

The Modeling under Variable Load Double Loop DC Motor Control System of Autonomous Soccer Robots

【作者】 吴云君

【导师】 李祖枢;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 全自主足球机器人是当前人工智能和机器人领域的研究热点之一。全自主机器人足球比赛的特点是每个机器人完全自治,即每个机器人必须自带各种传感器、控制器、驱动器、电源等设备[1]。它集高新技术、娱乐和比赛为一体,是人工智能、机器人学、计算机视觉等领域,新理论、新方法的良好实验平台。在全自主足球机器人系统中,底层驱动控制系统的好坏直接影响到机器人的运动性能和比赛结果,因此建立底层驱动系统模型是十分必要的。目前绝大部分控制系统的设计是在离线的情况下进行的,因此建立与实际系统比较贴近的模型,代替实际被控对象进行控制器设计,是控制系统设计首先需要解决的关键问题之一。运用特征分析和“类等效”的建模方法,从被控对象的主要特征量出发,建立结构合理,参数精确的模型,这种方法极大的减小了仿真模型和实际系统的差异,大大缩短仿真到实时控制之间的进程。在全自主足球机器人比赛过程中,由于底层驱动系统的外部负载经常会发生变化,为使离线设计的控制器能够更好的贴近真实系统,需要建立变负载下底层驱动系统模型。基于以上背景,本课题从全自主足球机器人的实际应用中出发,引出双闭环调速系统作为研究对象。双闭环调速系统是构成直流电机驱动系统的典型方案,往往作为执行机构的重要组成部分,建立变负载下双闭环调速系统的模型具有广泛的实际意义。本文在运用特征分析和“类等效”的建模方法,建立的恒定负载模型基础上,深入分析该模型在变负载情况下其模型参数变化情况,通过电机系统驱动电流和电机转动状态建立负载与模型参数之间的函数关系,利用改进的遗传算法和曲线拟合的工程方法对模型参数进行辨识,从而得到变负载情况下直流电机双闭环调速系统模型。最后,我们在General Bar全自动足球机器人上,建立以MAXON电机、双闭环驱动器为主要硬件的实验平台。对General Bar全自主足球机器人的变负载下双闭环调速系统进行建模。通过实际系统实验证实了模型的有效性,可以很好的代替实际系统。

【Abstract】 Soccer Robot is one of hot issue in technology research nowadays. It contains the high technology and the entertainment. Also, it is a right experiment platform for the new theories and methods in the area of artificial intelligence, robotic and the computer vision.Autonomous Soccer Robot is one of the hot fields in technology research nowadays. The feature of Autonomous Robot Soccer competition is autonomous completely, that is, each robot must take varieties of sensors, controllers, drives, power supplies and other equipments with itself. It contains the high technology and the entertainment. Also, it is a right experiment platform for the new theories and methods in the area of artificial intelligence, robotic and the computer vision.Whether the bottom drive control is good or not has a great influence on the performance of the motion & the results of the competition. Thus the bottom drive control modeling is very essential. Nowadays most of the control system is designed off-line. Therefore making the model close to the actual system, instead of the actual controlled object, is one of the most important problems of the control system design.The characteristic analysis and the modeling method of the "Quasi-Equivalent", utilizing the main characters of the controlled device, can get a reasonable structural and parameters precise model. The method can reduce the difference of the model and the real object; shorten the transition form the simulation to the real-time control. In the competition of the Autonomous Soccer Robot, the external load of the bottom drive system is always changing. In order to make the off-line-design controller closer to the actual system, it needs modeling the bottom drive system with time-variety load.Based on the above background, double loop DC motor control system (DLM) is posed from the application of the autonomous soccer robot. The DLM is the typical approach to compose the DC motor drive system. It is very important part of the actuators. The modeling of the DLM with time-variety load has very broad meaning.In this paper, basing the model of the double loop DC motor control system that using the characteristic analysis, the modeling method of the "Quasi-Equivalent" which is fit for Constant load, analyzing the changes of parameters in the model when it’s under changing load conditions. Through the states of drive motor current and motors turning, it builds the functional relations between the model’s parameters, doing the parameter identification with improved genetic algorithm and using the method of curve fitting, finally, we get the model of double loop DC motor speed control system under change load conditions.Finally, on the General Autonomous Soccer Robot we establish the MAXON motor and dual closed-loop drive as the main hardware platform. We model the dual closed-loop and variable speed control system with the time-variety load on the General Bar Autonomous Soccer Robot. Through the experiments of practical system we confirm the validity of the model, it can be a good substitute for the actual system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期