

Study on Typical Pavement Structure of Low-volume Traffic Road in Hubei Province

【作者】 路庆昌

【导师】 资建民;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国高等级公路网的日益完善,今后我国公路工作的重点将是以低交通量道路为主的基础路网的建设。由于我国幅员辽阔,地理、地形、气候、土壤地质条件和材料来源差异较大且低交通量道路的路面结构形式灵活多样,现行道路设计规范难以穷尽解决各个地方在道路设计和修筑过程中遇到的各种特殊问题;另一方面,随着我国社会主义新农村的建设,大量的地方农村公路正在修建,但是不少低交通量道路通车后不久便出现不同程度的病害,降低了使用寿命,增加了养护维修费用。本文旨在针对湖北省各地区不同的气候、地理、地形条件和材料来源,开展低交通量道路典型路面结构的研究,使路面结构安全可靠、经济合理,减少路面早期破坏,节约工程造价,降低养护维修费用。基于此,本文进行了如下几个方面的研究:首先,通过对全省各地区自然气候、地理地形的调查分析,划分了农村公路自然区;基于低交通量道路建设使用现状的调查,总结了各自然区经常采用的路面结构、筑路材料及设计施工经验,初步拟定了低交通量道路的典型路面结构。对我省低交通量道路的交通量进行分析研究,得出了各个地区的交通流特性,并提出了我省农村公路“低交通量”的量化标准,划分了交通等级。其次,统计分析了全省不同地区农村公路的主要道路病害,总结了全省低交通量道路的损坏类型,分析了各种道路病害的产生原因及防治措施,进而分析了我省低交通量道路建设中存在的诸多问题,并得出了一系列有益的结论。然后,进行了典型路面结构的数值仿真分析。建立了低交通量条件下路面结构的受力模型,综合对比不同材料、不同结构形式及结构层厚度等条件下路面结构受力性能的优劣,确定了低交通量典型路面的结构形式、结构参数及材料类型。最后,提出了我省低交通量道路典型路面结构的具体形式。通过低交通量道路典型路面结构试验路的铺筑及跟踪观测,表明该研究取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益,分析验证了本文的研究成果。

【Abstract】 With the increasing improvement of highway network in our country, construction of basal road network mainly consists of low-volume traffic road should be emphasized on in future. Since China has a vast territory, and there are great differences to various regions among geography, topography, climate, soil and geological conditions and sources of material, and there are also diverse pavement structure forms for low-volume traffic road, various special problems encountered in road design and construction in all parts of the country could not be solved by existing road design specifications; On the other hand, with the construction of China’s new socialist countryside, a large number of rural roads are being built, but lots of pavement disease appeared to low-volume traffic road shortly after its opening to traffic, which reduced the service life and increased maintenance costs. Aiming to different climate, geography, terrain conditions and material sources in different areas of Hubei Province, study on typical structure of low-volume traffic road was deployed, which would make the road structure safe and reliable and economically rational, and reduce early road damage, and save project cost, and reduce maintenance costs. Based on the entire above, main aspects of this thesis were studied as follows:First of all, through investigation and analysis of natural climate and geographical terrain of all regions in the province, natural areas of rural highway were set off. Based on the investigation on road construction and using status of low-volume traffic road, prevalent pavement structure and road building materials and design and construction experiences in various natural areas were summarized, and typical pavement structures of low-volume traffic road were studied out initially. Traffic study of low-volume traffic road in Hubei Province was analyzed, and characteristics of traffic flow were studied. A quantitative criterion for“low-volume traffic”of rural highway in the province was given and traffic levels were also presented.Secondly, main disease of rural road in different areas of the province was analyzed statistically, and damage types of low-volume traffic road in the province were summed up, and causes and prevention measures for each road disease were also discussed. Causes of low-volume traffic road disease in the province were probed into and a series of useful conclusions were reached. Thirdly, numerical simulations of typical pavement structure were analyzed. Forcing models of pavement structure were established under low-volume traffic condition, and forcing performance of different pavement structure were comprehensively compared under the condition of different materials, different structure forms and layer thickness, and structure forms and parameters and material types for pavement were established subsequently.Finally, concrete forms of typical pavement structure for low-volume traffic road were put forward. Paving and tracking observation of low-volume traffic testing roads validated the paper’s research and showed that better economic and social benefits were achieved.
