

The Study on a New Marketing Channel Pattern of Furniture Industry

【作者】 吴静

【导师】 李丹;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速发展和人民对生活品质的要求不断提高,家具产品已经成为人们生活当中越来越重要的消费品之一。家具产品的旺盛需求也相应的带动了家具产业的蓬勃发展。家具行业经过二十年的发展历程,从手工作坊到机器制造时代,家具产品无论从设计还是工艺上都日趋丰富化,家具产品的竞争也已经从价格战、品质战转到品牌战和销售渠道,面对家具产业链上游家具企业和下游消费者需求的急速膨胀,传统的家具营销渠道模式已经成为家具行业发展的薄弱环节,家具产业要想在市场中更加健康的发展,就必须对传统的营销体系进行整合,创新出新的营销渠道模式以适应目前市场的发展要求。本文首先通过分析家具营销渠道体系构成(包括渠道基本成员、渠道组织模式)的现状,揭示了目前家具行业营销渠道模式中的一些弊端。其次,针对这些存在的问题,建立渠道模式的目标和原则,借鉴其他行业的渠道模式,从掌握家具消费者需要的渠道服务入手,对家具行业新的渠道模式进行了设计。最后,通过对家具渠道结构、渠道关系、渠道流程、营销渠道终端、渠道与市场营销组合其他要素的整合以及渠道与顾客的整合六方面,对家具的新渠道模式提出了具体实施建议。本文以全新的视角系统地探索家具营销渠道模式、通过家具营销渠道的整合以实现渠道中交易成本最小化、资源的利用最优化,从而提高渠道的市场价值,为家具行业流通环节的薄弱问题提供新的解决思路,促进家具行业的更加快速的发展。

【Abstract】 Along with the double-quick development of Chinese economic, people demand more high-living patterns. Furniture deviate the original functions of living requirements into a satisfaction which offered by artworks or limousines. The demand of furniture blooms the furniture industry. After 20 years’course of development from handcraft workshops to manufactures furniture enriches its design and techniques; the competition in furniture industry shifted into distribution channels and brands from prize and quality. The traditional marketing patterns turn to be the weak point which restricts the development under the pressure caused by the inflation in supply and demand. Reconstruction of the marketing system will be the essential factor to the health development of furniture industry.Firstly, the thesis posts some abuses in distribution channels of furniture industry by analyzing the components of the distribution channels including key members and organizing patterns. Then form a new distribution channel model focusing on the existing problems with grasp of the consumers’demands and the channel’s aim and principles. Finally it carries out material guidance of implement in six aspects, channel’s framework, channel’s relationship, channel’s flow, channel’s terminal, conformity of channel’s and other marketing factors, conformity of channel’s and consume.The thesis explores the marketing channel patterns from a new angle of view and conforms the factors in marketing channel to minimize the exchange cost and optimize the usage of resources. It provides new resolves to deal with the weak points in the industry to raise the channel’s value and to expedite the developing speed.

  • 【分类号】F426.88
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1612