

Study on the Seismic Performance of Frame Structures Reinforced with Steel Bars in Different Strength Grades

【作者】 赵亮

【导师】 白绍良;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 结构工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 HRB500级钢筋是一种新型高强高延性的热轧带肋钢筋。在国外500MPa级钢筋已得到广泛的应用。正在修订的《混凝土结构设计规范》拟列入这种钢筋,以便推广应用高强钢筋,从而节约能源、提高环境质量,实现建筑行业的可持续发展。但是,以500MPa级钢筋作为主要受力钢筋的构件的承载力、裂缝、刚度等性能的研究还相对缺乏。因此对高强度钢筋的推广应用尚缺乏足够的试验依据和分析研究成果。受混凝土结构设计规范修订管理组的委托,本文利用非线性动力反应分析对配置HRB500级钢筋的混凝土框架结构的抗震性能进行初步的分析并与配置HRB335、HRB400钢筋的相应框架的抗震性能进行了对比分析。本文按照《混凝土结构设计规范》最新修订初稿(第一稿)的意见设计了八度0.3g区的三个民用建筑钢筋混凝土典型框架,分别采用了三种不同强度的钢筋作为纵筋(HRB335、HRB400、HRB500)。然后对这三榀框架分别采用本研究团队已经编制完成并经验证确认可靠的拟三维非线性动力反应分析程序FW-EPA和美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校(State University of New York at Buffalo)和地震工程研究中心(National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research,NCEER)联合研究开发的非线性结构分析程序IDARC5.5进行罕遇水准地震作用下的非线性动力反应分析和比较。得到如下结论:①本文设计的三榀八度0.3g区一级框架的截面尺寸均由最大层间位移角控制。其中以HRB500钢筋作为纵筋的框架梁配筋基本由正常使用状态下的裂缝宽度来控制;而框架柱配筋受最小配筋率影响很大,特别是中间层的纵向钢筋配筋率基本由全截面最小配筋率控制。②三榀八度0.3g区一级框架采用FW-EPA程序在罕遇地震作用下的分析所得地震反应均不大,其中配用HRB500钢筋的框架在输入五条地震波的非线性动力反应分析中其柱端都没有出现塑性铰,结构总体反应表现良好,形成了以梁端塑性铰为主的耗能机构。而在采用IDARC5.5程序进行分析时,三榀框架的梁铰和柱铰出现的都较普遍,特别是顶层的柱铰有形成层间侧移机构的趋势。但其层间位移角、顶点最大位移、层间位移等反应相对较小。总体来说在罕遇水准地震作用下结构地震反应基本能达到预期的抗震设防目标。③通过两种非线性程序的分析结果可以发现,虽然不同分析程序在五条地震波的输入下的分析结果有一定的差距,但总体的趋势十分相似。其层间位移角、顶点最大位移、层间位移等反应都随着配筋强度的提高而提高。这正好体现了配置高强度钢筋的构件在屈服后刚度下降较快的特点。

【Abstract】 HRB500 is a new type steel bar with high strength and high ductility. This kind of steel bars has been used prevalently in foreign countries. The application of this kind of steel bars is to be incorporated into the code for the Design of concreta structures which is being revised at present. In order to promote the use of high-strength steel to save energy, improve environmental quality and to achieve sustainable development in the construction industry. However there is not enough experiment about the properties of reinforced concrete members reinforced with HRB500 steel bars, such as ultimate bearing capacity, cracks, rigidity etc. Entrusted by the revision administration group of the Code for Design of Concrete Structure Management Construction, we have been conducted the research concrete structural member stress performance.Committee of Ministry of to the HRB500 reinforced.In this paper, three representative reinforced concrete public frames were designed according to new revised draft norms, adopted three different strength of reinforcement. And then use the research team has been completed and certified to be a reliable confirmation of two-dimensional nonlinear dynamic response analysis procedure FW-EPA and State University of New York Buffalo State University of New York at Buffalo and the Earthquake Engineering Research Center, National Center forEarthquake Engineering Research NCEER joint research and development program of the non-linear structure IDARC5.5 analysis and comparison of nonlinear dynamic response in rare Earthquake.Theconclusions are as following:①In this paper, the Section size of the three framework at 8 degrees0.3g section By the largest story drift angle control. The frame beam with HRB500 reinforced under normal use by the crack width control.The Frame columns reinforced by a great influence on the minimum reinforcement ratio, In particular, the middle layer of vertical steel reinforcement ratio were basic control by the minimum reinforcement ratio.②FW-EPA to adopt procedures for nonlinear analysis of intensity in the rare event of an earthquake under the seismic response analysis is not large. In particular with the framework reinforced by HRB500,With five seismic waves input the nonlinear dynamic response analysis there were no plastic hinge in the end column,Good performance of the overall response structure. Formed a beam end plastic hinge energy agency. End beam plastic hinge appears relatively common. In the analysis using IDARC5.5 procedures, We have found: The beam hinged and column hinge of three frame structure were appears generally. In particular, the top hinge of the column are formed story displacement agencies. But the story drift angle, the maximum vertex displacement, story drift, such as response to relatively small.The test results show that the frame may form the beam hinged collapse mechanism under lateral cyclic loads, and its deformation capacity, bearing capacity, ductility and energy dissipation may meet the requirement for seismic design of ductile frames.③By analyzing of two non-linear programs, We have found: Although the analysis result of input five seismic waves have a greater gap, But the overall trend is very similar to. story drift angle top maximum displacement and story drift With the reinforcement strength Increase to improve. This reflects when the members configuration of high strength steel after yield the members while stiffness degradation

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期