、鲜味氨基酸、甘味氨基酸含量较其它2组高。混合动物蛋白处理组肌肉单不饱和脂肪酸含量较高(P﹤0.05),鱼粉组与混合植物蛋白组多不饱和脂肪酸较高(P﹤0.05)。试验四不同混合植物蛋白源完全替代西伯利亚鲟饲料中鱼粉的研究。本试验研究了西伯利亚鲟日粮中2种混合植物蛋白(1.豆粕:62.4%;谷朊粉:37.6 %2.豆粕:28.8%;菜粕:28.8%;谷朊粉:42.4%)全部替代鱼粉的影响。试验周期为8周。共有三组饲料,每组设4个重复,共计12个实验桶,20尾/桶。对照组日粮添加了28.5%的鱼粉,蛋白含量为36%。其他两组日粮分别添加了晶体氨基酸:赖氨酸(硫酸盐,含量65%)、DL-蛋氨酸(含量98%)和L-苏氨酸(含量98%)。3种日粮都是在理想蛋白模式下配制:Dlys/DP=5.40; Dmet/DP=2.32; Dthr/DP=3.30。3组日粮分别命名为FM,BVP1, BVP2。结果表明:混合植物蛋白完全替代鱼粉,西伯利亚鲟生长性能、氮储积率显著下降(P<0.05)。由于摄食量无显著差异,BVP1, BVP2摄食率显著高于FM(P>0.05)。对于混合植物蛋白而言,菜粕替代一半豆粕,生长性能和饲料利用率未受到任何影响(P>0.05)。混合植物蛋白组的肥满度、脏体比和肝指数低于FM,但只有肝指数有显著差异。混合植物蛋白组的肝脏粗脂肪含量显著高于FM。各组间鱼体成分及血液学生化指标无显著差异。

【Abstract】 In this study, the effect of partial or total substitution fishmeal with animal or vegetable protein blend was studied in juvenile Siberia sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt)on feedintake, growth performances, body composition,nitrogen and phosphorus discharge and flesh quality under 2 ideal protein concepts.Under the same concept,the effect of different protein level were also studied on growth performances.4 experiments was respectively summarized as follows:Experiment 1. Replacement Fish Meal by Rendered Animal Protein Blend in Practical Diets for Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt)under ideal protein concept. The effect of animal protein blend (APB, including meat & bone meal, MBM: 35%; poultry by-product meal, PBM: 40%; hydrolysed feather meal, HFM: 5%; spray dried blood meal, BM: 20%) as a partial or total replacement of fishmeal (FM) was studied in juvenile Siberia sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt) in an eight-week growth trial. Six extruded experimental diets were formulated. The experiment was conducted with 6 treatment groups. 4 replicates for one group,20 fish for one replicate. 48.3% and 40% of fishmeal(FM)were used in control diets with crude protein at 40% and 36%, respectively. 75% or 100% of FM will be replaced by MP in other 4 diets, in which lysine, methionine, and threonine will be balanced under ideal protein concept (Dlys/DP=6.5;Dmet/DP=2.4; Dthr/DP=4.2)by crystallized amino acid (Lys-H2SO4, 65 %;DL-Met. 98% and L-Thr. 98%), respectively. Accordingly the six diets were named as FM40, BAP75-40, BAP40, FM36, BAP75-36, BAP36, respectively. 0.1% of Yttrium oxide(Y2O3)as inner marker for digestibility determination was designed for nitrogen and phosphorus excretion. Fish body composition and serum somatotrpic axis hormone GH and IGF-I were determined.The results showed that with the increasing of the Substitution , ADC of dry matter ,crude protein and gross phosphorus decreased;substitution of 75% or 100% fishmeal with MP, either at dietary 40% CP or at dietary 36% CP, did not result in the decrease of SGR,nitrogen retention and phosphorus retention (P>0.05). But the feed intake in 36% CP was higher than that in 40% CP, and the feed efficiency in 36% CP was lower than that in 40% CP(P<0.05);there was no significant difference for Non-faecal N excretion/N intake,but it’s contrary for Non-faecal P excretion/ P intake,and decreased with the increasing of the Substitution.;there were no significant differences on fish body and liver composition for substitution or protein level, but it’s contrary on muscle crude lipid for substitution level.Experiment 2.Total Replacement Fish Meal by vegetable Protein Blend in Practical Diets for Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt) under ideal protein concept. The effect of rendered vegetable protein blend (including BVP40, soybean meal: 61.5% and wheat gluten meal:38.5% ; BVP36, soybean meal:62.1%; wheat gluten meal:37.9%) as a total replacement of fishmeal (FM) was studied in juvenile Siberia sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt) in an eight-week growth trial.Four extruded experimental diets were formulated. 48.3% and 40% of fishmeal (FM) were used in control diets with crude protein at 40% and 36%, respectively. FM will be totally replaced by BVP, in which lysine, methionine, and threonine will be balanced under ideal protein concept by crystallized amino acid (Lys-H2SO4, 65 %;DL-Met. 98% and L-Thr. 98%), respectively. Accordingly the 4 diets were named as FM40, BVP40, FM36, BVP36, respectively. 0.1% of Yttrium oxide (Y2O3) as inert marker for digestibility determination was designed for nitrogen and phosphorus excretion. Fish body composition and serum somatotrpic axis hormone GH and IGF-I were determined.The results showed total substitution of fishmeal with BVP, either at dietary 40% CP or at dietary 36% CP, did not result in the decrease of FCR, nitrogen retention (P>0.05);but the feedintake in 36% CP and FM group was higher than that in 40% CP and BVP group,respectively; total substitution of fishmeal with BVP can decrease phosphorus discharge; Ash and phosphorus of fish body and crude lipid of liver for BVP group were significantly higher than FM group.Experiment 3. Replacement Fish Meal by animal or vegetable Protein Blend in Practical Diets for Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt) under ideal protein concept in a long-term. The diets FM40,BAP40 and BVP40 in the experiment 1 and 2 were chosen for further determining feedintake, growth performances , nitrogen and phosphorus discharge and flesh quality of Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt ) in an eight-week trial.The experiment was conducted with 3 treatment groups . 4 replicates for one group,14 fish for one replicate. The results showed that total substitution of fishmeal with BVP and BAP resulted in decreace of SGR and feedintake(P<0.05). Nitrogen and phosphorus discharge of BVP was lower than FM and BAP(P<0.05),and phosphorus retention of BVP was higher than FM and BAP(P<0.05). There were no significant differences on whole body composition among the 3 groups. The liver lipid of BVP fish was higher than FM and BAP(P﹤0.05); Total amino acids,essential amino acids,flavor creating amino acids, tasty amino acids and sweetish amino acids content of BVP fish flesh were all higher than the other 2 groups. It was higher on flesh MUFA and lower on flesh PUFA of BAP than FM and BVP(P﹤0.05).Experiment 4. Total Replacement Fish Meal by 2 vegetable Protein Blend in Practical Diets for Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt) under ideal protein concept. The effect of 2 vegetable protein blends (including BVP1, soybean meal:62.4% and wheat gluten meal:37.6% and RSM , soybean meal:28.8% ;rapeseed meal :28.8% and wheat gluten meal:42.4)as a total replacement of fishmeal (FM) was studied in juvenile Siberia sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt) in an eight-week growth trial was studied. The experiment was conducted with 3 treatment groups,4 replicates for one group,20 fish for one replicate. 28.5% of fishmeal (FM) were used in control diets with crude protein at 36%. In other two diets,Lysine, methionine, and threonine was balanced by crystallized amino acid(Lys-H2SO4, 65 % ; DL-Met. 98% and L-Thr. 98%).All the diets are formulated under ideal protein concept(Dlys/DP=5.40; Dmet/DP=2.32; Dthr/DP=3.30).Accordingly the 3 diets were named as FM, BVP1, BVP2,respectively.The results showed that total replacement fishmeal by 2 vegetable proteins did not affect feedintake ,but SGR and feed efficiency decreased significantly(P﹤0.05).For 2 vegetable proteins, there were no differences on growth performance or feed efficiency. CF , VSI and HSI of BVP1 and RSM were lower than FM , significantly for HSI (P﹤0.05) but not significantly for CF and VSI.On the lipid content of the liver, 2 vegetable proteins were higher than FM significantly.,but there were no significant differences on fish body composition or blood indexes of various groups.
