

A Content Validity Study of TEM Reading Comprehension (1997-2008)

【作者】 王秋艳

【导师】 辜向东;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 英语专业四、八级考试(TEM)是一项由国家教育委员会主办、已执行将近二十年的尺度参照性标准化考试。2005年,该考试在考试形式和考试内容上进行了改革,其中阅读部分不再区分仔细阅读和快速阅读,TEM4和TME8阅读测试时间分别由30分钟和40分钟减少到25分钟和30分钟。邹申(1997)对1993-1996年TEM阅读理解部分的内容效度进行了研究,之后对该部分历时的内容效度研究比较缺乏。本文从以下三个方面探讨1997-2008年TEM阅读理解部分的内容效度:TEM阅读理解与相应教学大纲和考试大纲的吻合程度、改革前后TEM阅读理解的考查内容对比、TEM4和TEM8阅读理解之间的考查内容对比。基于Bachman & Palmer的任务特点框架,并结合英语专业教学大纲和TEM考试大纲中对阅读理解部分的要求,以及TEM阅读理解部分本身的实际特点,本文提出一个更具操作性的阅读测试内容效度评估框架。该框架涉及场景、测试说明、文本输入、预期回答、文本输入与预期回答之间的关系五个方面。本文依照这一框架对1997-2008年改革前后TEM阅读理解部分的97篇仔细阅读篇章、110篇快速阅读篇章和相应的560个问题进行了分析。研究结果表明,1997-2008年TEM阅读理解部分的内容效度较高,抽样具有代表性,测试到了英语专业教学大纲和TEM考试大纲规定的内容。具体表现为:1) TEM阅读理解的大部分特点与相应教学大纲和考试大纲比较符合,比如,体裁多样;题材广泛;长度和阅读速度与相应教学大纲、考试大纲比较符合;难度适宜;所考阅读技能覆盖面广。2)改革前后TEM阅读理解部分的变化体现了相应教学大纲和考试大纲的变化,改革后更加注重考生综合运用能力的考查,比如,阅读技能的覆盖面更加广泛。3) TEM8阅读理解部分在考查内容方面难度明显高于TEM4,体现了相应教学大纲和考试大纲对不同级别测试的难度要求,具体体现在文章长度、阅读速度、易读度等方面。但是,分析中也发现一些问题,如TEM4和TEM8阅读理解篇章的话题都过于集中,大部分为社会与文化;改革后的TEM8阅读理解长度远低于考试大纲的要求。最后,本文根据研究结果为以后TEM阅读理解试题的命制、英语专业教学和学习提供一些参考性建议。

【Abstract】 TEM is criterion-referenced proficiency test and has been in operation nation-wide for nearly twenty years. In 2005, TEM4 and TEM8 have undergone some changes in test format and content. Zou Shen (1997) has conducted a validation study on TEM from 1993 to 1996. Since then, few longitudinal content validity study of reading comprehension in TEM is conducted. Therefore, this thesis will assess the content validity of reading comprehension in TEM from 1997 to 2008 with reference to the following three questions: 1) to what extent do the reading comprehension parts of TEM4 and TEM8 meet the requirements in the teaching and testing syllabuses? 2) what are the differences in TEM reading comprehension before and after the innovation? 3) what are the differences between reading comprehension parts of TEM4 and TEM8?Based on Bachman & Palmer’s framework of task characteristics, the author puts forward a revised framework for validating reading comprehension with the help of the teaching and testing syllabuses and combining with the characteristics of TEM reading comprehension part. The revised framework includes the setting, the test rubrics, the input, the expected response, and the relationship between input and expected response. In terms of the five characteristics in the revised framework, the thesis has examined 24 TEM papers, including 97 careful reading passages, 110 fast reading passages and 560 question items.Results show that TEM reading comprehension has a high content validity. It can be manifested in the following three aspects: 1) most characteristics of reading passages in TEM meet the requirements in the relevant teaching and testing syllabuses, such as the adoption of different types of genre, the wide coverage of topics, the appropriate difficulty, etc. 2) the changes of TEM reading comprehension parts after the innovation manifest the changes of the requirements in the teaching and testing syllabuses. 3) reading comprehension parts of TEM8 are more difficult than those in TEM4, which reflects the different requirements of the teaching and testing syllabuses to different bands.At last, some implications for both test designers and English major teachers and learners are put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期