

Research on the Layout Optimization of Urban Commercial Space under the Background of Motorization

【作者】 许莉

【导师】 黄亚平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国快速城市化、机动化的发展阶段,城市无论是人口规模还是用地规模都在不断地增长,各地都在建设城市新区或新城以适应城市规模的不断扩大和城市空间结构的优化。商业空间始终是城市整体空间发展演化的一个重要元素。新时期,我国城市机动化水平不断提高,改变了城市的交通体系,影响城市商业空间布局。在机动化背景下,城市商业空间布局优化成为市场经济条件下城市土地和空间资源的有效利用与城市可持续发展的重要研究内容。城市交通方式的发展促使商业空间结构出现变化,反过来,城市商业空间的发展也可以带动城市交通的空间变化。在我国大规模快速捷运公共交通体系尚未建立起来,小汽车又大量涌进城市,人们出行方式的快速改变,交通极其拥挤的情况下,对城市商业布局进行优化研究显得极为重要。本文基于小汽车快速发展的交通模式与商业空间互动影响的理念展开研究,分析商业空间布局的影响因素,建立一种合理的商业空间布局模式,既能解决当今的交通困境,也能为今后城市发展预留一定的空间。否则,当这种混乱的交通形式与城镇发展耦合成一体后,再想改变将要付出巨大的代价。本文首先采用历史分析法分析了西方发达国家在快速机动化过程中,城市商业空间在其布局结构和用地组织模式方面的变化,得出西方发达国家应城市商业空间布局的启示;然后利用归纳整理的方法分析了机动化的发展对我国城市商业业态、商业区位选址、商业空间组织结构、商业聚集地域用地组织模式等方面的影响。最后利用归纳、理论研究和定性分析的方法提出在机动化发展背景下我国城市商业空间布局的理想模式,引导综合化、专业化商业地域的形成,建构合理的商业聚集地域用地组织形态,并结合武汉市以及国外一些案例进行实证研究。

【Abstract】 At the fast urbanization, motorization developing stage that takes of our country, both urban population size and the scale of land area of the city is all increasing constantly. Many cities are all building the newly developed area to adapt to the size of cities continue to expand and optimization of the urban space structure. The commercial space is an important element evolved in whole space development of the city all the time. In the new era, our country motorization competence was improved constantly which changed the city’s transportation system and impacted of urban commercial space layout. Under the background of motorization,the layout optimization of urban commercial space become the important research contents of urban land and space resource effective use and sustainable development of the city under market economy condition .The development of urban transport mode change commercial space structural, in turn, urban commercial space can also drive the space change of the city traffic. China’s mass rapid transit public transport system has not been established, cars pour into the city, the way people travel rapid change, under the situation with extremely crowded traffic, optimizing the layout of urban commercial research is extremely important. The text interacts with the concept of influence between transport modes based on the rapid development of cars and commercial space to launch studying .It analyses the influence factor of commercial space layout, sets up a reasonable commercial space layout mode, which can resolve the plight of the traffic, but also reserve certain space for the city development in the future. Otherwise, when as such confused traffic form and cities and towns coupling become an organic whole, if we would like to change, that will have to pay heavy price.Based on using historical analysis to research the course of rapid mobility of the Western developed countries , the paper reviews the changes of commercial space in view of its overall arrangement structure and organizing the mode in the area of space of the city, draws the enlightenment that Western developed countries should come to urban commercial space layout at first. Secondly it analyses the influence with the motorization development forcing China’s city commercial format,commercial areas of the site, commercial space organizational structure, the space Organization mode of Commercial gathered plot. Finally, with the way of summarizing, the theoretical study and qualitative analysis,it puts forward in the ideal mode of commercial space layout under the background of motorization , guides comprehensive and specialized area of business formation, constructs the rational commercial land used for organization’s form of gathering region, combined with Wuhan City, as well as some foreign case of empirical research.

  • 【分类号】TU984.13
  • 【被引频次】5
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