

Research on Quality Safety of Honey Traceability System

【作者】 郭溪川

【导师】 诸叶平;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 蜂业是我国最传统和独特的产业之一,它的形成据史书记载已有三千多年的历史。今天,它的存在与发展不仅为我国农村产业的发展和农民的脱贫致富开辟了道路,而且对改善农业生态环境,调整产业结构,提高农作物产量,促进农村经济发展,增加出口创汇,做出了重要的贡献。特别是蜂产品作为纯天然、绿色的保健品为提高广大消费者的健康水平也做出了重要的贡献。我国的蜂产品产量居世界首位并且我国蜂产业具有明显的外向型,其中70%的蜂产品用于出口,即便如此依然不能掌握其贸易大权,低价销售和质量标准的抬高使我国蜂产品出口每况愈下。2002年初,欧盟以我国蜂蜜所含氯霉素等抗生素超标为由,中止进口中国的蜂蜜,日本、加拿大、美国等国家也加强了对中国蜂蜜的检验,使我国蜂产品出口大为受挫。为提高我国蜂产品生产质量,并对政府和管理部门提供蜂产品生产流通信息和质量监控的有力工具,本文从蜂产品供应链的角度,运用现有针对农产品生产的质量安全追溯体系的研究成果,开展基于网络技术、通讯技术、数据库技术和国际通用编码技术等先进信息技术构建蜂蜜质量安全追溯系统研究与开发。本论文的研究工作主要包含以下几方面:一、针对世界主要蜂产品的出口市场和主要出口国的蜂业生产情况,分析了我国蜂业生产的现状和存在的问题,参与设计了蜂蜜质量安全追溯系统,描述了系统设计、实现思路及系统基本功能。二、根据目前的农产品生产的质量安全追溯体系研究成果,对蜂产品行业的供应链进行了分解,设计了蜂产品追溯链上四个关键的质量控制点和关键控制要素,并且根据不同质量控制点上蜂蜜的特点,在每个生产环节都建立了蜂蜜质量跟踪编码方案。三、初步设计和实现了蜂蜜质量安全追溯系统。利用ASP.NET技术,选用VisualStudio2005+SQL Server 2005为基础开发平台,开发了蜂蜜质量安全追溯系统。本研究根据现有的通讯网络平台和技术手段,在充分研究蜂蜜在生产、流通、质量跟踪和控制等方面的关键技术的基础上,搭建蜂蜜生产、贸易、流通、质量跟踪和控制网络应用系统平台和应用框架,实现蜂蜜产流通和质量跟踪层面的资源共享与协同决策。通过研究蜂蜜的标准、规范和编码规则,实现蜂蜜的标准化生产。本系统通过已建立的蜂蜜的产地环境、质量监测、产品检测和产品流通数据库,实现蜂蜜的双向质量追溯。系统最终提供友好的用户界面并以基于Web的形式呈现。

【Abstract】 Apiculture, as one of the most traditional and unique industry in China, enjoys a history of 3000 years. Today, its existence and development provide a new way for the development of agricultural industries as well as poverty alleviation and wealth creation in rural areas. It also contributes to the improvement of agricultural ecosystem, adjustment of industrial structure, crop yield increase, economic development in rural areas and capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports. As natural green health products, bee products can improve consumers’ health.China’s apiculture, whose output is the highest in the world, is export-oriented-70% of its output is for exporting. Nevertheless, China still cannot occupy the dominant position in bee product trading; underselling and the raise of quality standard deteriorate China’s trading position. In early 2002, under the excuse of excessive content of chloramphenicol and other antibiotics, EU suspended the imports of Chinese honey. Meanwhile Japan, Canada, the U.S and other countries also stepped up their inspection of Chinese honey, compromising China’s export volume of honey.To increase the quality of Chinese honey, this paper provides effective tools for the government and related authorities to monitor bee product’s manufacture and distribution and to supervise the quality. From the perspective of the supply chain of bee products, the paper discuss and develop a quality security traceability system based on advanced network, communication, database and international communication coding technologies and conducts related researches based on existing achievements of primary products quality security traceability system.The paper mainly focuses on the following aspects:1. Based on the status quo of major export market of bee products and exporting countries around the globe, the paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of China’s apiculture, participate in design a bee product security traceability system and elaborates on the system’s design, realization and basic functions.2. Based on current researches on agricultural products quality security traceability system, the paper analyzes the supply chain of bee products and designs four key quality control points and other key control elements in the traceability chain. According to the features of bee products in different quality control point, we design to establish a quality tracing coding scheme in every link of production.3. We design and realize a quality security traceability system of bee products based on ASRNET technology and Visual Studio2005+SQL Server 2005 platform.This research, utilizing existing communication network platform and technologies, establishes a network application system and framework to trace the production, trading, circulation and quality of bee products. We also realize standardized production of bee products by studying their standards and coding rules. By establishing a database of bee products’ producing areas, quality supervision, testing and circulation, the system achieves two-way quality traceability in a user-friendly Web interface.

【关键词】 蜂蜜质量安全追溯系统ASP.NET
【Key words】 HoneyQuality SafetyTracing SystemASP.NET